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Research Leader
(330) 263-3965
Corn, Soybean and Wheat Quality Research Unit
026 Selby Hall, 1680 Madison Avenue
Wooster, OH 44691
The mission of the Corn, Soybean and Wheat Quality Research Unit is to increase quality, pest and pathogen resistance in corn, soybean and wheat through research to:
- understand and monitor existing and emerging viruses that infect maize and soybean, including their transmission, management, and crop resistance to disease;
- use genetic improvement for increasing seed quality and pest resistance in soybeans for the northeast U.S.; and,
- improve end-use quality and value of soft wheat through evaluation, biochemistry and genetic research.
Corn and Soybean Virus:
Our mission is to develop knowledge required for rapid identification, characterization and development of disease management strategies for existing and emerging virus disease threats to corn and soybeans in the U.S. and worldwide. Our goals are:
- To lead in research on the biology, transmission, etiology, genetics and molecular biology of corn viruses and virus resistance mechanisms in corn.
- To lead in identification of emerging soybean viruses and evaluation of soybeans for resistance to virus diseases.
Soybean Genetics and Breeding:
Our mission is to improve pest and pathogen resistance and quality traits of soybeans adapted to northeastern U.S. by bridging gaps between basic and applied research using cutting edge molecular and genomic tools. Specifically:
- identify soybeans with insect resistance, conduct genetic and genomic characterizations of resistance, and develop germplasm for northeastern U.S. with resistance to soybean aphids and stink bugs
- investigate interactions between flooding tolerance and Phytophthora stem and root rot resistance and
- identify new genes for improving the quality and quantity of protein and oil in soybeans, develop genetic markers associated with them and move genes into adapted germplasm
Soft Wheat Quality:
Our mission is to improve end use quality of soft wheat through evaluation, biochemistry, and genetic research. Specifically, we:
- Evaluate quality of soft wheat breeding lines and cultivars to improve milling and baking quality.
- Conduct research on biochemistry and genetics of soft wheat for end-use quality improvement.
- Cooperate and collaborate with breeders and milling and baking industries in conducting 1 and 2.