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A side view of the Soybean Free Air CO2 Enrichment (SoyFACE) experimental research site. The plot on the right shows one replicate of the high CO2 treatment where crops are grown under future concentrations of CO2.
An aerial view of an elevated CO2 treatment plot at the Soybean Free Air CO2 Enrichment (SoyFACE) experimental research site. Nested within the plot is an infrared heating array, allowing for experimental manipulation of both CO2 and temperature growth conditions of major crops.
Field technicians using high-throughput hyperspectral imaging sensors to characterize canopy photosynthetic capacity in a model crop species.
Field sampling crews measuring key physiological variables in bioenergy sorghum using high-throughput techniques (foreground) and comparing the results to traditional measurements (background).
Aerial view of field researchers collecting physiological and reflectance data from various genotypes of the model crop species, tobacco.
Research Associate Nicole Choquette is measuring photosynthesis in maize exposed to elevated ozone concentrations. Photo credit: Scott Gable.
Identify factors affecting food and bioenergy crops, with emphasis on global environmental change, and to utilize this information to provide new opportunities for solving emerging agronomic problems. Research will address: 1) the major features limiting photosynthetic productivity of food and bioenergy crops as well as key functions of soil microorganisms in future environments of elevated CO2, O3, temperature, and water stress; 2) the ecology and management of weedy and invasive species in a changing environment; 3) issues of bioenergy crop adoption in farming systems.