Research Microbiologist
Environmental Microbial & Food Safety Lab
10300 Baltimore Avenue
Building 307 BARC-East
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA
Phone: 301.504.6774
Fax: 301.504.6608
Research Area: To develop molecular methods to detect zoonotic protozoan parasites and apply these methods to specimens obtained from farms, wildlife, and surface waters in order to better understand the complex epidemiology of zoonotic diseases.
Current project, 2015 - 2020: Zoonotic Parasites Affecting Food Animals, Food Safety, and Public Health
2011 Beltsville Area Celebration of Excellence
Dr. Mónica Santín-Durán was among the winners of the Beltsville Area Celebration of Excellence Awards for 2011. She was recognized with the 2011 BA Award for Early Career Scientist, for conducting outstanding research to discover pathogens of public health concern in food animals. Click here to see all the 2011 ARS awards winners for scientists and staff |
Links to information from the ARS database
Click here to see a list of current projects for Mónica Santín-Durán
Click here to see a list of publications drawn from the ARS database for Mónica Santín-Durán, with access to an abstract/summary for each publication.
Click here to see a list of ARS News articles for Mónica Santín-Durán