Request for Samples of 2013 Harvest |
Dear Collaborator,
As the 2013 harvest season begins, I am asking that you submit your sample requests to the Soft Wheat Quality Lab Cooperator Interface. Please complete the request form by Friday, August 09, 2013.
To submit your sample requests, go to the Collaborators Login once you log in, please select "New Request", fill in the appropriate spaces, and then submit the request. For each request, please upload a sample list. If you are unable to submit your sample list, email me the list in an Excel Format. Also within this Interface, you are able to view your current requests, past evaluations, and update your account. If you need to establish a username or password, please contact me.
As you prepare for sample shipment please consider the following:
1) Micro Evaluations - Require 150 grams per sample. This is suitable for most breeding materials.
2) Advanced Evaluations - Require 400 grams per sample. This includes cookie baking analysis. This evaluation is appropriate for final analysis of materials before release.
3) Special Evaluations - In general, these evaluations will not be processed normally and will only perform tests that were noted.
This year, we are capping sample numbers at 460 micro evaluation samples per program. Advanced samples require about twice the work of a micro sample. Therefore, we are capping the total number of advanced samples at 100, and will count each advanced sample as two micro samples in the total allowed per program. We will process additional samples as possible for graduate student, collaborative, or grant research.
Please contact us in advance if will need to exceed the 460 sample limit, preferably during the planning stages of your experiment. This will allow us toassist in designing an experiment that efficiently uses lab resources. If the research topic is of regional interest and has potential for publication, we can waive the 460 sample limit. Highest priority will be given to publishable research in the areas of 1) Fusarium Head Blight resistance, 2) mapping for wheat quality, and 3) introduction or measurement of novel genes that affect end-use quality.
The best shipping materials are heavy sample envelopes, followed by heavy paper bags. Stapled, thin envelopes are often the poorest sample packaging.
Consecutive numbering of samples with an electronic entry-list e-mailed at time of shipping or before is required. This list should be in an Excel Format.
Organizing your samples inside the packaging and clear labeling will speed the processing for your samples.
Our timeline for this year and shipping address is given on the next page. Contact me if you have questions.
Best regards,
Tony Karcher
Timeline for Collaborative Research with the SWQL in 2013
Tuesday, May 14th
First call for evaluations (Micro, Advanced, Special).
Friday, August 9th
Deadline for request notification for samples to be processed before Friday, December 13th.
Friday, September 14th
Deadline for request notification for samples to be processed before Friday, May 30, 2014.
Friday, October 12th
Deadline for receipt of samples to be processed before Friday, December 13th. Samples received after this date will be processed on a first-come-first-serve basis between the first of the year and Friday, May 30,2014.
Shipping Address:
Tony Karcher
1680 Madison Ave.
Wooster, OH 44691