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Recent Publications

• The LTAR Grazing Land Common Experiment at Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed

• Rangeland Brush Estimation Tool (RaBET): An Operational Remote Sensing-Based Application for Quantifying Woody Cover on Western Rangelands

• Advances in soil erosion research: processes, measurement, and modeling – A Special Issue in Honor of Dr. Mark Nearing.

• Quantitative Representativeness and Constituency of the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network and Analysis of Complementarity with Existing Ecological Networks.

• Gridded 20-year climate parameterization of Africa and South America for a stochastic weather generator (CLIGEN)

• Curating 62 Years of Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed Data: Improving the Quality of Long-Term Rainfall and Runoff Datasets

• Assessing runoff and erosion on woodland-encroached sagebrush steppe using the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model

• Streamflow Response to Wildfire Differs With Season and Elevation in Adjacent Headwaters of the Lower Colorado River Basin

• Five Decades of Observed Daily Precipitation Reveal Longer and More Variable Drought Events Across Much of the Western United States

• The USDA‐ARS Experimental Watershed Network: Evolution, Lessons Learned, Societal Benefits, and Moving Forward

• Climate benchmarks and input parameters representing locations in 68 countries for a stochastic weather generator, CLIGEN

• Montane forest productivity across a semiarid climatic gradient

• The Ecology, History, Ecohydrology, and Management of Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands in the Great Basin and Northern Colorado Plateau of the Western United States

• Comparative analysis of water budgets across the U.S. Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network

• Ecosystem carbon and water cycling from a sky island montane forest. 

• Improving snow water equivalent maps with machine learning of snow survey and LiDAR measurements.

• Multiparameter regression modeling for improving quality of measured rainfall and runoff data in densely instrumented watersheds. 

• Hydrologic model parameterization using dynamic Landsat-based vegetative estimates within a semiarid grassland.

• A daily spatially explicit stochastic rainfall generator for a semi-arid climate.

• Evaluating the reliability of the U.S. Cooperative Observer Program precipitation observations for extreme events analysis using the LTAR network.

• Critical zone water balance over thirteen years in a semiarid savanna. 

• Long-term evidence for fire as an ecohydrologic threshold reversal mechanism on woodland-encroached sagebrush shrublands.

• Vegetation, Hydrologic, and Erosion Responses of Sagebrush Steppe 9 Yr Following Mechanical Tree Removal.

• Estimating forage utilization with drone-based photogrammetric point clouds.

The Southwest Watershed Research Center is located in Tucson, AZ and is part of the Pacific West Area.
Phone: (520) 647-9202
Fax: 520-670-6493
Tucson, AZ 85719