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2005 Reprints
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1244. Anderson, J.V., W.S. Chao, D.P. Horvath, Y. Jia and R.W. Gesch. 2005. Environmentally-induced shifts in sugar metabolism may affect dormancy status in underground adventitious buds of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula). Weed Sci. Soc. Am. 45:121.
1287. Anderson, James V., Russ W. Gesch, Ying Jia, Wun S. Chao and David P. Horvath. 2005. Seasonal shifts in dormancy status, carbohydrate metabolism, and related gene expression in crown buds of leafy spurge. Plant, Cell and Environment 28:1567-1578. (445 K)
1306. Archer, D.W.2005. Drift prairie conservation ag: Economics five-year report. p. 82-88. In: B. Jacobson and S. Clancy (ed.) Final report on conservation agriculture. North Dakota Natural Resources Trust, Bismarck, ND. (PDF: 108 K)
1284. Archer, D.W.2005. Weeding out economic impacts of farm decisions. p. 63-75. In: J.L. Hatfield (ed.) The farmer's decision. SWCS, Ankeny, IA.  (PDF: 254K)
1240. Archer, D., F. Forcella,J. Wiersma and B. Durgan. 2005. WheatScout: Wild oat and foxtail herbicide decision model. p. 59-65. Proc. 27th Annual Zero Tillage and Winter Wheat Workshop, Brandon, Canada. 1-2 Feb., 2005. Manitoba-North Dakota Zero Tillage Farmers Association. (PDF: 285K)
1276. Archer, D.W. andA.A. Jaradat.2005. Crop productivity and economics during the transition to alternative cropping systems in the northern Corn Belt. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. (PDF: 14K)
1296. Berti, M., B. Johnson, F. Forcellaand R. Gesch.2005. Cuphea seed yield and oil content response to harvest methods. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. (PDF: 16K)
1262. Boote, K.J., L.H. Allen, P.V.V. Prasad, J.T. Baker, R.W. Gesch,A.M. Snyder, D. Pan, and J.M.G. Thomas. 2005. Elevated temperature and CO2 impacts on pollination, reproductive growth, and yield of several globally important crops. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan 60:469-474. (97 K)
1224. Clay, S.A., J. Kleinjan, D.E. Clay,F. Forcella and W. Batchelor. 2005. Growth and fecundity of serveral weed species in corn and soybean. Agronomy Journal, 97:294-302. (234 K)
1304. Davis, A.S., J. Cardina,F. Forcella, G.A. Johnson, G. Kegode, J.L. Lindquist, E.C. Luschei, K.A. Renner, C.L. Sprague and M.M. Williams, II. 2005. Environmental factors affecting seed persistence of annual weeds across the U.S. Corn Belt. Weed Sci. 53:860-868.  (155 K)
1339. Day, D., R.J. Evans, J.W. Lee and D. Reicosky. 2005. Economical CO2, SOx, and NOx capture from fossil-fuel utilization with combined renewable hydrogen production and large-scale carbon sequestration. Energy. 30:2558-2579. (PDF: 1,259 K)
1260. Dungan, R.S.,S. Papiernikand S.R. Yates. 2005. Use of composted animal manures to reduce 1,3-dichloropropene emissions. J. Environ. Sci. Health 40:355-362. (119 K)
1222. Ekeleme, Friday, Frank Forcella, Dave W. Archer, I Okezie Akobundu and David Chikoye. 2005. Seedling emergence model for tropic ageratum (Ageratum conyzoides). Weed Science, 53:55-61. (178 K)
1500. Ellsbury, M.M., K.R. Banken, S.A. Clay, F. Forcella. 2005. Interactions among western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), yellow foxtail, and corn. Environmental Entomology 34(3):627-634. (318 K)
1278. Eynard, A., T.E. Schumacher, M.J. Lindstromand D.D. Malo. 2005. Effects of agricultural management systems on soil organic carbon in aggregates of Ustolls and Usterts. Soil Tillage Res. 81:253-263. (239 K)
1288. Forcella, F., G.B. Amundson, R.W. Gesch, S.K. Papiernik,V.M. Davis and W.B. Phippen. 2005. Herbicides tolerated by cuphea (Cuphea viscosissima x lanceolata). Weed Technol. 19:861-865.  (29 K)
1239. Forcella, F. andD. Archer.2005. Integrating continuous soil depth distributions of hydrothermal time, seeds and burial tolerances to improve seedling emergence models. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. 45:53. (PDF: 26K)
1329. Forcella, F., D. Archer, E. Luschei, K. Spokas and A. Korth. 2005. Weed emergence: A revised Weedcast and its user versatility. North Central Weed Sci. Soc. 60:211. (PDF: 15 K)
1292. Forcella, F., R.W. Gesch and T.A. Isbell. 2005. Seed yield, oil, and fatty acids of cuphea in the northwestern Corn Belt. Crop Sci. 45:2195-2202. (138 K)
1334. Franzluebbers, A.J., R.F. Follett,  E.G. Gregorich, J.M.Johnson, M.A. Liebeg,  D.A. Martens, S.J. Del Grosso, and M.D. Jawson. 2005. Greenhouse gas contributions and mitigation potential in agricultural regions of North America [abstract]. Third USDA Symposium on Greenhouse Gases & Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry. 21-24 March 2005, Baltimore, Maryland.
