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National Environmental Policy Act
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The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the chief in-house research agency for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), conducting scientific research to address agricultural problems through ARS’s four major program areas and 15 National Programs, across 95 locations. Given the wide breadth and reach of the Agency’s mission, potential environmental impacts vary across ARS operations. Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), ARS must consider the potential for environmental and cultural resources impacts that may result from the implementation of certain research, construction, or real property projects before approving such activities. Ensuring compliance with NEPA requires an agency-wide understanding and consistent implementation of a defined process. ARS has developed specific documentation to guide the Agency through the NEPA Process. This site is designed to provide access to helpful information related to the Agency’s management of the NEPA process. 


NEPA was signed into law on January 1, 1970, establishing a broad national framework for protecting the human and natural environment. NEPA’s basic policy ensures that all federal agencies consider the environment before undertaking any major federal action that has the potential to significantly affect the human and natural environment. NEPA consists of three primary components:

Specific links to CEQ and ARS NEPA regulations are noted below: