Research Hydrologist
Contact Information
Phone: +1 270-781-2260 ext. 244
Areas of Expertise
Numerical modeling
Soil sorption processes
Contaminant transport
Nutrient management
BS: Environmental Studies, 1995, University of Buffalo
PhD: Environmental Science, 2000, University of Virginia
Postdoc: School of Forestry, 2000-2001, Yale University
Dr. Carl H. Bolster is a Research Hydrologist and Lead Scientist (ARS Research Project # 5040-12630-006 “Developing Agronomically and Environmentally Beneficial Management Practices to increase the Sustainability and Safety of Animal Manure Utilization”) with the USDA-ARS Food Animal Environmental Systems Research Unit in Bowling Green, KY USA. He also recently served as Chapter Lead for the Agriculture, Food Systems, and Rural Communities chapter of the Fifth National Climate Assessment (Agriculture, Food Systems, and Rural Communities ( Dr. Bolster is actively involved with the Fertilizer 4 Life Initiative (Fertilize 4 Life - Global Food Systems Institute - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences - UF/IFAS (, the USDA Legacy Phosphorus Project USDA Legacy Phosphorus Project (, and the Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (
The overall goal of Dr. Bolster’s research is to improve our understanding of the fate and transport of phosphorus in agroecosystems. Specific objectives are: (1) understanding factors controlling the fate and transport of phosphorus in agricultural soils and to evaluate and update.
- (Clicking on the reprint icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
- Phosphorus lability across diverse agricultural contexts with legacy sources-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- A new App version of the Annual P Loss Estimator (ALPE) model-(Abstract Only)
- Modeling P release from high P soils at two flow rates-(Abstract Only)
- Characterizing Legacy P and simulating mitigation strategies as part of the USDA Legacy P Project-(Abstract Only)
- Models and sufficiency interpretation for estimating critical soil test values for the Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Slaton, N.A., Pearce, A., Gatiboni, L., Osmond, D.L., Bolster, C.H., Miquez, F., Clark, J., Dhillon, J., Farmaha, B., Kaiser, D., Lyons, S., Margenot, A., Moore, A., Ruiz Diaz, D., Sotomayor, D., Spackman, J., Spargo, J., Yost, M. 2024. Models and sufficiency interpretation for estimating critical soil test values for the Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 88(4):1419–1437.
- A short history of the phosphorus index and Andrew Sharpley’s contributions from inception through development and implementation -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Osmond, D., Kleinman, P.J., Coale, F., Nelson, N., Bolster, C.H., McGrath, J. 2023. A short history of the phosphorus index and Andrew Sharpley’s contributions from inception through development and implementation. Journal of Environmental Quality.
- Chapter 11 - Agriculture, food systems, and rural communities -(Government Publication)
Bolster, C.H., Mitchell, R., Kitts, A., Campbell, A., Cosh, M.H., Farrigan, T.L., Franzluebbers, A.J., Hoover, D.L., Jin, V.L., Peck, D.E., Schmer, M.R., Smith, M.D. 2023. Chapter 11 - Agriculture, food systems, and rural communities. National Climate Assessment.
- Characterizing and quantifying legacy phosphorus impacts within CEAP watersheds-(Abstract Only)
- Kinetics of phosphorous sorption to biochar-amended soils -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H. 2023. Kinetics of phosphorous sorption to biochar-amended soils. Chemosphere. 345. Article 140523.
- Incorporating model uncertainty into predictions of soil test P -(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A. 2023. Incorporating model uncertainty into predictions of soil test P. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Proceedings.
- The soiltestcorr R-package: a reproducible approach for correlation analysis of crop yield and soil test data -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Correndo, A.A., Pearce, A., Bolster, C.H., Spargo, J., Osmond, D., Ciampitti, I.A. 2023. The soiltestcorr R-package: a reproducible approach for correlation analysis of crop yield and soil test data. SoftwareX. volume 21.
- Predicting runoff from tile-drained agricultural fields in the Western Lake Erie Basin, Ohio-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Wessel, B.M., King, K.W., Shedekar, V.S. 2022. Predicting runoff from tile-drained agricultural fields in the Western Lake Erie Basin, Ohio. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting.
- A spreadsheet for determining critical soil test values using the modified arcsine-log calibration curve-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Correndo, A.A., Pearce, A., Spargo, J., Osmond, D., Slaton, N. 2022. A spreadsheet for determining critical soil test values using the modified arcsine-log calibration curve. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting.
- A spreadsheet for determining critical soil test values using the modified arcsine-log calibration curve -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Correndo, A.A., Pearce, A., Spargo, J., Slaton, N., Osmond, D. 2022. A spreadsheet for determining critical soil test values using the modified arcsine-log calibration curve. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 87(1):182-189.
- Rainfall-runoff models compared for tile-drained agricultural fields in the Western Lake Erie Basin, Ohio -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wessel, B., Bolster, C.H., King, K.W., Shedekar, V.S. 2022. Rainfall-runoff models compared for tile-drained agricultural fields in the Western Lake Erie Basin, Ohio. Journal of Hydrology. 610. Article 127959.
- Defining relative yield for soil test correlation and calibration trials in the fertilizer recommendation support tool -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pearce, A., Slaton, N., Lyons, S., Bolster, C.H., Bruulsema, T., Grove, J., Jones, J., Mcgrath, J., Miguez, F., Nelson, N., Osmond, D.L., Parvej, M., Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M., Spargo, J.T. 2022. Defining relative yield for soil test correlation and calibration trials in the fertilizer recommendation support tool. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 1-16.
- Updates to the Annual P Loss Estimator (APLE) model -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A. 2022. Updates to the Annual P Loss Estimator (APLE) model. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1-7.
- Rainfall-runoff models compared for tile-drained agricultural fields in the Western Lake Erie Basin, Ohio-(Abstract Only)
Wessel, B.M., Bolster, C.H., King, K.W., Shedekar, V.S. 2022. Rainfall-runoff models compared for tile-drained agricultural fields in the Western Lake Erie Basin, Ohio [abstract]. Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference. Page 111.
- Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for predicted soil test phosphorus using the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator model -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Wessel, B.M., Vadas, P.A., Fiorellino, N.M. 2022. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for predicted soil test phosphorus using the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator model. Journal of Environmental Quality. 51(2):216-227.
