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fixped.f90 Checks pedigree relationships and discovers additional relatives

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Input Mostly the output files from findhap, version 3. Other input files are:

pedigree.file Contains genotyped animals and their ancestors (same file used in findhap)
Provides a more complete file than just known ancestors of genotyped animals
.../pedigrees.txt Provides a more complete file than just known ancestors of genotyped animals
clone.keys Links known identical animals to one member of clone group

For faster processing, input files from findhap can include only new animals and then link to the following full files from findhap that included all prior animals:

pedigree.priors Same format as pedigree.file but for all prior animals
hap.listpriors hap.list from a prior full run
hap.foundpriors hap.found from a prior full run
hap.filledpriors hap.filled from a prior full run

  • Confirm if genotyped sire matches
  • Remove confirmed sire haplotypes from animal
  • Check and confirm if dam genotyped
  • Confirm if genotyped dam matches
  • Check maternal sibs for clones, full sibs
  • Confirm if genotyped maternal grandsire (MGS) matches
  • Search for MGS, paternal grandsire (PGS), or sire if needed
  • Remove confirmed or found MGS haplotypes from animal
  • Search for maternal great-grandsire (MGGS)
  • Check among paternal sibs for clones, full sibs. If MGS known, restrict search to ¾ sibs
  • Output discovered dam if unknown but full sib has a dam
  • Discover dam and clones if neither sire nor MGS are genotyped

Output bestmatches Ancestor type: MGS, MGGS
Dam/maternal grandam (MGD) source codes:
0 Unknown (no identification information)
G Genotyped
I Imputed
P Pedigree dam or MGD of genotyped animal (has identification information but not genotyped)

0 No likely MGS/MGGS found to replace unknown
1 Pedigree MGS/MGGS has most matches
2 Pedigree MGS/MGGS has 2nd most matches
3 Pedigree MGS/MGGS has 3rd most matches
4+ Pedigree MGS/MGGS has 3 or more bulls with more matches
ADD Add MGS/MGGS replacing missing
DEL Pedigree MGS/MGGS is unlikely, no better candidate found
FIX MGS/MGGS found, likely the true ancestor to replace genotyped one
P Pedigree MGS/MGGS not genotyped
SUB MGS/MGGS found, likely the true ancestor to replace nongenotyped one


Ancestor type: Dams, sires, full sibs, PGS, clones
Relative type:
CLON Identical genotype
DAM1 Check and confirm if dam genotyped or delete if low match
DAM2 Output discovered dam if unknown but full sib has a dam
DAM3 Output discovered dam among daughters of MGS
DAM4 Discover dam and clones if neither sire nor MGS are genotyped
FSIB Full sib
PGS Paternal grandsire (top 3 listed may also include MGS)

OK Haplotypes confirm pedigree (used with CLON and FSIB)
SUG Discovered full sib has pedigree dam, but this full sib does not
LOW Reported sire has low number of matches; no better match found

References 2020 Nani, J.P., L.R. Bacheller, J.B. Cole, and P.M. VanRaden. Discovering ancestors and connecting relatives in large genomic databases. J. Dairy Sci. 103:1729–1734.
2013 VanRaden, P.M., T.A. Cooper, G.R. Wiggans, J.R. O'Connell, and L.R. Bacheller. Confirmation and discovery of maternal grandsires and great-grandsires in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 96:1874–1879.

License Fortran package fixped is public domain and was developed with U.S. taxpayer funding. Accurate results are not guaranteed. Please report any bugs to You may modify, improve, use, and redistribute the code to anyone for any purpose. Or, you can ask Juan to make changes that could benefit U.S. evaluations and other users.

 Juan Nani
 Paul VanRaden
 Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory
 Agricultural Research Service, USDA