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National Program 212: Soil and Air
Action Plan
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The mission of NP212 "Soil and Air" is to conduct scientific research that provides fundamental knowledge of soil-crop-air system dynamics and that leads to the development of technologies and practices producers can readily use to improve management of soil resources, reduce impact on air resources, efficiently use inputs, and contribute to ecosystems services. 

The full text of the 2021-2025 Action Plan is available here:

NP212 Action Plan 2021-2025



The goal of National Program (NP) 212 - Soil and Air, is to expand, maintain, enhance, and protect soil resources essential for U.S. agricultural production as well as to optimize the management of crop nutrients and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from agricultural soils and byproducts, and explore options for production management in the face of global climate change. 


The National Program 212 research outlined in this Action Plan has been expanded to include the projects from the former National Program 214, Agricultural and Industrial Byproducts.  The merger of these two National Programs will offer improved efficiency in use of available resources and stronger multidisciplinary cooperation for an improved, holistic approach by bringing together scientists from a wide variety of research fields into one stronger soil and air program. 

For the full text of this document (pdf), please  click the title below. 

Action Plan 2016-2020