Available: Online
1286. Gesch, Russ W., and David W. Archer. 2005. Influence of Sowing Date on Emergence Characteristics of Maize Seed Coated with a Temperature-Activated Polymer. Agronomy Journal 97:1543-1550. (122 K)
1242. Gesch, R.W., S.C. Cermak, T.A. Isbell and F. Forcella. 2005. Seed yield and oil content of cuphea as affected by harvest date. Agron. J. 97:817-822. (106 K)
1290. Gesch, R.W. andF. Forcella.2005. Photosynthesis and growth response of domesticated cuphea to temperature. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. (PDF: 16K)
1291. Gesch, R., F. Forcella, A. Olness, D. Archer and A. Hebard. Agricultural management of Cuphea and commercial production in the United States. In: Pascual-Villalobos et al., ed. Proc. 2005 Annual Mtg. AAIC. Int'l Conf. on Industrial Crops and Rural Development, Sept. 17-21, 2005, Murcia, Spain. p. 749-757.  (207 K)
1258. Guo, M., S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernikand W. Zheng. 2005. Incompatibility of metam sodium with halogenated fumigants. Pest Manag. Sci. 61:467-476. (176 K)
1285. Jaradat, A.A.2005. Evolution of Cuphea spp. during domestication. XVII International Botanical Congress. July 17-23, 2005. Vienna, Austria. p. 496. (PDF: 33K)
1270. Jaradat, A.A.2005. Saline agriculture in the Arabian Peninsula: Management of marginal lands and saline water resources. J. Food, Agric. Environ. 3(2):302-306. (483 K)
1275. Jaradat, A.A., D.W. Archer, J. Johnson, S. VanKempen, S. Wagnerand J. Eklund.2005. Sampling strategies for crop yield assessment within and among crop rotations. Proc. 7th Intl. Conf. Precision Agriculture, July 25-28, 2004, Minneapolis, MN. 16 pp. (PDF: 155K)
1271. Jaradat, A.A., M. Shahid and A.Y. Al-Maskri. 2005. Biomass production potential in the Batini barley landrace from Oman. J. Food, Agric. Environ. 3(2):249-253. (1088 K)
1293. Johnson, M-F, D.W. Archer, N.W. Barbour andJ.J. Eklund. 2005. Greenhouse gas emission from contrasting management scenarios in the northern Midwest. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. (PDF: 19K)
1243. Johnson, J., D. Archer, N.W. Barbourand J. Eklund.2005. Preliminary observations of greenhouse gas emission from contrasting management scenarios in the northern Midwest. Proc. Third USDA Symposium on Greenhouse Gases and Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry, Baltimore, MD. p. 136. (PDF: 79K)
1274. Johnson, J.M-F, D.C. Reicosky, R.R. Allmaras, T.J. Sauer, R.T. Venterea and C.J. Dell. 2005. Greenhouse gas contributions and mitigation potential of agriculture in the central USA. Soil Tillage Res. 83:73-94. (317 K)
1294. Johnson, J.M-F., D.C. Reicosky, R.T. Venterea and D.E. Stott. 2005. Managing for mitigation of greenhouse gases and carbon sequestration in the Midwest. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI.  (PDF: 17K)
1301. 1301. King, J.Y., D. Allan, J.S. Strock, J.C. Bell, J. MF Johnson, H. VanVleck, S. Abreu and K. Piotrowski. 2005. Investigating C and N dynamics using stable isotope tracers in corn. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. (PDF: 50K)
1295. Kludze, H.K. and D.W. Archer.2005. An integrated approach to modeling multiple impacts of cropping systems management. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. (PDF: 14K)
1302. Lachnicht Weyers, S., D. Archer, J. Johnson, A. Wilts, N. Barbourand J. Eklund.2005. Microbial dynamics in conventional and organic managed systems. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. (PDF: 141 K)
1241. Lachnicht, S.L., D.W. Archer, J. Johnson, A. Wilts, N. Barbourand J. Eklund. 2005. Use of FAME to distinguish management effects in conventional and organic farming systems. Soil Ecology Society Abstract. SES, Argonne, IL. p. 63. (PDF: 43K)