- Comparing unamended and Fe-coated biochar on removal efficiency of bacteria, microspheres, and dissolved phosphorus in sand filters -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H. 2021. Comparing unamended and Fe-coated biochar on removal efficiency of bacteria, microspheres, and dissolved phosphorus in sand filters. Biochar Journal. 3:329-338.
- Comparing measures for determination of phosphorus saturation as a method to estimate dissolved P in soil solution -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blomback, K., Bolster, C.H., Lindsjo, A., Hesse, K., Linefur, H., Parvage, M. 2020. Comparing measures for determination of phosphorus saturation as a method to estimate dissolved P in soil solution. Geoderma. 383.
- Coupled influences of particle shape, surface property and flow hydrodynamics on rod-shaped colloid transport in porous media -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, H., Bolster, C.H., Johnson, W.P., Li, K., Pazmino, E., Camacho, K.M., Anselmo, A.C., Mitragotri, S. 2020. Coupled influences of particle shape, surface property and flow hydrodynamics on rod-shaped colloid transport in porous media. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 577:471-480.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of the phosphorus sorption index for estimating maximum phosphorus sorption capacity -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Mcgrath, J.M., Rosso, E., Blomback, K. 2020. Evaluating the effectiveness of the phosphorus sorption index for estimating maximum phosphorus sorption capacity. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 84(3):994-1005.
- Strengthening the Science Behind P Indices-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2019. Strengthening the Science Behind P Indices. Annual Meeting of the Southern Extension and Research Activity Information Group 6. Abstract.
- Role of sand size on bacterial retention in biochar-amended sand filters -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H. 2019. Role of sand size on bacterial retention in biochar-amended sand filters. Biochar Journal. 1:353-363.
- Impacts of cover crops and crop residues on phosphorus losses in cold climates: A Review-(Proceedings)
- Bacterial transport through biochar-amended sand filters-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2019. Bacterial transport through biochar-amended sand filters. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. Paper No. 296-5.
- Evaluating the potential for calculating the degree of P saturation from ammonium lactate extractable Al, Fe, and P-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Blomback, K., Hesse, K., Lindsjo, A., Linefur, H. 2019. Evaluating the potential for calculating the degree of P saturation from ammonium lactate extractable Al, Fe, and P. Meeting Abstract. Paper No. 87.
- Development of PLEAD: a database containing event-based runoff phosphorus loadings from agricultural fields -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Baffaut, C., Nelson, N.O., Osmond, D.L., Cabrera, M.L., Ramirez-Avila, J.J., Sharpley, A.N., Veith, T.L., McFarland, A.M., Senaviratne, A.G., Pierzynski, G.M., Udawatta, R.P. 2019. Development of PLEAD: a database containing event-based runoff phosphorus loadings from agricultural fields. Journal of Environmental Quality. 48:510-517.
- Data from: Development of PLEAD: a database containing event-based runoff P loadings from agricultural fields -(Other)
Bolster, C.H., Baffaut, C., Nelson, N.O., Osmond, D.L., Cabrera, M.L., Ramirez-Avila, J.J., Sharpley, A.N., Veith, T.L., Mcfarland, A.M., Senaviratne, A.G., Udawatta, R.P., Pierzynski, G.M. 2018. Data from: Development of PLEAD: a database containing event-based runoff P loadings from agricultural fields. Ag Data Commons. doi: 10.15482/USDA.ADC/1482380.
- Development of a new database containing event-based P loadings from agricultural fields-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Veith, T.L., Baffaut, C., Nelson, N.O., Osmond, D.L., Cabrera, M.L., Kleinman, P.J., Pierzynski, G.M., Ramirez-Avila, J.J., Sharpley, A.N., Sweeney, D.W., Udawatta, R.P. 2018. Development of a new database containing event-based P loadings from agricultural fields. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. Paper No. 48-3.
- Establishing pedotransfer functions for estimating P solubility in Swedish soils-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Blombäck, K., Hesse, K., Lindsjö, A., Linefur, H. 2018. Establishing pedotransfer functions for estimating P solubility in Swedish soils. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. Paper No. 1079.
- Effect of manure application rate and rainfall timing on the leaching of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their associated genes-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Brooks, J.P., Cook, K.L. 2018. Effect of manure application rate and rainfall timing on the leaching of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their associated genes. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution.
- Comparison of two methods for calculating the P sorption capacity parameter in soils -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A. 2018. Comparison of two methods for calculating the P sorption capacity parameter in soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 82(2):493-501.
- Evaluation of the APEX model to simulate runoff quality from agricultural fields in the southern region of the United States -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ramirez-Avila, J.J., Osmond, D., Radcliffe, D., Bolster, C.H., Ortega-Achury, S.L., Forsberg, A., Sharpley, A.N., Oldham, L. 2017. Evaluation of the APEX model to simulate runoff quality from agricultural fields in the southern region of the United States. Journal of Environmental Quality. 46:1357-1364.
- Use of biochar amendments for removing bacteria from simulated tile-drainage waters-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2017. Use of biochar amendments for removing bacteria from simulated tile-drainage waters. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. Poster No. 1505.
- Limitations in estimating phosphorus sorption capacity from soil properties-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A. 2017. Limitations in estimating phosphorus sorption capacity from soil properties. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Paper No. 216-4.
- Agriculture and water quality, developments and challenges in science, management and policy in 2013-2017: Examples from a few countries-(Abstract Only)
Fraters, D., Kovar, K., Kronvang, B., Stenger, R., Bolster, C.H. 2017. Agriculture and water quality, developments and challenges in science, management and policy in 2013-2017: Examples from a few countries. Meeting Abstract. Paper No. 000.
- Improving models for describing phosphorus cycling in agricultural soils-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Blombach, K. 2017. Improving models for describing phosphorus cycling in agricultural soils. Meeting Abstract. Paper No. 34.
- Use of annual phosphorus loss estimator (APLE) model to evaluate a phosphorus index-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fiorellino, N.M., McGrath, J.M., Vadas, P.A., Bolster, C.H., Coale, F.J. 2017. Use of annual phosphorus loss estimator (APLE) model to evaluate a phosphorus index. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi:10.2134/jeq2016.05.0203 46(6):1380-1387.
