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                                      UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE







            RAZZ, tested as 11-104, is a sibling of the cultivars 'Bluecrop' and 'Blueray', and is a progeny of the cross GM-37 x CU-5 (two USDA selections from early in the history of the USDA blueberry breeding program). The cross was made by F.V. Coville (USDA) in 1934 and selected in 1941 (presumably) by G.M. Darrow (USDA) and J.H. Clark (NJAES). Its desirable characteristics are: reliable productivity, good yields (about 75% of 'Bluecrop'), midseason ripening (slightly later than 'Bluecrop'), medium to large fruit (similar to 'Bluecrop'), medium to light blue fruit color, and excellent flavor with remarkable raspberry overtones. Its other characteristics are: acceptable scar and acceptable firmness (similar to 'Blueray'; 120-129 g/mm deflection). RAZZ is recommended only for fresh consumption, because its firmness is only average and it continues to soften after picking, and therefore is not suitable for commercial harvest or shipping without extraordinary effort. RAZZ is recommended for specialty, culinary, pick-your-own, and home use.

Plants of RAZZ are vigorous and robust; they are upright and less willowy than 'Bluecrop'. Its flowering time is similar to 'Bluecrop'. RAZZ has flowers with a distinct creamy coloration and immature foliage with less anthocyanin coloration than its siblings 'Bluecrop' and 'Blueray'. RAZZ is suitable for production in areas where highbush is typically grown. It may have broad climatic adaptation like 'Bluecrop', but has not been tested outside of New Jersey. It is a consistently good performer in New Jersey, with very good resistance to mummy berry blight, average resistance to mummy berry fruit infection. It is similar to 'Bluecrop' and 'Blueray' in being relatively susceptible to anthracnose. RAZZ represents a distinct novelty flavor in highbush blueberry, and may represent a niche market alternative to raspberries for pick-your-own growers and home gardeners.

This selection is released unconditionally with no warranty given regarding its performance or adaptation under specific environmental or cultural conditions. Nurserymen and researchers may request information on how to obtain propagules by contacting M. K. Ehlenfeldt, USDA- ARS, MarucciCenter for Blueberry & Cranberry Research and Extension, 125A Lake Oswego Road, Chatsworth, NJ08019. If requests for propagules exceed the supply, plants will be equitably divided among requesting parties. Genetic material of this release will be deposited in the National Plant Germplasm System where it will be available for research purposes, including the development and commercialization of new cultivars.



K. Simmons                                                                                      1-11-2011

Deputy Administrator, Crop Production and Protection                            Date

Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture


For more information about Razz please contact: Dr. Mark Ehlenfeldt