2003 Reprints |
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1116. | Allaire, S.E., S.R. Yates, F. Ernst and S.K. Papiernik. 2003. Gas-phase sorption-desorption of propargyl bromide and 1,3-dichloropropene on plastic materials. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1915-1921. PDF: 87 K. |
1126. | Amundson, G., F. Forcella and R. Gesch. 2003. Herbicide tolerance in cuphea: A new oilseed crop. North Central Weed Sci. Soc. 58:8. PDF: 60 K. |
1072. | Anderson, J.V., D.P. Horvath and R.W. Gesch. 2003. Effects of photoperiod on whole-plant carbohydrate partitioning, crown bud development, and gene expression in leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula, L.). Plant Biology. p. 95. |
1051. | Archer, D. 2003. Simulation modeling to predict the adoption and economic value of a crop technology innovation. J. MN Acad. Sci. 67(1):28. PDF: 8,816 K |
1125. | Archer, D.W., F. Forcella, B. Durgan and J. Eklund. 2003. Wheat Scout: Decision aid for integrated management of grass weeds in spring wheat. North Central Weed Sci. Soc. 58:145. PDF: 63 K |
1214. | Archer, D.W. and R.W. Gesch. 2003. Simulation modeling to predict the adoption and economic value of a crop technology innovation. [CD-ROM computer file] Minnesota Academy of Science, St. Paul. 14 p. PDF: 58K |
1058. | Archer, D.W. and R.W. Gesch. 2003. Value of temperature-activated polymer-coated seed in the northern Corn Belt. J. Agric. Applied Economics 35(3):625-637. PDF: 291K |
1056. | Archer, D.W., J.L. Pikul, Jr. and W.E. Riedell. 2003. Analyzing risk and risk management in cropping systems. p. 155-164. In: J.D. Hanson and J.M. Krupinsky (eds.), Proc. of the Dynamic Cropping Systems: Principles, Processes and Challenges. Bismarck, ND. |
1047. | Barbour, N.W. and J. M-F Johnson. 2003. Decomposing plants - Does composition and plant part affect decomposition rate? J. MN Acad Sci. 67(1):27. PDF: 34K |
1077. | Barbour, N.W. and J. M-F Johnson. 2003. Does chemical composition and plant part affect decomposition rate? [CD-ROM computer file] Minnesota Academy of Science, St. Paul. 18 p. PDF: 176K |
1023. | Carpenter-Boggs, Lynne, Peter D. Stahl, Mike J. Lindstrom, Tom E. Schumacher. 2003. Soil microbial properties under permanent grass, conventional tillage, and no-till management in South Dakota. Soil & Tillage Research. 71: 15-23. PDF: 88K |
1081. | Day, D., R.J. Evans, J.W. Lee and D.C. Reicosky. 2003. Economical CO2, SOx and Nox capture from fossil fuel utilization with combined renewable hydrogen production and large scale carbon sequestration. IIASA Abstracts. PDF: 1,766K |
1053. | Deen, W., R. Cousens, J. Warringa, L. Bastiaans, P. Carberry, K. Rebel, S. Riha, C. Murphy, L.R. Benjamin, C. Cloughley, J. Cussans, F. Forcella, T. Hunt, P. Jamieson, J. Lindquist and E. Wang. 2003. An evaluation of four crop: Weed competition models using a common data set. Weed Res. 43:116-129. PDF: 337K |
1036. | Denmead, O.T. and D.C. Reicosky. 2003. Tillage-induced gas fluxes: Comparison of meteorological and large chamber techniques. 16th Triennial Conference of International Soil Tillage Research Organization. Soil Management for Sustainability Abstracts. P. 38. PDF: 6,518K |
1041. | Denmead, O.T. and D.C. Reicosky. 2003. Tillage-induced gas fluxes: Comparison of meteorological and large chamber techniques. In: Proc. International Soil Tillage Research Organisation 16th Triennial Conf. Brisbane, Australia. 14-18 July, 2003. p. 357-363. PDF: 4,067K |
1123. | Ekeleme, F., D. Chikoye, D. Archer and F. Forcella. 2003. Modeling emergence of tropical weeds. North Central Weed Sci. Soc. 58:71. PDF: 75K |
1221. | Euliss, Jr., N.H., R.A. Gleason, A. Olness, R.L. McDougal, H.R. Murkin, R.D. Robarts, R.A. Bourbonniere and B.G. Warner. 2003. Prairie wetlands of North America important for carbon storage. Geological Society of America. Paper No. 110-10. |
1063. | Eyherabide, J.J., P.A. Calvi?o, F. Forcella, G. Cendoya and K.E. Oskoui. 2003. Solaria help predict in-crop weed densities. Weed Technol. 17:166-172. PDF: 96K |
1059. | Forcella, F. 2003. Debiting the seedbank: Priorities and predictions. p. 151-162. In: R.M. Bekker, et al. (eds.) Seedbanks: Determination, Dynamics and Management. Aspects of Applied Biology 69. Assoc. of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne, UK. PDF: 231K |
