Research Ecologist
Alison Duff
Research Ecologist
1925 Linden Dr. W
Madison, WI 53706
Dr. Duff joined Dairy Forage Research : USDA ARS in October of 2016 as a Support Scientist and transitioned to her current Research Ecologist role in February of 2021. Dr. Duff's research specializes in dairy system conservation practices, carbon sequestration.
Gambel, J., Duff, A. 2024. The effects of floral resource phenology and farm management practices on pollinators and pollination services on row crop farms. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. November 10-13, 2024.
Gambel, J., Duff, A. 2024. Facilitating a farmer-led outreach event focused on improving farm resilience with pollinator habitat. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. November 10-13, 2024.
Arther, C.M., Panke-Buisse, K., Duff, A., Molodchenko, A.S., Casler, M.D. 2024. Rhizosphere microbial community structure in high-producing, low-input switchgrass families. PLOS ONE.
Duff, A., Reed, K., Vadas, P.A. 2024. Estimating carbon balance on farms. Journal of Nutrient Management. February 2024 Issue;
Salazar, R., Alegre, J., Pizarro, D., Duff, A., Garcia, C., Gomez, C. 2024. Soil carbon stock potential in pastoral and silvopastoral systems in the Peruvian Amazon. Agroforestry Systems.
Jaramillo, D.M., Duff, A., Kohmann, M. 2024. What is the impact of cropland to pasture conversion, and vice versa, on dairy greenhouse gas emissions?. Decode 6.
Duff, A., French, E.A. 2023. How does crop production and diet formulation affect dairy emissions?. Meeting Abstract. Decode 6.
Duff, A. 2023. The dairy forage rotation: Effects on farm carbon balance and soil health. Forage Focus. March 2023 pg 4-5.
Wiesner, S., Desai, A.R., Duff, A., Metzger, S., Stoy, P.C. 2022. Quantifying the natural climate solution potential of agricultural systems by combining eddy covariance and remote sensing. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. 127(0). Article 2022JG006895.
Wiesner, S., Duff, A., Niemann, K.M., Desai, A.R., Crews, T., Picasso Risso, V., Riday, H., Stoy, P.C. 2022. Growing season carbon dynamics differ in intermediate wheatgrass monoculture versus biculture with red clover. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 323(15).
Wiesner, S., Duff, A., Desai, A.R., Panke-Buisse, K. 2020. Increasing dairy sustainability with integrated crop-livestock farming. Sustainability. 12(3), 765.
Duff, A., Zedler, P.H., Barzen, J.A., Knuteson, D.L. 2017. The Capacity-Building Stewardship Model: Assessment of an agricultural network as a mechanism for improving regional agroecosystem sustainability. Ecology and Society. doi:10.5751/ES-09146-220145.
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