- Evaluation of phosphorus site assessment tools: Lessons from the USA -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sharpley, A.N., Kleinman, P.J., Baffaut, C., Beegle, D., Bolster, C.H., Collick, A., Easton, Z., Lory, J., Nelson, N., Osmond, D., Radcliffe, D., Veith, T.L., Weld, J. 2017. Evaluation of phosphorus site assessment tools: Lessons from the USA. Journal of Environmental Quality.46:1250-1256. doi:10.2134/jeq2016.11.0427.
- Evaluation of phosphorus site assessment tools: lessons from the USA-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sharpley, A., Kleinman, P.J., Baffaut, C., Beegle, D., Bolster, C.H., Collick, A., Easton, Z., Lory, J., Nelson, N., Osmond, D., Radcliffe, D., Veith, T.L., Weld, J. 2017. Evaluation of phosphorus site assessment tools: lessons from the USA. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi: 10.2134/jeq2016.11.0427.
- Evaluation of the TBET model for potential improvement of southern P indices-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Forsberg, T.A., Radcliffe, D.E., Bolster, C.H., Mittelstet, A., Storm, D.E., Osmond, D. 2017. Evaluation of the TBET model for potential improvement of southern P indices. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi:10.2134/jeq2016.06.0210.
- Comparing an annual and daily time-step model for predicting field-scale phosphorus loss-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Forsberg, A., Mittelstet, A., Radcliffe, D., Storm, D., Ramirez-Avila, J., Osmond, D. 2017. Comparing an annual and daily time-step model for predicting field-scale phosphorus loss. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi:10.2134/jeq2016.04.0159.
- Southern phosphorus indices, water quality data, and modeling (APEX, APLE, and TBET) results: A comparison -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Osmond, D., Bolster, C.H., Sharpley, A., Cabrera, M., Feagley, S., Forsberg, A., Mitchell, C., Mylavarapu, R., Oldham, J.L., Radcliffe, D., Ramirez-Avila, J.J., Storm, D.E., Walker, F., Zhang, H. 2017. Southern phosphorus indices, water quality data, and Modeling (APEX, APLE, and TBET) results: A comparison. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi:10.2134/jeq2016.05.0200.
- Incorporating uncertainty estimates into the KY P index-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Lee, B., Osmond, D. 2016. Incorporating uncertainty estimates into the KY P index. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. 1.
- Mitigation measures to reduce losses of phosphorus during the non-cropping period - a northern European perspective-(Abstract Only)
Bergstrom, L., Aronsson, H., Geranmayeh, P., Riddle, M., Kirchmann, H., Bolster, C.H. 2016. Mitigation measures to reduce losses of phosphorus during the non-cropping period - a northern European perspective. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. 1.
- Using proper regression methods for fitting the Langmuir model to sorption data-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2016. Using proper regression methods for fitting the Langmuir model to sorption data. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. 1.
- Model parameter uncertainty analysis for annual field-scale P loss model-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A., Boykin, D. 2016. Model parameter uncertainty analysis for annual field-scale P loss model. Journal of Hydrology. 539:27-37. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.05.009.
- Soil health, crop productivity, microbial transport, and mine spoil response to biochars-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Novak, J.M., Ippolito, J.A., Lentz, R.D., Spokas, K.A., Bolster, C.H., Sistani, K.R., Trippe, K.M., Phillips, C.L., Johnson, M.G. 2016. Soil health, crop productivity, microbial transport, and mine spoil response to biochars. BioEnergy Research. 9(2):454-464.
- Estimating the magnitude of prediction uncertainties for field-scale P loss models-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2016. Estimating the magnitude of prediction uncertainties for field-scale P loss models. Soil and Water Conservation Society Proceedings. 45.
- Southern P indices, water quality data, and modeling results: a comparison-(Abstract Only)
Osmond, D., Bolster, C.H., Cabrera, M., Feagley, S., Forsberg, A., Mitchell, C., Mittelstet, A., Mylavarapu, R., Oldham, L., Radcliffe, D., Ramirez-Avila, J., Sharpley, A., Storm, D., Walker, F., Zhang, H. 2016. Southern P indices, water quality data, and modeling results: a comparison. Soil and Water Conservation Society Proceedings. 107.
- Evaluation of the TBET model for improving P-indices in southern states-(Abstract Only)
Radcliffe, D., Forsberg, A., Bolster, C.H., Mittelstet, A., Storm, D., Ramirez-Avila, J., Osmond, D. 2016. Evaluation of the TBET model for improving P-indices in southern states. Soil and Water Conservation Society. 48.
- Isotopic evolution of groundwater in a telogenetic karst aquifer: A method to study recharge and contaminant transport-(Abstract Only)
Mcclanahan, K., Polk, J., Miller, B., Schaefer, R., Bolster, C.H. 2015. Isotopic evolution of groundwater in a telogenetic karst aquifer: A method to study recharge and contaminant transport. Geological Society of America Meeting. Paper No. 245-8.
- Advanced karst hydrological and contaminant monitoring techniques for real-time and high resolution applications-(Abstract Only)
Polk, J., Mcclanahan, K., Nedvidek, D., Powell, M., Antle, S.W., North, L., Bolster, C.H. 2015. Advanced karst hydrological and contaminant monitoring techniques for real-time and high resolution applications. Geological Society of America Meeting. Paper No. 218-7.
- Comparing an annual and daily time-step model for predicting field-scale P loss-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Forsberg, A., Mittelstet, A., Radcliffe, D., Storm, D., Ramirez-Avila, J., Osmond, D. 2015. Comparing an annual and daily time-step model for predicting field-scale P loss. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. 341-11.
- The need for model uncertainty analysis-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2015. The need for model uncertainty analysis. SERA-IEG 17 Bulletin. Pgs. 14-15.
- Model parameter uncertainty analysis for an annual field-scale phosphorus loss model -(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A., Boykin, D.L. 2015. Model parameter uncertainty analysis for an annual field-scale phosphorus loss model. Meeting Abstract #94.
- Evaluating analytic and risk assessment tools to estimate sediment and nutrients losses from agricultural lands in the southern region of the USA-(Proceedings)
Ramirez-Avila, J., Osmond, D., Ortega-Achury, S., Forsberg, A., Bolster, C.H., Storm, D., Mittelstet, A., Alexander, K., Radcliffe, D., Oldham, L., Cabrera, M., Line, D., Locke, M.A., Sharply, A. 2015. Evaluating analytic and risk assessment tools to estimate sediment and nutrients losses from agricultural lands in the southern region of the USA. Proceedings of the Symposium on Watershed Management. Session ID: TS1-4.
