Ken Wacha |
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I am a Research Hydrologist in the Agroecosystems Management Research Unit at the NLAE in Ames, Iowa. My research focuses on quantifying, and managing interactions between climate, soils, and land-use and their impact on hydrology and water quality at field, landscape, and watershed scales, and am active in the ARS Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) and the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) networks. I was born/raised on a farm in Northeast Iowa, and received my B.S. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and M.S.C in Geoinformatics from the University of Iowa. My doctoral research focused on landscape connectivity, rainfall and tillage induced erosion, and the redistribution of soil, carbon and water across agricultural landscapes. In free time I enjoy golfing and hiking with my wife, Michelle, and can generally be found in a gym, or on a baseball/softball/football field coaching or watching one of our kids, Nicholas, Jackson, Olivia and Leonidas.