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Christopher Ranger
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Christopher M. Ranger, Ph.D.

Application Technology Research Unit

1680 Madison Ave.

Wooster, Ohio 44691

(330) 464-0311


Chris Ranger’s research uses principles of chemical ecology, insect behavior, and plant-insect-fungal interactions to develop sustainable management tactics for insects infesting horticultural tree and food crops. This research directly supports and impacts the goals of ARS National Program 305-Crop Production. Chris is located at the Application Technology Research Unit (ATRU) in Wooster, Ohio. His research impact is broad in scope and involves national and international collaborations. Chris’ research is supported by funding from the USDA-ARS, USDA-NIFA-Specialty Crops Research Initiative, and the USDA-Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative. Research efforts primarily address wood-boring ambrosia beetles that infest tree crops in ornamental nurseries, along with insect pests of food crops (i.e., gourmet mushrooms) grown in controlled environments.


Ongoing projects include:

Characterizing the impact of abiotic and biotic stressors on the susceptibility of horticultural tree crops to ambrosia beetles

Determining the role of stress induced compounds on the host selection and host colonization success of ambrosia beetles

Integrating repellents and attractants into a “push-pull” strategy for protecting tree crops from ambrosia beetles

Assessing the seasonal activity and dispersal of exotic ambrosia beetles in ornamental nursery agroecosystems

Elucidating the molecular and chemical mechanisms of mutualistic associations between ambrosia beetles and their nutritional fungal symbionts

Establishing management tactics for fungus gnats infesting gourmet oyster mushrooms within controlled environments.


Chris Ranger Google Scholar

Please contact Chris if you are a stakeholder seeking to manage insect pests infesting horticultural crops grown within controlled environments, especially wood-boring ambrosia beetles.


Research Experience

2006−present  Research Entomologist (GS-15, 2019), USDA-ARS, Application Technology Research Unit, Wooster, OH
2004−2006 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Philip E. Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research and Extension, Rutgers University, Chatsworth, NJ
2000−2004  Life Sciences Predoctoral Fellow, Department of Entomology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
1997−1999 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA



Educational Background

2000−2004 University of Missouri-Columbia; major: Entomology; Ph.D.
1997−1999 The Pennsylvania State University; major: Entomology; M.S.
1992−1997 The Ohio State University; major: Entomology; B.S.