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New Issue of Healthy Animals Now Online
By Chris Guy
January 21, 2010
The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) today posted a new issue of Healthy Animals. This quarterly online newsletter compiles ARS news and expert resources on the health and well-being of agricultural livestock, poultry and fish.
Each quarter, one article in Healthy Animals focuses on a particular element of ARS animal research. The current issue examines the importance of maintaining stockpiles of genetic material to preserve the genetic diversity of agriculturally important animals.
Research highlighted in this issue includes:
* ARS' cattle germplasm preservation efforts could lead to breeding of animals that cost less to produce.
* ARS scientists in the Deep South have saved samples from rare fish that only live in fresh water ponds and streams in Mississippi.
* Out West, researchers have found it is cheaper to cryopreserve suitable germplasm samples, rather than maintaining live pigs or cattle.
Professionals interested in animal health issues might want to bookmark the site as a resource for locating animal health experts. An index lists ARS research locations covering 70 animal health topics. These range from specific diseases, such as Lyme disease to broad subjects such as nutrition or parasites.
The site also provides complete contact information for the 25 ARS research groups that conduct studies aimed at protecting and improving farm animal health.
To receive an email alert about each issue's online posting, contact Chris Guy, ARS Information Staff, or sign up on line.
ARS is the principal intramural research agency for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.