1477. | Archer, D. and S. Weyers. 2008. Energy and carbon budgets in transitional cropping systems in Minnesota. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1452. | Berti, M. B.L. Johnson, R.W. Gesch and F. Forcella. 2008. Cuphea nitrogen uptake and seed yield response to nitrogen fertilization. Agron. J. 100(3):628-634. (864 K) |
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1451. | Berti, M., B. Johnson, R.W. Gesch and F. Forcella. 2008. Cuphea seed yield response to harvest methods applied on different dates. Agron. J. 100(4):1138-1144. (596 K) |
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1440. | Eynard, A., T.E. Schumacher, S.K. Papiernik, D. Lobb and M.J. Lindstrom. 2008. Soil water retention within an eroded and restored landscape [abstract]. Soil and Water Conservation Society. p. 99. |
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1442. | Farenhorst, A., S.K. Papiernik, I. Saiyed, P. Messing, K.D. Stephens, J.A. Schumacher, D.A. Lobb, S. Li, M.J. Lindstrom and T.E. Schumacher. 2008. Herbicide sorption coefficients in relation to soil properties and terrain attributes on a cultivated prairie. J. Enivon. Qual. 37:1201-1208. (1361 K) |
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1448. | Forcella, F., G. Gramig, K. Spokas and C. Bredeson. 2008 Critical plant life-history trait linkage to weather, management, and clients [abstract]. The Ecological Society of America. Paper No. P9091. |
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1486. | Gesch, R.W. 2008. Photosynthesis and growth response of different switchgrass ecotypes to fluctuating growth temperatures. Assoc. Advancement Industrial Crops. p. 58. |
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1483. | Gesch, R. 2008. Photosynthetic response of switchgrass ecotypes to fluctuating growth temperatures. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1489. | Gesch, R., F. Forcella, S. Papiernik and A. Jaradat. 2008. Future generation energy crops [abstract] [CD-ROM]. Midwest Area Bioenergy Research Forum Meeting Abstracts. Midwest Area Bioenergy Research Forum. July 18, 2008, Peoria, IL. |
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1449. | Gramig, G.and F. Forcella.2008. Mapping recent temporal changes in crop species diversity for the 48 contiguous U.S. states. [abstract]. The Ecological Society of America. Paper No. P14678. |
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1487. | Gramig, G. and F. Forcella.2008. Mapping temporal changes in crop species diversity for the 48 contiguous U.S. states. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1463. | Ibekwe, A., C. Grieve, S. Papiernik and C-H Yang. 2008. Effects of fumigants on soil microbial community affected by irrigation water contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1464. | Ibekwe, A.M. and S.K. Papiernik. 2008. Influence of microbial community diversity on survival of escherichia coli O157:H7 in two contrasting soils. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1445. | Jaradat, A.A. 2008. Modeling seed weight under environmental resource limitations as a function of C, N, and C:N allocation [abstract]. Polish Journal of Natural Sciences. Supplement No. 5. p. 79. |
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1439. | Jaradat, Abdullah A., and Rinke, Jana L. Flowering, capsule and seed characteristics in Cuphea. 2008. Euphytica 161:447-459. (613 K) |
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1480. | Jaradat, A.and J. Rinke. 2008. Nutrient homeostatis, C:N ratio, and oil content in cuphea seed. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1446. | Jaradat, A.A.and J.L. Rinke.2008. Phenotypic divergence and population variation in Cuphea. J. Agron. 7(1):25-32. (572 K) |
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1479. | Jaradat, A.and J. Rinke. 2008. Physical capsule and seed characteristics impact nutrient densities in cuphea seed. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1473. | Johnson, J. M.F. 2008. Bioenergy: Agricultural crop residues. U.S. Forest Service. General Technical Report NRS-P-31. p. 21. |
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1475. | Johnson, J. 2008. Biofuel production and soil and water contamination. In: Proceedings of the 28th Latin American Chemical Association's 28th Latin American Chemical Congress on July 27-August 1, 2008. |
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1476. | Johnson, J. M-F. 2008. Biomass removal: Effect on soil nutrients and productivity. In: Proceedings of the North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference, November 12-13, 2008, Des Moines, Iowa. p. 7-14. (773 K) |
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1471. | Johnson, J. M-F, D. Archer and N. Barbour. 2008. Can trace gas emission be modified by management scenarios in the northern Corn Belt. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1490. | Johnson, J.M., S.L. Weyers and D.C. Reicosky. 2008. Sustainable biomass removal rates [abstract] [CD-ROM]. Midwest Area Bioenergy Research Forum Meeting Abstracts. Midwest Area Bioenergy Research Forum. July 18, 2008, Peoria, IL. |
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1470. | Johnson, J., W.W. Wilhelm, D. Lightle, D.L. Karlen, J. Baker, T. Ochsner, J. Novak, A.D. Halvorson, D. Archer and D. Laird. 2008. Vertical distribution of corn stover dry mass. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1488. | Kim, K-I., D.E. Clay, C.G. Carlson, S.A. Clay and T. Trooien. 2008. Do syngergistic relationships between nitrogen and water influence the ability of corn to use nitrogen derived from fertilizer and soil? Agron. J. 100(3):551-556. (730 K) |