- Phosphorus fate, management and modeling in artificially drained systems-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kleinman, P.J., Smith, D.R., Bolster, C.H., Easton, Z.M. 2015. Phosphorus fate, management and modeling in artificially drained systems. Journal of Environmental Quality. 44:460-466.
- Model parameter uncertainty analysis for an annual field-scale phosphorus loss model-(Proceedings)
Bolster, C.H. 2015. Model parameter uncertainty analysis for an annual field-scale phosphorus loss model. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Symposium. Proceedings.
- Composting swine slurry to reduce indicators and antibiotic resistance genes-(Proceedings)
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H., Sistani, K.R. 2015. Composting swine slurry to reduce indicators and antibiotic resistance genes. Waste to Worth Conference. March 30-Aril 3, 2015. Seattle, Washington.
- Effect of turning frequency and season on composting materials from swine high-rise facilities-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cook, K.L., Ritchey, E.L., Loughrin, J.H., Haley, M.A., Sistani, K.R., Bolster, C.H. 2015. Effect of turning frequency and season on composting materials from swine high-rise facilities. Waste Management. 39:86-95.
- Applicability of models to predict phosphorus losses in drained fields: a review-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Radcliffe, D.E., Reid, D.K., Blomback, K., Bolster, C.H., Collick, A.S., Easton, Z.M., Francesconi, W., Fuka, D.R., Johnsson, H., King, K., Larsbo, M., Youssef, M.A., Mulkey, A.S., Nelson, N.O., Persson, K., Ramirez-Avila, J.J., Schmieder, F., Smith, D.R. 2015. Applicability of models to predict phosphorus losses in drained fields: a review. Journal of Environmental Quality. 44(2):614-628.
- Effect of manure application rate and timing on the leaching potential of antibiotic resistant bacteria.-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Cook, K.L., Brooks, J.P. 2014. Effect of manure application rate and timing on the leaching potential of antibiotic resistant bacteria.. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abastract.
- Effect of biochar amendments on microbial transport through soils-(Abstract Only)
Abit, S., Bolster, C.H., Cantrell, K.B., Jessamine, Q., Walker, S. 2014. Effect of biochar amendments on microbial transport through soils. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Parameter uncertainty analysis for the annual phosphorus loss estimator (APLE) model-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A., Boykin, D.L. 2014. Parameter uncertainty analysis for the annual phosphorus loss estimator (APLE) model. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Estimating the magnitude of prediction uncertainties for the APLE model-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A., Boykin, D.L. 2014. Estimating the magnitude of prediction uncertainties for the APLE model. SERA-IEG 17 Bulletin. Abstract.
- Factors affecting transport of bacteria and microspheres through biochar-amended soils-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Abit, S., Cantrell, K.B., Quijano, J., Walker, S. 2014. Factors affecting transport of bacteria and microspheres through biochar-amended soils. Meeting Abstract. Abstract.
- Modifying the Kentucky phosphorus index using published phosphorus loss data-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2014. Modifying the Kentucky phosphorus index using published phosphorus loss data. Annual Meeting of the Southern Extension and Research Activity Information Group 6. Abstract.
- Predicting phosphorus dynamics in complex terrains using a variable source area hydrology model-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Collick, A.S., Fuka, D.R., Easton, Z.M., Buda, A.R., Weld, J.L., White, M.J., Veith, T.L., Bryant, R.B., Bolster, C.H., Kleinman, P.J. 2014. Predicting phosphorus dynamics in complex terrains using a variable source area hydrology model. Hydrological Processes. 29(4):588-601. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10178.
- Transport of agricultural contaminants through karst soil-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Groves, C., Polk, J. 2014. Transport of agricultural contaminants through karst soil. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Symposium. Abstract.
- Phosphorus Indices: What is the water quality goal?-(Proceedings)
Osmond, D., Bolster, C.H., Cabrera, M., Feagley, S., Haggard, B., Mitchell, C., Mylavarapu, R., Oldham, L., Sharpley, A., Walker, F., Zhang, H. 2015. Phosphorus Indices: What is the water quality goal?. Waste to Worth Conference.
- Stability and transport of graphene oxide nanoparticles in groundwater and surface water -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lanphere, J.D., Rogers, B., Luth, C., Bolster, C.H., Walker, S.L. 2014. Stability and transport of graphene oxide nanoparticles in groundwater and surface water. Environmental Engineering Science. 31(7):350-359.
- SWATing your APEX model: a how-to from the trenches-(Proceedings)
Baffaut, C., Bolster, C.H., Nelson, N., Van Liew, M., Arnold, J.G., Williams, J. 2013. SWATing your APEX model: a how-to from the trenches. In: Proceedings of 2013 International SWAT Conference, July 17-19, 2003, Toulouse, France. p. 86-97.
- Transport of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and microspheres in biochar-amended soils with different textures-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abit, S.M., Bolster, C.H., Cantrell, K.B., Flores, J.Q., Walker, S.L. 2014. Transport of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and microspheres in biochar-amended soils with different textures. Journal of Environmental Quality. 43:371-378.
- Development and testing of a new phosphorus index for Kentucky-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Horvath, T., Lee, B., Mehlhope, S., Higgins, S.F., Delgado, J.A. 2014. Development and testing of a new phosphorus index for Kentucky. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 69(3):183-196.
- Biochar and soil properties affecting microbial transport through biochar-amended soils-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Abit, S., Cantrell, K.B., Quijano, J., Walker, S. 2013. Biochar and soil properties affecting microbial transport through biochar-amended soils. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Abstracts.
- Vulnerability of karst aquifers to agricultural contaminants: A case study in the Pennyroyal Plateau of Kentucky-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Groves, C., Polk, J., Hamm, B., Vanderhoff, S. 2013. Vulnerability of karst aquifers to agricultural contaminants: A case study in the Pennyroyal Plateau of Kentucky. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Uncertainty analysis for a field-scale P loss model-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A. 2013. Uncertainty analysis for a field-scale P loss model. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Using a phosphorus loss model to evaluate the Kentucky phosphorus index-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2013. Using a phosphorus loss model to evaluate the Kentucky phosphorus index. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Revising the phosphorus index for Kentucky-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Horvath, T., Lee, B., Mehlhope, S., Higgins, S.F., Delgado, J.A. 2013. Revising the phosphorus index for Kentucky. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Techniques to better understand complex epikarst hydrogeology and contaminant transport in telogenetic karst settings-(Abstract Only)
Polk, J., Groves, C., Miller, B., Vanderhoff, S., Bolster, C.H. 2013. Techniques to better understand complex epikarst hydrogeology and contaminant transport in telogenetic karst settings. Geological Society of America Meeting.