1021. | Forcella, Frank. 2003. United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service research on pest biology: Weeds. Pest Management Science 59: 754-763. PDF: 137K |
1061. | Forcella, F., S.R. Poppe, N.C. Hansen, W.A. Head, E. Hoover, F. Propsom and J. McKensie. 2003. Biological mulches for managing weed in transplanted strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). Weed Technol. 17:782-787. PDF: 169K |
1128. | Forcella, F., T. Webster and J. Cardina. 2003. Protocols for weed seed bank determination in agro-ecosystems. p. 3-18. In: R. Labrada (ed.) Weed Management for Developing Countries. FAO, Rome, Italy. PDF: 887 K |
1024. | Gesch, Russ W., Frank Forcella, Nancy W. Barbour, Ward B. Voorhees and Bliss Phillips. 2003. Growth and yield response of Cuphea to row spacing. Field Crops Research. 81:193-199. PDF: 123K |
1050. | Gesch, R., F. Forcella, B. Sharratt, A. Olness and D. Archer. 2003. Development of cuphea as a unique oilseed crop for the U.S. J. MN Acad. Sci. 67(1):28. (PDF: 943 K) |
1129. | Gesch, R., F. Forcella, B. Sharratt, A. Olness and D. Archer. 2003. Development of cuphea as a unique oilseed crop for the U.S. Minnesota Academy of Science, St. Paul. 8 p. (PDF: 93 K) |
1035. | Gesch, R.W., F. Forcella, B.S. Sharratt, A. Olness and D. Archer. Progress in moving from research to commercial production of Cuphea in the U.S. 94th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo Abstract. 2003. p. 32. PDF: 1,556K |
1071. | Gesch, R.W, J. M-F Johnson and M. Gallo-Meagher. 2003. Acclimation of PEPC and rubisco in maize leaves to cold temperatures. Plant Biology. p. 93. |
1178. | Gesch, R.W., J.M-F Johnson, D.C. Reicosky and M. Gallo-Meagher. 2003. Carbohydrate source: Sink balance and photosynthetic acclimiation in maize under cold growth temperatures. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. C02-gesch168563-poster [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. |
1054. | Gesch, R.W., I.H. Kang, M. Gallo-Meagher, J. C. V. Vu, K. J. Boote, L.H. Allen, and G. Bowes. 2003. Rubisco expression in rice leaves is related to genotypic variation of photosynthesis under elevated growth CO2 and temperature. Plant, Cell & Environment 26 (12), 1941-1950. PDF: 225K |
1062. | Grundy, A.C., N.C.B. Peters, I.A. Rasmussen, K.M. Hartmann, M. Sattin, L. Andersson, A. Mead, A.J. Murdoch and F. Forcella. 2003. Emergence of Chenopodium album and Stellaria media of different origins under different climatic conditions. Weed Res. 43:163-176. PDF: 753K |
1087. | Guo, M., S.K. Papiernik, W. Zheng and S. R. Yates. 2003. Formation and extraction of fumigant residues in soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37:1844-1849. PDF: 105K |
1137. | Guo, M. S.R. Yates, W. Zheng and S.K. Papiernik. 2003. Leaching potential of persistent soil fumigant residues. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37(22): 5181-5185. PDF: 84K |
1064. | Jaradat, A.A. 2003. Agriculture in Iraq: Resources, potentials, constraints, and research needs and priorities. Food, Agric. Environ. 1(2):160-166. PDF: 108K |
1065. | Jaradat, A.A. 2003. Halophytes for sustainable biosaline farming systems in the Middle East. p. 187-204. In: A.S. Alsharhan, et al. (eds.). Desertification in the Third Millenium. Swets & Zeitlinger Publ., Lisse, The Netherlands. PDF: 329K |
1106. | Jaradat, A.A. 2003. Macrogeographical population genetics of wild emmer wheat and its role in sustainable agriculture in the Fertile Crescent. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. C08-jaradat134350-oral [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. |
1057. | Jaradat, A. and D. Archer. 2003. Characteristics and hierarchy of constraints to system sustainability and productivity in farming systems of the Mediterranean region. p. 285. In: J.D. Hanson and J.M. Krupinsky (eds.). Proc. of the Dynamic Cropping Systems: Principles, Processes and Challenges. Bismarck, ND. |
1049. | Jaradat, A.A., J. Johnson, S. VanKempen and N. Barbour. 2003. Annual medics (MEDICAGO SPP.) can help develop sustainable agriculture in the upper Midwest. J. MN Acad Sci. 67(1):27-28. PDF: 4,941K |
1105. | Jaradat, A.A. and M.A. Shahid. 2003. Evaluation of safflower germplasm from SW Asia for salinity tolerance and agronomic traits. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. C08-jaradat984437-oral [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. |
