MTGSAM | Multiple-trait Gibbs sampler for animal models (threshold version) | ||
This set of programs for the threshold version of MTGSAM is described in "Bayesian analysis of twinning and ovulation rates using a multiple-trait threshold model and Gibbs sampling" by C.P. Van Tassell, L.D. Van Vleck, and K.E. Gregory (Journal of Animal Science 76:2048–2061, 1998). Be warned that there are still some bugs in this software. The same problem exists with missing traits as with the first linear model version (that correction has not yet been applied to the threshold programs). Starting values for thresholds for traits with more than 2 categories sometimes blow up when starting, but replicating this problem has been difficult. If you have a small data set that can generate this problem, please contact Curt Van Tassell to allow use of that data for debugging purposes. Note: If the program does not stop because of this bug, the results should be correct. If you have not done so, please register as a user of MTGSAM! |
User information form | Enter user information and e-mail to Curt Van Tassell to receive upgrade information and bug fixes | ||
Threshold programs | Compressed and self-extracting | ||
Contact | Please direct questions, comments, and program problems to Curt Van Tassell |