- Using the annual phosphorus loss estimator (APLE) model to evaluate the University of Maryland phosphorus management tool-(Abstract Only)
Fiorellino, N.M., Mcgrath, J.M., Vadas, P.A., Bolster, C.H., Coale, F.J. 2013. Using the annual phosphorus loss estimator (APLE) model to evaluate the University of Maryland phosphorus management tool. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Uncertainty analysis for a field-scale P loss model -(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2013. Uncertainty analysis for a field-scale P loss model. 5th International Phosphorus Workshop(IPW5). Abstract.
- Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for the annual phosphorus loss estimator model-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A. 2013. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for the annual phosphorus loss estimator model. Journal of Environmental Quality. 42:1109-1118.
- SWATing your APEX model: a how-to from the trenches-(Abstract Only)
Baffaut, C., Bolster, C.H., Nelson, N., Van Liew, M., Arnold, J.G., Williams, J. 2013. SWATing your APEX model: a how-to from the trenches. Annual International SWAT Conference. Session B2, p. 32.
- The implementation of the new Kentucky nitrogen and phosphorus index to reduce agricultural nonpoint source pollution-(Abstract Only)
Horvath, T., Bolster, C.H., Delgado, J.A. 2013. The implementation of the new Kentucky nitrogen and phosphorus index to reduce agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Symposium. Presentation.
- Development and testing of a new phosphorus index for Kentucky-(Proceedings)
Bolster, C.H., Mehlhope, S., Horvath, T., Delgado, J.A., Higgins, S.F., Coffey, R.D., Coleman, S., Goodman, P., Lee, B., Renfro, C., Ritchey, E.L. 2013. Development and testing of a new phosphorus index for Kentucky. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Symposium. Abstract.
- Technical guidance for assessing phosphorus indices-(Other)
Sharpley, A., Bolster, C.H., Conover, C., Dayton, E., Davis, J., Easton, Z., Good, L., Gross, C., Kleinman, P., Mallinaro, A., Moffitt, D., Nelson, N., Norfleet, L., Osmond, D., Perry, R., Thompson, A., Vadas, P.A., White, M.J. 2013. Technical guidance for assessing phosphorus indices. SERA-IEG 17 Bulletin. 417:78.
- Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for a field-scale P loss model-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A. 2013. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for a field-scale P loss model. American Water Resources Association Conference Proceedings. Abstract.
- Comparing phosphorus indices from twelve southern U.S. states against monitored phosphorus loads from six prior southern studies-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Osmond, D., Sharpley, A., Bolster, C., Cabrera, M., Feagley, S., Lee, B., Mitchell, C., Mylavarapu, R., Oldham, L., Walker, F., Zhang, H. 2012. Comparing phosphorus indices from twelve southern U.S. states against monitored phosphorus loads from six prior southern studies. Journal of Environmental Quality. 41(6):1741-1749.
- Influence of feedstock and pyrolysis temperature of biochar amendments on transport of Escherichia coli in saturated and unsaturated soil-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abit Jr, S.M., Bolster, C.H., Peng, H., Walker, S. 2012. Influence of feedstock and pyrolysis temperature of biochar amendments on transport of Escherichia coli in saturated and unsaturated soil. Environmental Science and Technology. 46(15):8097-8105.
- Efficacy of biochar amendments in limiting the transport of pathogenic bio-colloids in soils of different textures-(Abstract Only)
Abit Jr, S.M., Bolster, C.H. 2012. Efficacy of biochar amendments in limiting the transport of pathogenic bio-colloids in soils of different textures. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Influence of biochar feedstock on transport of pathogenic bacteria in unsaturated biochar-amended soil-(Abstract Only)
Abit Jr, S.M., Bolster, C.H. 2012. Influence of biochar feedstock on transport of pathogenic bacteria in unsaturated biochar-amended soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Critical evaluation of models used to study agricultural phosphorus and water quality-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vadas, P.A., Bolster, C.H., Good, L.W. 2013. Critical evaluation of models used to study agricultural phosphorus and water quality. Soil Use and Management. 29:36-44.
- Phosphorus indices: why we need to take stock of how we are doing-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sharpley, A., Beegle, D., Bolster, C., Good, L., Joern, B., Ketterings, Q., Lory, J., Mikkelsen, R., Osmond, D., Vadas, P. 2012. Phosphorus indices: why we need to take stock of how we are doing. Journal of Environmental Quality. 41(6):1711-1719.
- A statistical case against the use of the Langmuir model for describing P sorption data-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Tellinghuisen, J. 2012. A statistical case against the use of the Langmuir model for describing P sorption data. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Using a phosphorus loss model to evaluate and improve phosphorus indices-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A., Sharpley, A.N., Lory, J.A. 2012. Using a phosphorus loss model to evaluate and improve phosphorus indices. Journal of Environmental Quality. 41(6):1758-1766.
- Investigating the role that biochar feedstock and pyrolysis temperature has on the transport behavior of E. coli in a biochar-amended soil under saturated and unsaturated conditions-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Abit Jr, S.M., Cai, Peng, H., Walker, S. 2012. Investigating the role that biochar feedstock and pyrolysis temperature has on the transport behavior of E. coli in a biochar-amended soil under saturated and unsaturated conditions. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting. Abstract Only.
- The potential for using a P loss model to improve the accuracy of the Kentucky phosphorus index-(Proceedings)
Bolster, C.H. 2012. The potential for using a P loss model to improve the accuracy of the Kentucky phosphorus index. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Symposium. 31-32.
- Johnes disease: Troughs as a hidden source-(Research Technical Update)
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H. 2012. Johnes disease: Troughs as a hidden source. Natural Resources Research Update (NRRU). NRRU only.
- Impact of growth conditions on transport behavior of E. coli-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Marcus, I.M., Bolster, C.H., Cook, K.L., Opot, S.R., Walker, S.L. 2012. Impact of growth conditions on transport behavior of E. coli. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 14:984-991.