1254. Li, S., D.A. Lobb and M.J. Lindstrom. 2005. Tillage-induced soil and organic carbon redistribution in different landscapes. Geophysical Research Abstracts. [CD-ROM computer file] European Geosciences Union, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany. (PDF: 26K)
1230. Lobb, D., D. Burton, B. McConkey, D. Reicosky, M. Lindstromand R. Wang. 2005. Soil erosion and its impacts on the production and emission of greenhouse gases in the North American Great Plains. Geophysical Research Abstracts 7:09827. (PDF: 36K)
1227. Masin R., M.C. Zuin, D.W. Archer, F. Forcella,G. Zanin. 2005. WeedTurf: a predictive model to aid control of annual summer weeds in turf. Weed Science 53:193-201. (372 K)
1237. Olness, A.and D. Archer. 2005. Effect of organic carbon on available water in soil. Soil Sci. 170(2):90-101. (PDF: 764K)
1226. Olness, A., R. Gesch, F. Forcella, D. Archerand J. Rinke. 2005. Importance of vanadium and nutrient ionic ratios on the development of hydroponically grown cuphea. Industrial Crops and Products. 21:165-171. (157 K)
1259. Papiernik, S. K., C. M. Grieve, S. M. Lesch, and S. R. Yates. 2005. Effects of salinity, imazethapyr, and chlorimuron application on soybean growth and yield. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 36:951-967.
1289. Papiernik, S.K., M.J. Lindstrom, J.A. Schumacher, A. Farenhorst, K.D. Stephens, T.E. Schumacher and D.A. Lobb. 2005. Variation in soil properties and crop yield across an eroded prairie landscape. J. Soil Water Conserv. 60(6):388-395. (PDF: 233K)
1324. Peterson, D., K. Spokas, F. Forcella, D. Reicoskyand C. Wente.2005. Seedling emergence of row crops and weeds across five tillage systems. North Central Weed Sci. Soc. 60:74. (PDF: 16K)
1263. Pikul, J.L., Jr., J.M.F. Johnson, S. Wright, T-C Caesar and M. Ellsbury. 2005. Soil organic matter and aggregate stability affected by tillage. p. 243-258. In E.A. Ghabbour and G. Davies (ed.) Humic substances: Molecular details and applications in land and water conservation. Taylor and Francis, Inc, New York. (5005 K)
1314. Prior, S.A., D.C. Reicosky, G.B. Runion, R.L. Raper. 2005. Characterization of soil gas efflux patterns associated with tillage implements. pp 143- 147 in The Science of Conservation Tillage: Continuing the Discoveries, The 27 thAnnual Southern Conservation Tillage Systems Conference, Clemson University, Florence, SC, June 27-29, 2005. (PDF: 931K)
1279. Reicosky, D.C.2005. Agronomic quantification of potential soil organic matter increase with direct seeding in Ukraine. p. 23-33. Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf Sustainable and Effective Agriculture Using No-till Systems Approach, Dnipropetrovsky, Ukraine, 17-20 Aug., 2005. (PDF: 324K)
1228. Reicosky, D.C. 2005. Alternatives to mitigate the greenhouse effect: Emission control by carbon sequestration. p. 20-28. Proc. Simposio sobre Plantio Directo e Meio Ambiente: Sequestro de Carbono E Qualidade da Agua, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, May 18-20, 2005. FEBRAPDP e Itaipu Binacional. (PDF: 377K)
1280. Reicosky, D.C.2005. Conceptos para un programa de certificacion en siembra directa. In: Proc. XIII AAPRESID Congress, Aug. 9-12, 2005, Rosario City, Argentina, p. 301-314. (PDF: 582K)
1313. Reicosky, D.C.2005. Conservation agriculture: Environmental benefits of reduced tillage and soil carbon management in water limited areas of central Asia. Carbon Sequestration in Central Asia Workshop Abstracts, Columbus Ohio, November 1-4, 2005. p. 24.  (PDF: 17K)
1316. Reicosky, D.C.2005. Conservation agriculture, Greenhouse effect, CO2 mitigation, environmental benefits and Kyoto Protocol. p. 26-38. Proc. Vth International science practice conference. Conservation agriculture is the base for sustainable and safe farming. Samara, Russia: NFDCA, 2005.
