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Soft Wheat Quality Lab Personnel
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Byung-Kee Baik
Research Molecular Biologist

B.S. (1988) and M.S (1990) Agronomy, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Ph.D. (1994) Food Science, Washington State University

Research Interests
As the Director of the Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory, Dr. Baik leads the program, which evaluates the end-use quality of wheat breeding lines to assist the Eastern US wheat breeders in development of wheat varieties with improved end-use quality.  With the goals of improving end-use quality and extending the uses of soft wheat, Dr. Baik's research interests include: development of efficient and reliable wheat quality testing methods; physical and biochemical quality traits of soft wheat; functional and nutritional characteristics of whole grain wheat; genetic markers for end-use quality; and quality of soft red wheat for non-conventional uses.


Bryan Penning
Research Geneticist

Ph.D. (2003) Genetics, University of Missouri, Columbia
B.S. (1995), Life Sciences, University of Missouri, Rolla
B.S. (1995), Chemical Engineering, University of Missouri, Rolla

Research Goals
My goal is to identify genes and genomic markers associated with soft wheat quality traits.  Markers can be used to select for varieties or breed new varieties with improved traits.  I also plan to characterize genes that control flour quality in eastern soft wheat to better understand compositional and/or architectural differences in the seed leading to improved quality traits. Knowledge of genes that affect seed composition and architecture could be used to predict alleles that enhance wheat quality for specific applications such as cookie, biscuit, or cake baking.


Amy Bugaj
Physical Science Technician

Research and Laboratory Science degree, Ohio State University 

Research Interests
To assist research efforts of the Soft Wheat Quality Lab and evaluate submitted breeder samples for milling and baking quality parameters.


Tom Donelson
Physical Science Technician

B.S. Chemical Engineering, Ohio University

Research Interest
Assist in research to identify flour characteristics that lead to better end-use products.


Taehyun Ji
Research Food Technologist
Phone: (330) 641-3423


Cindy Hampton
Biological Science Technician
Phone: (330) 202-3597


Minwoo Lee

Biological Science Technician
Phone: (330) 202-3597


Deemarie Marty (Dee)
Biological Science Lab Technician
Phone: (330) 202-3597


Paul Nemes
Biological Science Technician