- Biochar pyrolyzed at two temperatures affects E. coli transport through a sandy soil-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Abit Jr, S.M. 2012. Biochar pyrolyzed at two temperatures affects E. coli transport through a sandy soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 41(1):124-133.
- Do biochar amendments affect the leaching behavior of E. coli through soils?-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Abit Jr, S.M. 2011. Do biochar amendments affect the leaching behavior of E. coli through soils?. Meeting Abstract. Abstract only.
- Escherichia coli diversity in livestock manures and agriculturally impacted stream waters-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H., Ayers, K.A., Reynolds, D.N. 2011. Escherichia coli diversity in livestock manures and agriculturally impacted stream waters. Current Microbiology. 63(5):439–449.
- Multiple storm event impacts on epikarst storage and transport of organic soil amendments in South-Central Kentucky.-(Abstract Only)
Vanderhoff, S., Polk, J., Groves, C., Miller, B., Bolster, C.H. 2011. Multiple storm event impacts on epikarst storage and transport of organic soil amendments in South-Central Kentucky.. Geological Society of America Meeting. Abstract Only.
- A critical evaluation of the Kentucky phosphorus index-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H. 2011. A critical evaluation of the Kentucky phosphorus index. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science. 72(1):46–58.
- Phosphorus indices and the 590 Revision: Why we need to take stock of how we are doing .-(Abstract Only)
Sharpley, A., Beegle, D., Bolster, C.H., Good, L., Joern, B., Ketterings, Q., Lory, J., Mikkelsen, R., Osmond, D., Vadas, P.A. 2011. Phosphorus indices and the 590 Revision: Why we need to take stock of how we are doing .. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract Only.
- Attenuation of Escherichia Coli in a biochar-amended soil-(Abstract Only)
Abit Jr, S.M., Bolster, C.H. 2011. Attenuation of Escherichia Coli in a biochar-amended soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract.
- Using a P loss model to evaluate and improve P indices-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A., Sharpley, A.N., Lory, J.A. 2011. Using a P loss model to evaluate and improve P indices. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract Only.
- Methods to evaluate and update current phosphorus indices-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Vadas, P.A., Sharpley, A.N., Lory, J. 2011. Methods to evaluate and update current phosphorus indices. SERA-IEG 17 Bulletin. Abstract only.
- Effect of Growth Media on Environmental E. coli Isolates-(Abstract Only)
Marcus, I.M., Bolster, C.H., Walker, S.L. 2011. Effect of Growth Media on Environmental E. coli Isolates. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting. Abstract only..
- Status of the database on microorganism inactivation in environmental media (DIMEM)-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Pachepsky, Y.A., Sadeghi, A.M., Shelton, D.R. 2011. Status of the database on microorganism inactivation in environmental media (DIMEM) [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Paper No. 67154.
- A brief overview of ARS research with the KY phosphorus index-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2011. A brief overview of ARS research with the KY phosphorus index. Meeting Abstract. Abstract only.
- Improving our ability to assess risk of phosphorus from agricultural fields-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2011. Improving our ability to assess risk of phosphorus from agricultural fields. Meeting Abstract. Abstract only.
- Comparing the Kentucky phosphorus index with P loss calculated with a process-based model-(Proceedings)
Bolster, C.H. 2011. Comparing the Kentucky phosphorus index with P loss calculated with a process-based model. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Symposium. 49-51.
- Seasonal variation in water quality and dissolved methane of Barren River Lake-(Proceedings)
Loughrin, J.H., Bolster, C.H. 2011. Seasonal variation in water quality and dissolved methane of Barren River Lake. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Symposium. 13-15.
- Genotypic diversity of escherichia coli isolates from environmental sources and the influence on transport behavior-(Proceedings)
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H., Ayers, K., Reynolds, D. 2011. Genotypic diversity of escherichia coli isolates from environmental sources and the influence on transport behavior. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Symposium. 53-55.
- Revision of the 590 nutrient management standard: SERA-17 recommendations-(Other)
Sharpley, A., Beegle, D., Bolster, C.H., Good, L., Joern, B., Ketterings, Q., Lory, J., Mikkelsen, R., Osmond, D., Vadas, P.A. 2011. Revision of the 590 nutrient management standard: SERA-17 recommendations. SERA-IEG 17 Bulletin. White Paper.
- Using a process-based model to evaluate P indices: An example approach-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2011. Using a process-based model to evaluate P indices: An example approach. Research and Extension Regional Water Quality Conference Proceedings. Abstract Only.
- Using R^2 to compare least-squares fit models: When it must fail-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tellinghuisen, J., Bolster, C.H. 2011. Using R^2 to compare least-squares fit models: When it must fail. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 105:220-222.
- Investigations into the transport behavior of E. coli and the sorption of phosphorus to soil-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2010. Investigations into the transport behavior of E. coli and the sorption of phosphorus to soil. Meeting Abstract. Abstract only.
- Survival of the causative agent of Johne’s disease (Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis) in biofilms on trough materials -(Other)
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H., Britt, J. 2010. Survival of the causative agent of Johne’s disease (Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis) in biofilms on trough materials. Paratuberculosis Newsletter. p.35.
- Seasonal Variations in Background Hydrochemistry of Epikarst Waters in Kentucky’s Pennyroyal Plateau-(Abstract Only)
Nguyet, V., Groves, C., Bolster, C.H. 2010. Seasonal Variations in Background Hydrochemistry of Epikarst Waters in Kentucky’s Pennyroyal Plateau. National Speleological Society Annual Meeting.
- How the use of properly weighted data can aid in the selection of sorption models-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Tellinghuisen, J. 2010. How the use of properly weighted data can aid in the selection of sorption models. SERA-IEG 17 Bulletin.
- Least-Squares Analysis of Phosphorus Soil Sorption Data with Weighting from Variance Function Estimation: A Statistical Case for the Freundlich Isotherm-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tellinghuisen, J., Bolster, C.H. 2010. Least-Squares Analysis of Phosphorus Soil Sorption Data with Weighting from Variance Function Estimation: A Statistical Case for the Freundlich Isotherm. Environmental Science and Technology. 44(13):5029-5034.
