AIP popular media (1990s)
2010+ | 2000–2009 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Articles on AIP research in various breed, industry, university, and government media.
- Becker, H. The future builds on the past—Getting more milk from fewer cows. Agricultural Research 47(12):32–33. 1999.
- Franck, R. The ins and outs of indexes. Dairy Herd Management, Mar. 1. 1999. [Re-released on Jan. 17, 2011]
- Powell, R., Sieber, M., and Hubbard S. What NOT to look for in advertisements for genetics. Holstein Journal 61(12):70, 72. 1999.
Also published as: - Jersey Journal 47(8):44–45. 2000.
- NAAB Electronic Resource Guide, June. 2001.
- Que no mirar en un anuncio de genetica. NAAB Electronic Resource Guide, June. 2001.
- Que no mirar en un anuncio de genetica. Nuestro Holando, May, p. 43. 1999.
- USDA evaluation changes for August 2000. NAAB Electronic Resource Guide. 1999.
Also published as: - Alterações na avaliação do USDA para Agosto de 2000. Electronic Resource Guide. 1999
- Cambios en las evaluaciones del USDA para Agosto del 2.000. Electronic Resource Guide. 1999
- Wiggans, G.R., and Hubbard, S.M. Genetic evaluation of yield and conformation traits of dairy goats. Amer. Dairy Goat Assn. News and Events, 2nd quarter, p. 11. 1999.
- Anderson, C. Service aims to find best. Star Beacon, Mar. 9, p. CS. 1998.
- Becker, H. INTERBULL shows how U.S. bulls stack up. Agricultural Research 46(2):16. 1998.
Also published as: - INTERBULL helps U.S. cows meet world's best bulls. ARS News & Events, Feb. 25. 1998.
- Franck, R. Tools to limit inbreeding. Dairy Herd Management, Dec. 1. 1998. [Re-released on Jan. 17, 2011]
- Gengler, N., et al. Genetic evaluations for color breeds. Guernsey Breeders' Journal, Mar., p. 144. 1998.
- Powell, R.L. Frequency of genetic evaluations: Two times per year vs 4 times per year. Red Bloodlines 21(Mar.):12. 1998.
- Sieber, M., Powell, R.L., and Hubbard, S. Como converter corretamente as provas para o pta americano. ImagemRural 6(56):17–19. 1998.
Also published as: - Buscando la forma correcta para convertir a HPT U.S.A.? Accelerated Genetics Novedades de Genéticos 6(1):1, 4–5, 1999.
- Estas buscando la forma correcta de convertir las pruebas de otoros paises al PTA de los EE UU. Nuestro Holando. 1999.
- Powell, R.L., Sieber, M., and Hubbard, S.M. Looking for the right way to convert to U.S. PTA? Ag-Link International, Nov. 1998.
Also published as: - Holstein World, Jan. 1999.
- NAAB Electronic Resource Guide, Aug. 2004.
- Sieber, M., Powell, R., and Hubbard, S. International genetic evaluations: don't let the numbers confuse you! Holstein World 95(9):30, 32. 1998.
Also published as: - Ag-Link International, June. 1998.
- Avaliações genéticas internacionais: nao fique confuso com os números. ImagemRural Leite 5(52):14–15. 1998.
- Avaliações genéticas inernacinoais: nao fique confuso com os números. NAAB Electronic Resource Guide, July. 2001.
- Evaluaciones genéticas internacionales: No permita que los números lo confundan! NAAB Electronic Resource Guide, July. 2001.
- Evaluaciones internacionales: No permita que los números lo confundan! Nuestro Holando 454:53–57. 1998.
- NAAB Electronic Resource Guide, July. 2001.
- Provas de touros? Veja na internet. ImagemRural Leite 5(52):17. 1998.
- Hubbard, S.M., and Wiggans, G.R. Science update: Nature versus nurture: A formula for goats. Agricultural Research 45(1):23. 1997.
- Miller, R.H., Ashwell, M.S., and VanRaden, P.M. Genetic "markers" could guide our breeding. Hoard's Dairyman 142(5):195. 1997.
- Powell, R.L. Heterogeneous variance adjustment (is it fair?). California Dairy 6(8). 1997.