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ARS Home » Northeast Area » Beltsville, Maryland (BARC) » Beltsville Agricultural Research Center » Adaptive Cropping Systems Laboratory » People » Vangimalla Reddy

Vangimalla Reddy
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Research Interests

My research has focused on photosynthesis, respiration, carbon and nitrogen metabolism and growth analysis of cotton and soybean crops in response to temperature, CO2-enrichment, drought, and growth regulators. My research has been on whole plant response to weather and various stress factors and the development of crop simulation models for the purpose of understanding crop physiology, input optimization at the farm level, to evaluate crop and pest management strategies, to predict irrigation and fertilization scheduling, and to evaluate physiological traits needed for improvements in plant breeding programs.


My responsibilities include developing and applying advanced systems theory to the solution of complex problems by the development of computer-aided farm decision-support systems. Providing leadership in the development of a comprehensive cotton simulation model for global warming studies. Identification of research areas that need to be investigated to develop databases for advancements in process level, mechanistic crop simulation models for cotton, soybean, wheat, corn, and potato. Specifically, to conduct basic research on the influence of elevated carbon dioxide concentrations, variable day/night temperatures, growth regulators, and soil moisture regimes on growth, phenology, photosynthesis, respiration, evapotranspiration, and plant water relations of cotton, soybean, corn, wheat, and potato. Results of these studies will be used to develop process level crop simulation models sensitive to the CO2 concentrations, temperature, water and nutrient levels. Provide team leadership in the development, testing and use of crop simulation models to make predictions about the effects of climate, soil and various management practices on crop yield, plant physiological processes and ground water pollution. Participate actively in national modeling programs to coordinate the collection of data, the development of crop simulation models, expert systems, and their integration into products that support the high-priority needs of the national agricultural community.