- Correlating Transport Behavior with Cell Properties for Eight Porcine Escherichia coli Isolates-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Cook, K.L., Marcus, I.M., Haznedaroglu, B.Z., Walker, S.L. 2010. Correlating Transport Behavior with Cell Properties for Eight Porcine Escherichia coli Isolates. Environmental Science and Technology. 44(13):5008–5014.
- Strain level differences in Escherichia coli transport, cell surface and adhesion characteristics-(Abstract Only)
Ayers, K., Cook, K.L., Parekh, R.R., Bolster, C.H., Reynolds, D. 2010. Strain level differences in Escherichia coli transport, cell surface and adhesion characteristics. American Society for Microbiology Branch Meeting. 1:15.
- Correlating attachment behavior with cell properties for eight Porcine Escherichia coli Isolates-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Cook, K.L., Marcus, I.M., Haznedaroglu, B.Z., Walker, S.L. 2010. Correlating attachment behavior with cell properties for eight Porcine Escherichia coli Isolates. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- Strain level differences in E. coli transport, cell surface and adhesion characteristics-(Abstract Only)
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H., Walker, S., Ayers, K., Marcus, I. 2010. Strain level differences in E. coli transport, cell surface and adhesion characteristics. Microbial Ecology International Symposium. Abstract only.
- A simple device for the collection of water and dissolved gases at defined depths-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Loughrin, J.H., Bolster, C.H., Lovanh, N.C., Sistani, K.R. 2010. A simple device for the collection of water and dissolved gases at defined depths. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 26(4):559-564.
- Effect of Watering Trough Chlorination on Persistence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosi-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H., Britt, J., Rothrock Jr, M.J. 2010. Effect of Watering Trough Chlorination on Persistence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosi. Bovine Practitioner Journal. 44(1):69-76.
- Properties and Transport Behavior among 12 Different Environmental Escherichia coli-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Cook, K.L. 2010. Properties and Transport Behavior among 12 Different Environmental Escherichia coli. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA meeting Abstract
- On the Significance of Properly Weighting Sorption Data for Least Squares Analysis-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H. 2010. On the Significance of Properly Weighting Sorption Data for Least Squares Analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 74:670-679
- Survival of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in Biofilms on Livestock Watering Trough Materials-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cook, K.L., Britt, J., Bolster, C.H. 2010. Survival of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in Biofilms on Livestock Watering Trough Materials. Veterinary Microbiology. 141(1):103-109.
- Extraction and Analysis of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS): Comparison of Methods and EPS Levels in Salmonella pullorum SA 1685-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gong, A.S., Bolster, C.H., Benavides, M., Walker, S.L. 2009. Extraction and Analysis of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS): Comparison of Methods and EPS Levels in Salmonella pullorum SA 1685. Environmental Engineering Science. 26:1523-1532.
- Agriculture and Karst in Kentucky-(Other)
Kambesis, P., Groves, C., Baker, P., Bledsoe, L., Kreitzer, L., Tracy, M., Smith, D., Bolster, C.H. 2009. Agriculture and Karst in Kentucky. Agriculture and Karst in Kentucky. Booklet/Informational Pamplet
- Influence of Poultry Litter Application Methods on the Longevity of Nutrient and E. coli in Runoff from Tall Fescue Pasture-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sistani, K.R., Bolster, C.H., Way, T.R., Torbert III, H.A., Pote, D.H., Watts, D.B. 2010. Influence of Poultry Litter Application Methods on the Longevity of Nutrient and E. coli in Runoff from Tall Fescue Pasture. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 206:3-12.
- The Role of Inter-strain Variability on the Sorption Behavior of Escherichia coli to Aquifer Sediments-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Cook, K.L. 2009. The Role of Inter-strain Variability on the Sorption Behavior of Escherichia coli to Aquifer Sediments. International Conference on Microbial Transport and Survival in Porous Media.
- DNA analysis of fecal bacteria to augment an epikarst dye trace study at Crump's Cave, Kentucky-(Proceedings)
Fowler, R., Ham, B., Groves, C., Bolster, C.H. 2009. DNA analysis of fecal bacteria to augment an epikarst dye trace study at Crump's Cave, Kentucky. International Congress of Speleology. p.1483-1489
- Weighting formulas for the least-squares analysis of binding phenomena data-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tellinghuisen, J., Bolster, C.H. 2009. Weighting formulas for the least-squares analysis of binding phenomena data. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 113:6151-6157.
- Comparative quantification of Campylobacter jejuni from environmental samples using traditional and molecular biological techniques-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rothrock Jr, M.J., Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H. 2009. Comparative quantification of Campylobacter jejuni from environmental samples using traditional and molecular biological techniques. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 55: 633–641
- Broiler Litter Application Method and Runoff Timing Effects on Nutrient and Escherichia coli Losses from Tall Fescue Pasture-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sistani, K.R., Torbert III, H.A., Way, T.R., Bolster, C.H., Pote, D.H., Warren, J.G. 2009. Broiler Litter Application Method and Runoff Timing Effects on Nutrient and Escherichia coli Losses from Tall Fescue Pasture. Journal of Environmental Quality. 38(3):1216-1223
- The Transport of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis through Saturated Aquifer Materials-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Cook, K.L., Haznedaroglu, B.Z., Walker, S.L. 2009. The Transport of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis through Saturated Aquifer Materials. Letters in Applied Microbiology. vol. 48 p 307-312
- Diversity of Cell Properties and Transport Behavior Among 12 Enviromental Escherichia Coli Isolates-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Haznedaroglu, B.Z., Walker, S.L. 2009. Diversity of Cell Properties and Transport Behavior Among 12 Enviromental Escherichia Coli Isolates. Journal of Environmental Quality. Vol. 38 p. 465-472
- Using Weighted Least Squares Regression for Obtaining Langmuir Sorption Constants-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. 2008. Using Weighted Least Squares Regression for Obtaining Langmuir Sorption Constants. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- GOES Solar Radiation for Evapotranspiration Estimation and Streamflow Predictions-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jacobs, J., Lowery, B., Choi, M., Bolster, C.H. 2009. GOES Solar Radiation for Evapotranspiration Estimation and Streamflow Predictions. Journal Hydrologic Engineering. 14(3):293-300.
