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Josh Bendorf
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Josh Bendorf
ORISE Fellow, Midwest Climate Hub



I am an ORISE Research Fellow with the USDA’s Midwest Climate Hub. I received a BS in Atmospheric Science from UW-Madison (2018) and a MS in Agricultural Meteorology from Iowa State (2021). Prior to working at the Midwest Climate Hub, I was a conservation specialist with Pheasants Forever/NRCS in southeastern Wisconsin, working with farmers to help them adopt conservation practices on their land. My position is remote, and I reside in the hills of southwest Wisconsin where my family grows grains, forage, and maintains woodlands as wildlife habitat. In my free time, I enjoy spending as much time as I can outdoors. I am an avid runner, cyclist, hiker, kayaker, and fisherman. When I am not outside, I will be in our family’s woodshop working on a project.