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Sajjad Toghiani
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(301) 504-8680 (voice)
(301) 504-8092 (fax)

10300 Baltimore Ave.
Bldg. 306, Room 225, BARC-East
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350

Areas of expertise

Quantitative genetics, genomic selection, complex trait genetics, statistical genetics, population genomics, genetic and genomic evaluation


B.S., Animal Science, Shiraz University, 2005

M.S., Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Guilan, 2007

M.S., Animal Breeding and Genetics, The University of Georgia, 2015

Ph.D., Animal Breeding and Genetics, The University of Georgia, 2018

Sajjad Toghiani is a Research Geneticist (Animals) at the USDA-ARS Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory (AGIL) in Beltsville, Maryland. He leverages his cross-disciplinary skillset in statistics, genetics, genomics, and data science to contribute to the field of animal breeding and genetics. His primary focus is on utilizing cutting-edge genomic research in animal breeding to develop decision-making tools and improved algorithms that can improve animal health and welfare, environmental sustainability, climate adaptability, and productivity for producers. Additionally, he prioritizes innovation in animal genetic research to address challenges such as improving genomic prediction from high-density genotypes, reducing environmental footprint, adapting to climate change, enhancing disease resistance, and preserving genetic diversity while maintaining or increasing productivity.


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