- Evaluation of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Transport in Saturated Porous Media-(Abstract Only)
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H., Walker, S. 2008. Evaluation of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Transport in Saturated Porous Media. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- Comparison of Molecular Methods and Traditional Plate Counting for Detecting Campylobacter Jejuni and Escherichia Coli from Environmental Samples-(Abstract Only)
Rothrock Jr, M.J., Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H., Sorrell, J. 2008. Comparison of Molecular Methods and Traditional Plate Counting for Detecting Campylobacter Jejuni and Escherichia Coli from Environmental Samples. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- Variability of Surface Characteristics and Transport Behavior of Escherichia coli Isolates from Different Host-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Haznedaroglu, B.Z., Walker, S.L. 2008. Variability of Surface Characteristics and Transport Behavior of Escherichia coli Isolates from Different Host. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- Revisiting a Statistical Shortcoming When Fitting the Langmuir Model to Sorption Data-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H. 2008. Revisiting a Statistical Shortcoming When Fitting the Langmuir Model to Sorption Data. Journal of Environmental Quality. Vol. 37 p. 1986-1992
- Effect of long-term swine effluent application on selected soil properties-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Adeli, A., Bolster, C.H., Rowe, D.E., McLaughlin, M.R., Brink, G.E. 2008. Effect of long-term swine effluent application on selected soil properties. Soil Science. 173:223-235.
- Effects of long-term swine effluent application on selected soil properties-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Adeli, A., Bolster, C.H., Rowe, D.E., McLaughlin, M.R., Brink, G.E. 2008. Effects of long-term swine effluent application on selected soil properties. Soil Science. 173:223-235.
- Broiler Litter Application Method and Antecedent Time to Runoff Initiation Effect on Nutrient and E. coli Losses from Tall Fescue Pasture-(Abstract Only)
Sistani, K.R., Torbert Iii, H.A., Way, T.R., Bolster, C.H., Warren, J.G., Pote, D.H. 2007. Broiler Litter Application Method and Antecedent Time to Runoff Initiation Effect on Nutrient and E. coli Losses from Tall Fescue Pasture. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- The Role of Starvation on Escherichia coli Adhesion and Transport in Saturated Porous Media-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Haznedaruglu, B.Z., Bolster, C.H., Walker, S.L. 2008. The Role of Starvation on Escherichia coli Adhesion and Transport in Saturated Porous Media. Water Research. Vol 42 pp 1547-1554
- Effect of Animal Manure on Phosphorus Sorption to Soils-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H., Sistani, K.R. 2007. Effect of Animal Manure on Phosphorus Sorption to Soils. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- Limitations to Using Linearized Langmuir Equations-(Abstract Only)
Bolster, C.H. Limitations to Using Linearized Langmuir Equations. SERA-IEG 17 Bulletin.
- Sorption of Phosphorus from Swine, Dairy, and Poultry Manures-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Sistani, K.R. 2009. Sorption of Phosphorus from Swine, Dairy, and Poultry Manures. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 40:1106-1123
- On the use of Linearized Langmuir Equations-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Hornberger, G.M. 2007. On the use of Linearized Langmuir Equations. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Vol.71 Issue 6 P 1796-1806
- A Convenient Spreadsheet Method for Fitting the Nonlinear Langmuir Equation to Sorption Data-(Other)
Bolster, C.H. 2007. A convenient spreadsheet method for fitting the nonlinear langmuir equation to sorption data. Internet Web Page.
- Establishing the Influnence of Starvation Upon the Transport of Environmental Escherichia Coli Isolates-(Abstract Only)
Haznedaroglu, B.Z., Bolster, C.H., Walker, S.L. 2007. Establishing the Influnence of Starvation Upon the Transport of Environmental Escherichia Coli Isolates. ASM Conference.
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H. Survival of Campylobacter Jejuni and Escherichia Coli in Groundwater During Prolonged Starvation at Low Temperatures. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 103 (2007) 573-583
- Survival and Transport of Campylobacter Jejuni from Poultry Litter-(Abstract Only)
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H., Rothrock Jr, M.J., Warren, J.G., Sistani, K.R. 2006. Survival and Transport of Campylobacter Jejuni from Poultry Litter. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
Ziegler, C., Groves, C., Meiman, J., Bolster, C.H. 2006. Processes influencing variability in cave drip water temperatures. Geological Society of America Meeting. Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 38, No. 7, P. 354; Philadelphia, PA October 2006
Bolster, C.H. 2006. Assessing the accuracy of the linearized langmuir model. American Society of Agronomy Meetings.
Bolster, C.H., Groves, C., Meiman, J., Fernandez-Cortes, A. 2006. Practical limits of high-resolution evaluation of carbonate chemistry within karst flow systems. Conference on Limestone Hydrogeology Proceedings.
Cook, K.L., Bolster, C.H. 2006. Survival of campylobacter jejuni and escherichia coli in groundwater during prolonged exposure to low temperatures. American Society for Microbiology. (ISBN 1-55581-389-5)
- Comparison of Escerichia coli and Camplobacter jejuni transport in saturated porous media-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolster, C.H., Walker, S.L., Cook, K.L. 2006. Comparison of Escerichia coli and Camplobacter jejuni Transport in Saturated Porous Media. Journal of Environmental Quality. 35:1018-1025 (2006)
Bolster, C.H., Cook, K.L. 2006. Is escherichaia coli a good indicator of the transport of campylobacter jejuni in ground water environments. ASABE Annual International Meeting.
Groves, C., Bolster, C.H., Meiman, J. 2005. Spatial and temporal variations in epikarst storage and flow in south central kentucky's pennyroyal plateau sinkhole plain. USGS Karst Interest Group Conference Proceedings.
- Comparison of Constitutive FLOW RESISTANCE Equations Based on the MANNING AND CHEZY EQUATIONs Applied to Natural Rivers-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bjerklie, D.M., Dingman, L., Bolster, C.H. 2005. River discharge and general flow resistance in the manning and chezy equation revisited. Water Resources Research. 41, W11502.
Groves, C., Bolster, C.H., Meiman, J. 2005. Quantitative evaluation of data quality in electronic data logging of karst flow systems. National Speleological Society Annual Meeting.
Bolster, C.H., Bromley, J., Jones, S. 2005. Recovery of chlorine - exposed escherichia coli in estuarine microcosms. Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 39, 3083-3089
Developing Agronomically and Environmentally Beneficial Management Practices to Increase the Sustainability and Safety of Animal Manure Utilization In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:441096 Modeling Incidental and Legacy Phosphorus Losses in Western Lake Erie Basin Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement (T) Accession Number:437643