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Vision: Leading the world in integrated dairy forage systems research.
Mission: Providing dairy industry solutions for food security, environmental sustainability, and economic viability. We build uniquely valuable, science-based research initiatives focused on improving dairy production systems, soil ecology, forage production, forage quality, nutrient management, and ecosystem services.
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
Dairy Environment
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
Dairy Nutrition
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
Dairy Forage
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
Dairy Systems
The mission of the Environmentally Integrated Dairy Management Research Unit (EIDMRU), a research unit located at Institute for Environmentally Integrated Dairy Management (IEIDM) in Marshfield, WI, is to generate new knowledge to support and develop decision support tools and best practices that increase dairy farm efficiency and reduce the environmental footprint (soil, water, air pollution) associated with the dairy industry.