1045. | Johnson, J. 2003. Solutions for growing problems: Agriculture, conservation and environment. J. MN Acad. Sci. 67(1):26. PDF: 6,787K |
1025. | Johnson, J., L. Carpenter-Boggs and M. Lindstrom. 2003. Humic acid and aggregate stability in amended soils. 4th North Central Region Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Soils and Water. P. 21. PDF: 5,885K |
1192. | Johnson, J.M-F, R.W. Gesch and N.W. Barbour. 2003. Contrasting temperature regimes alter composition and phenology of switchgrass and wheat. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. C02-johnson260169-poster [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. |
1070. | Johnson, J. M-F, R. Gesch and N. Barbour. 2003. Phenology and biochemical composition of switchgrass (C4) and wheat (C3) grown at contrasting temperatures. Plant Biology. p. 45. |
1048. | Johnson, J., D. Reicosky, B. Sharratt, M. Lindstrom and W. Voorhees. 2003. Corn stover as a biofuel. J. MN Acad Sci. 67(1):27. (PDF: 8,375 K) |
1067. | Johnson, J., D. Reicosky, B. Sharratt, M. Lindstrom and W. Voorhees. 2003. Corn stover as a biofuel. [CD-ROM computer file] Minnesota Academy of Science, St. Paul. 16 p. (PDF: 104 K) |
1078. | Johnson, J.M., W.W. Wilhelm, J.L. Hatfield, W.B. Voorhees and D. Linden. 2003. Impact of corn residue removal on crop and soil productivity. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B51B-03. |
1060. | Kegode, G.O., F. Forcella and B. Durgan. 2003. Effects of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) management alternatives on weed seed production. Weed Technol. 17:764-769. PDF: 46K |
1091. | Kim, J-H., J. Gan, W.J. Farmer, S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik, and R.S. Dungan. 2003. Organic matter effects on phase partition of 1,3-dichloropropene in soil. J. Agric. & Food Chem. 51:165-169. PDF: 75K |
1136. | Kim, J-H., S.K. Papiernik, W.J. Farmer, J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2003. Effect of formulation on the behavior of 1,3-dichloropropene in soil. J. Environ. Qual. 32:2223-2229. PDF 109K |
1190. | Liebig, M., L. Carpenter-Boggs, J.M-F Johnson, S. Wright and N. Barbour. 2003. Cropping system effects on soil biological characteristics in the Great Plains. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. S06-wright569424-poster [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. |
1075. | Liebig, M., L. Carpenter-Boggs, J.M-F Johnson, S. Wright and N. Barbour. 2003. Soil biological characteristics of contrasting cropping systems in the Great Plains: Summary of preliminary findings. p. 210-214. In: Hanson, J.D. and J.M. Krupinsky (eds.), Proceedings of the Dynamic Cropping Systems: Principles, Processes, and Challenges. Bismarck, ND. |
1044. | Lindstrom, Michael J. and D.W. Archer. 2003. Crop residue management in the United States. pp 11-16 In: Rudolf Artmann and Franz-Josef Bockisch (Eds.) Landbauforschung V?lkenrode Sonderheft 256. PDF:4,720K |
1220. | Olness, A. 2003. Intensification of nitrogen cycling from agricultural lands: An unintended consequence of national policy? |
1127. | Olness, A., R. Gesch, F. Forcella, D. Archer and J. Rinke. 2003. Effect of vanadium and nutrient ionic ratios on growth and development of cuphea. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. S04-olness220435-poster [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. |
1052. | Olness, A., M. Lieser, H. Weiser, B. Kunze and J.L. Rinke. 2003. Four northern Great Plains soils: Their unique chemical signatures. J. MN Acad Sci. 67(1):29. (PDF: 1,592 K) |
1074. | Olness, A., M. Lieser, H. Weiser, B. Kunze and J.L. Rinke. 2003. Four northern Great Plains soils: Their unique chemical signatures. Minnesota Academy of Science, St. Paul. 12 p. (PDF: 270 K) |
1090. | Papiernik, S.K., F. F. Ernst, R. S. Dungan, W. Zheng, M. Guo, and S. R. Yates. 2003. Remediation of halogenated fumigant compounds in the root zone by subsurface application of ammonium thiosulfate. In: J. Gan, P. Zhu, S. D. Aust, and A. T. Lemley (eds.) Pesticide Decontamination and Detoxification. American Chemical Society Symposium Series. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. PDF: 122K |
