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Hongyoung Jeon
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Hongyoung Jeon, Ph.D.

Application Technology Research Unit 

1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, Ohio 44691

(330) 641-2996


My research interest is to utilize sensors and instruments to data-based optimization for production input during agricultural productions to maximize its effectiveness while minimizing its impact to the environment. My current research is stereo vision based variable rate sprayer for specialty crops which make spray decisions after analyzing image data from the stereo vision in real time. A prototype sprayer has developed, and my current focus is to develop algorithms to translate data to knowledge for crop protection product applications. My other research interest is to improve the deposition of crop protection product tank mix on intended targets after spray droplets are discharged from the nozzles to reduce active ingredient uses. Current focus in this research area is to develop a novel technique to high throughput measurements of the spray deposition to analyze the impact of a various ingredients of crop protection products in the deposition.

 ‪Hongyoung Jeon‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬


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Research Interest


Research Experience:

2020–Present USDA- ARS Application Technology Research Unit as a research agricultural engineer.
2011 - 2020 Dow AgroSciences/Corteva Agriscience as a senior application engineer.
2008 - 2011 USDA- ARS Application Technology Research Unit as a post-doc research agricultural engineer



2000 Bachelor of Engineering in Agricultural Machinery Engineering, Chungbuk National University
2003 Master of Science in Biosystems Engineering, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville
2008 Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering, the University of Illinois at Urbana-  Champaign.