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National Program 212: Soil and Air
2024 USDA ARS University of Maine PFAS Workshop
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2024 USDA ARS University of Maine PFAS Workshop

Overview: The Identifying and Prioritizing Research and Programmatic Needs in the Detection, Mitigating, and Remediating PFAS in Agriculture and Food Systems -  collaboration between USDA ARS - Center of Excellence for Environmental Monitoring and Mitigation and the University of Maine workshop was held in Arlington Virginia from September 10 – 12, 2024

This workshop was designed to identify, strategize, and develop approaches for implementation of plans to solve priority problems that PFAS poses to agriculture, agroecosystems, food systems, and farming communities. This three-day event had the following foci on PFAS: identifying both progress being made in addressing PFAS in agriculture, and in identifying the key problems; conversations to ensure understanding the context of the problems; and following those, working together to formulate solutions to the problems. The meeting consisted of keynotes/highlight/topical presentations (to elucidate what we know and spark discussions); break out working groups; readout presentations; and vision setting.

Meeting Objectives and Expected Outcomes:  This workshop was designed to identify, strategize, and develop approaches for implementation of plans to solve priority problems that PFAS poses to agriculture and food systems.  This objective was met; key focal points and draft roadmaps for the solutions were developed.

This PFAS focused gap and solution meeting - between the powerful USDA research community, other USDA mission areas, University of Maine partners, other university partners, the private sector, and key state and federal agencies - enabled us to address and resolve agriculture-centric problems arising from PFAS. Overarching impacts of this conference include a fertile and coordinated engagement of the research community and stakeholders in finding creative and innovative ways to mitigate and remediate a rapidly growing PFAS challenge in U.S. agriculture and food systems.

Format: The meeting consisted of presentations, breakout sessions, and read-outs designed to facilitate communications and solution development for problems that initially fell into eight broad conceptual areas where PFAS impacts in agriculture. Those areas are:

  1. Abatement
  2. Data
  3. Environment
  4. Food
  5. Livestock
  6. Materials
  7. Plants
  8. Socio-economic

The following materials provide more information about the workshop and its outcomes


Kickoff presentations

PFAS Progress and Challenge Presentations

Breakout sessions presentations

Funding agency presentations

Closing presentation


PFAS Workshop Email Distribution List

Vision for PFAS research: focal points and their roadmaps



Watch this page for formal working group Points of Contact and for follow on activities!