MTGSAM | Manual | ||
The manual is available electronically in several formats, and all are self-extracting compressed files. | |||
WordPerfect | The original WordPerfect for Windows 6.1 file is available as GSMWP.EXE. To print this file, the computer must have the fonts MTEXTRA and FENCES installed. This will be the case if the MathType equation editor is installed (the equation editor used to generate the manual). The same fonts are installed by the equation editor that is included with Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint (the equation editor is a simplified version of the MathType editor). If those fonts are not available, many of the equations will be printed incorrectly. To create the WordPerfect file, execute the downloaded program. | ||
PCL | If a Hewlett Packard LaserJet Series II compatible printer is available, the manual can be printed using PCL (printer contol language) files. Those files are available in GSMPCL.EXE. Execute the program to create the PCL files. Several files of the form gsmxxyy.pcl, where xx is the starting page and yy is the ending page, are included in that file as well as a batch file (printpcl.bat) to print all of the manual pages. The batch file assumes that the printer is attached to lpt1 (the first parallel port); if that is not the case, the file will need to be modified. The form of the command to print each of the files is: copy /b gsmxxyy.pcl lpt1 The /b flag must be included for printing to be successful. |
PS | If a postscript printer is available, the manual can be printed from PS (postscript) files. Those files are available as GSMPS.EXE. Execute the program to create the PS files. Several files of the form, where xx is the starting page and yy is the ending page, are included in that file as well as a batch file (printps.bat) to print all of the manual pages. The batch file assumes that the printer is attached to lpt1 (the first parallel port); if that is not the case, the file will need to be modified. The form of the command to print each of the files is: copy /b lpt1 The /b flag must be included for the printing to be successful. |
Contact | Please direct questions, comments, and program problems to Curt Van Tassell |