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1484. | Kim, K-I., and R. Gesch. 2008. Adaptability of cuphea, a new oil seed crop, to climate and soil environments. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1485. | Kim, K-I., R. Gesch, B. Johnson, F. Lutzi, M. Berti, L. Marek, S. Cermak, T. Isbell and W. Phippen. 2008. Feasibility of cuphea as a new oil seed crop, to climate and soil environments. Assoc. Advancement Industrial Crops. p. 11. |
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1472. | Lachnicht Weyers, S., D. Archer, J. Johnson and A. Jaradat. 2008. Microbial biomass and nutrient dynamics in transitional systems in Minnesota. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1466. | Lachnicht Weyers, S., D.C. Reicosky, T. Ochsner and J.M. Baker. 2008. N mineralization and microbial dynamics in manured and non-manured fields. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1458. | La Scala, Jr., N., A. Lopes, K. Spokas, D. Bolohezi, D.W. Archer and D.C. Reicosky. 2008. Short-term temporal changes of soil carbon losses after tillage described by a first-order decay model. Soil Tillage Res. 99:108-118. (807 K) |
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1443. | Li, S., D.A. Lobb, M.J. Lindstrom, S.K. Papiernik and A. Farenhorst. 2008. Modeling tillage-induced redistribution of soil mass and its constituents within different landscapes. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72 (1):167-179. (1239 K.) |
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1430. | McGiffen, M., Spokas, K., Forcella, F., Archer, D., Poppe, S., and Figueroa, R. Emergence prediction of common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris). Weed Sci. 56:58-65. 2008. (679 K) |
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1465. | Papiernik, S., W.C. Koskinen, S. Yates and B. Barber. 2008. Metolachlor dissipation in eroded and restored landscapes. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1494. | Papiernik, S.K., M.J. Lindstrom, D. Lobb, T.E. Schumacher and J.A. Schumacher. 2008. Restoration of eroded landscapes to reduce variability in soil properties affecting productivity [abstract]. Soil and Water Conservation Society. p. 52. |
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1474. | Pikul, Jr., J.L., J. M-F Johnson, T.E. Schumacher, M. Vigil and W.E. Riedell. 2008. Change in surface soil carbon under rotated corn in eastern South Dakota. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72(6): 1738-1744. (537 K) |
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1456. | Reicosky, D.C. 2008. Carbon sequestration and environmental benefits from no-till systems. p. 43-58. In Goddard, T. et al. (eds) No-Till Farming Systems. Special Publication No. 3, World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, Bangkok: Thailand. (5572 K) |
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1467. | Reicosky, D. 2008. Recycling of biochar as a co-product of pyrolysis: pH and microbial effects. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1468. | Reicosky, D.C. 2008. Tillage. In: Goreham, G., editor. Encyclopedia of Rural America. 2nd edition. Vol. 2. Millerton, NY: Grey House Publishing, Inc. p. 984-991. |
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1457. | Reicosky, D.C., R.W. Gesch, S.W. Wagner, R.A. Gilbert, C.D. Wente and D.R. Morris. 2008. Tillage and wind effects on soil CO2 concentrations in muck soils. Soil Tillage Res. 99:221-231. PDF: 1074 K. |
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1462. | Rice, P.J., W.C. Koskinen, S.K. Papiernik and J. Strock. 2008. Evaluating the influence of drainage, application and tillage practices on the dissipation of chloroacetanilide herbicides in Minnesota soils. In: Proc. 3rd Agricultural Drainage Field Day. Soil and Water Management Field Day Proceedings 2008, August 13, 2008, Lamberton, MN. 2008 CDROM. |
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1478. | Riedell, W., J.L. Pikul, Jr., T.E. Schumacher, S.L. Osborne and A. Jaradat. 2008. Soil, maize crop, and kernel composition responses to rotation and N fertilizer treatments. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1444. | Schumacher, J.A., T.E. Schumacher, D. Lobb, S. Li, J. Mollinedo and M.J. Lindstrom. 2008. Soil translocation estimates calibrated for moldboard plow depth [abstract]. Soil and Water Conservation Society. p. 99. |
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1450. | Schutte, B.J., E.E. Regnier, S.K. Harrison, J.T. Schmoll, K. Spokas and F. Forcella. 2008. A hydrothermal seedling emergence model for giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida). Weed Sci. 56:555-560. (441 K) |
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1459. | Sharratt, B.S. and R.W. Gesch. 2008. Emergence of polymer-coated corn and soybean influenced by tillage and sowing date. Agron. J. 100(3):585-590. (832 K) |
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1454. | Weyers, S.L., H.H. Schomberg, P.F. Hendrix, K.A. Spokas and D.M. Endale. 2008. Construction of an electrical device for sampling earthworm populations in the field. Applied Engineering Agric. 24(3):391-397. (2853 K) |
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1469. | Wilhelm, W.W., J.R. Hess, J. Johnson, H.T. Gollany, D.L. Karlen, J. Baker and G. Varvel. 2008. Agronomic factors limiting sustainable corn stover harvest. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX. |
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1441. | Zheng, W., S.R. Yates and S. Papiernik. 2008. Transformation kinetics and mechanism of the sulfonylurea herbicides pyrazosulfuron ethyl and halosulfuron methyl in aqueous solutions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56:7367-7372. (533 K) |