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Dennis Timlin
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Dr. Dennis Timlin

Research Interests

The project I work in is titled "Experimentally Assessing and Modeling the Impact of Climate and Management on the Resiliency of Crop-Weed-Soil Agro-Ecosystems," and I provide leadership for research directed toward understanding the fundamentals of physical and biological soil processes and their interaction over a range of scales, from the plant to the field. By training I am a soil physicist and a biologist which leads to my interest in biophysics. I am interested in how plants and their environment interact and how to quantify that interaction using mathematical relationships. I am interested in plant-soil relationships at both the plant and field scale. Much of my work is directed toward developing plant and soil simulation models that growers can use to assist in management decisions. Another aspect of my work is it study spatial relationships among soil and landscape properties such as soil texture and soil surface curvature, and crop growth and yield. I am interested in learning how one can use crop models and spatial statistics to better map soil hydraulic properties from sparse measurements.