1229. Reicosky, D.C.2005. Conservation agriculture: Zero tillage impact on soil organic matter. p. 39-47. Proc. 27th Annual Zero Tillage and Winter Wheat Workshop, Brandon, Canada. 1-2 Feb., 2005. Manitoba-North Dakota Zero Tillage Farmers Association. (PDF: 242K)
1307. Reicosky, D.C.2005. Impact of the Kyoto Protocol ratification on global transactions of carbon. p. 189-198. Proc. Congreso Internacional sobre Agricultura de Conservaci?n, C?rdoba, Spain, 9-11 Nov., 2005.  (PDF: 395 K)
1231. Reicosky, D.C.2005. Impact of the Kyoto Protocol ratification on global transactions of carbon. p. 118-125. Proc. Simposio sobre Plantio Directo e Meio Ambiente: Sequestro de Carbono E Qualidade da Agua, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, May 18-20, 2005. FEBRAPDP e Itaipu Binacional. (PDF: 297K)
1277. Reicosky, D.C.and D.W. Archer.Cuantification agronomica del aumento de materia organica del suelo en siembra directa. In: Proc. XIII AAPRESID Congress, Aug. 9-12, 2005, Rosario City, Argentina. p. 51-60. (PDF: 229K)
1232. Reicosky, D., M. Lindstrom, T. Schumacher and D. Lobb. 2005. Tillage-induced CO2 loss across an eroded landscape in the North American Great Plains. Geophysical Research Abstracts 7:09922. (PDF: 43K)
1233. Reicosky, D.C., M.J. Lindstrom, T.E. Schumacher, D.E. Lobb and D.D. Malo. 2005. Tillage-induced CO2 loss across and eroded landscape. Soil Tillage Res. 81:183-194. (517 K)
1303. Schomberg, H., P.G. Tillman, S.L. Lachnicht Weyers, P. Timper, D. Olson, U. Sainju, S. Phatak, W. Whitehead and B. Singh. 2005. Multidisciplinary approach to enhancing sustainability in cotton production in the Southeastern USA. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. (PDF: 143 K)
1367. Schomberg, H.H., Tillman, G., Timper, P.,Lachnicht Weyers, S.L., Olson, D.M., Sainju, U.M., Phatak, S., Lamb, M.C., Whitehead, W., Utley, S. 2005. Enhancing sustainability in cotton production through reduced chemical inputs, cover crops, and conservation tillage. Final Project Report LS01-121 to the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program.
1305. Spokas, K., F. Forcella, D. Peterson, D. Archerand D. Reicosky. 2005. Seedchaser: Tillage model for vertical weed seed distribution. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI. (PDF: 142 K)
1323. Spokas, K., F. Forcella, D. Peterson, D. Archer andD. Reicosky. 2005. Seedchaser: Tillage model for vertical weed seed distribution. North Central Weed Sci. Soc. 60:142. (PDF: 13K)
1238. Wiersma, J.J., D.W. Archer, F.Forcella, B.R. Durgan, J. Eklundand K. Martinson. 2005. Validation of WheatScout decision aid for integrated management of grass weeds in spring wheat. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. 45:80.  (PDF: 27K)
1257. Yates, S.R., S.K. Papiernikand W.F. Spencer. 2005. Predicting pesticide volatilization from bare soils. p. 101-110. In J.M. Clark and H. Ohkawa (ed.) Environmental fate and safety management of agrochemicals. ACS, Washington, D.C. (PDF: 132K)
1282. Zhang, Y., K. Spokas and D. Wang. 2005. Degradation of methyl isothiocyanate and chloropicrin in forest nursery soils. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1566-1572. (160 K)
1283. Zheng, Wei, Sharon K. Papiernik, Mingxin Guo, Robert S. Dungan, and Scott R. Yates. 2005. Construction of a Reactive Surface Barrier to Reduce Fumigant 1,3-Dichloropropene Emissions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 24(8):1867-1874. (PDF:156K)