1088. | Papiernik, S.K., C. M. Grieve, and S. R. Yates. 2003. Phytotoxic effects of salinity, imazethapyr, and chlorimuron on selected weed species. Weed Sci. 51:610-617. PDF: 372K |
1124. | Peterson, D., J. Boots, R. Gesch and F. Forcella. 2003. Harvesting techniques for cuphea: A new oilseed crop. North Central Weed Sci. Soc. 58:6. PDF: 60K |
1191. | Pikul, Jr., J.L, S. Wright, J. Johnson, T. Caesar and M. Ellsbury. 2003. Tillage effects on distribution of organic matter among soil aggregate classes. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. S06-pikuljr.442516-oral [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. |
1176. | Reicosky, D.C. 2003. Agriculture and global change: Environmental benefits of soil carbon sequestration. PDF: 196K |
1066. | Reicosky, D.C. 2003. Environmental benefits of soil carbon in conservation agriculture. In: Proc. II World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. 11-15 August, 2003. p. 35-43. [CD-ROM computer file] |
1068. | Reicosky, D.C. 2003. Foreword. p. ix-xii. In: B. Wolf and G.H. Synder (ed.) Sustainable soils: The place of organic matter in sustaining soils and their productivity. Food Products Press: New York, NY. |
1017. | Reicosky, D.C. 2003. Soil organic carbon: Benefits of direct seeding to productivity and environment. Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Conference. pp. 19-27. PDF: 10,893K |
1094. | Reicosky, D.C. 2003. Soil organic matter: Benefits of direct seeding to productivity and environment. Agronomic, Economic & Environment Digest. p. 45-51. PDF: 544K |
1037. | Reicosky, D.C. 2003. Tillage-induced soil properties and chamber mixing effects on gas exchange. 16th Triennial Conference of International Soil Tillage Research Organization. Soil Management for Sustainability Abstracts. P. 117. PDF: 5,552K |
1042. | Reicosky, D.C. 2003. Tillage-induced soil properties and chamber mixing effects on gas exchange. In: Proc. International Soil Tillage Research Organisation 16th Triennial Conf. Brisbane, Australia. 14-18 July, 2003. p. 971-976. PDF: 5,020K |
1069. | Reicosky, D.C. and R.R. Allmaras. 2003. Advances in tillage research in North American cropping systems. p. 75-125. In: A. Shrestha. (ed.) Cropping Systems: Trends and Advances. Haworth Press, Inc., New York, NY. PDF: 824K |
1177. | Reicosky, D.C., D.W. Archer, D. Lightle and A.R. Wilts. 2003. A tillage-residue decision aid for soil carbon. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. A03-reicosky562917-oral [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. PDF: 176K |
1046. | Ruther, N, N. Barbour and J. Johnson. 2003. Decomposition and composition analysis of sibling BT corn and non BT corn. J. MN Acad Sci. 67(1):27. PDF: 2,477K |
1076. | Ruther, N., N.W. Barbour and J. Johnson. 2003. Decomposition and composition analysis of sibling BT and Non BT corn. [CD-ROM computer file] Minnesota Academy of Science, St. Paul. 13 p. (PDF: 176 K) |
1114. | Sharratt, B.S. and R.Gesch. 2003. Sowing date and row spacing govern water use of Cuphea in the northern Corn Belt. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. A03-sharratt608810-poster [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. |
1033. | Uhde-Stone, Claudia, Glena Gilbert, Jane M-F Johnson, Ralph Litjens, Kelly E. Zinn, Stephen J. Temple, Carroll P. Vance and Deborah L. Allan. 2003. Acclimation of white lupin to phosphorus deficiency involves enhanced expression of genes related to organic acid metabolism. Plant and Soil 248: 99-116. PDF: 16,396K |
1093. | Xu, J., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik, J.O. Becker, and S.R. Yates. 2003. Incorporation of fumigants into soil organic matter. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37:1288-1291. PDF: 75K |
1089. | Yates, S.R, J. Gan, and S.K. Papiernik. 2003. Environmental fate of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 177:45-122. |
1092. | Zheng, W., S.K. Papiernik, M. Guo, and S.R. Yates. 2003. Accelerated degradation of methyl iodide by agrochemicals. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:673-679. PDF: 154K |
1113. | Zheng, W., S.K. Papiernik, M. Guo and S.R. Yates. 2003. Competitive degradation between fumigants chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene in unamended and amended soils. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1735-1742. PDF: 160K |