GRAPEX Flux Tower |
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Eddy Covariance & Micrometeorological Data
Surface fluxes and meteorological conditions have been collected year round at each of the vineyard sites since 2013.
GRAPEX Flux Tower - click photo to view full-size.
Flux Tower Measurements and Instrumentation:
Horizontal Winds |
Wind Speed Wind Direction Wind Direction (std. deviation) |
Measured via sonic anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell Scientific) mounted 5 m, agl facing due west (270°). |
Air Temperature |
Sonic Temperature |
Measured via sonic anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell Scientific) mounted 5 m, agl facing due west (270°). |
Air Temperature |
Measured via a humidity/temperature sensor (HMP45C, Vasaila) mounted at 5 m, agl. |
Water Vapor Density and Carbon dioxide Concentration |
Water Vapor Density (IRGA) Carbon Dioxide Density |
Measured via IRGA (EC150, Campbell Scientific) mounted 5 m, agl facing due west (270°). |
Water Vapor Density (HMP) |
Measured via a humidity/temperature sensor (HMP45C, Vasaila) mounted at 5 m, agl. |
Water Vapor Pressure |
Actual Water Vapor Pressure Saturation Water Vapor Pressure Water Vapor Pressure Deficit |
Derived from HMP data. |
Additional Meteorological Measurements |
Atmospheric Pressure |
Measured via pressure sensor (EC150, Campbell Scientific) mounted 5 m, agl facing due west (270°). |
Rain |
Measured via tipping bucket rain gauge (TE525, Texas Electronics) mounted at 5.5 m, agl facing due north (0°). |
Air Density Specific Heat Latent Heat for Vaporization |
Derived from HMP data. |
Radiation Budget and Photosynthetically Active Radiation |
Incident Solar Radiation Reflected Solar Radiation Incident Long-wave Radiation Terrestrial Long-wave Radiation Net Radiation |
Measured via 4-component net radiometer (CNR-1, Kipp & Zonen) mounted 5 m, agl facing southwest (225°). |
Incident PAR Reflected PAR |
Measured via quantum sensor (LI-190, Li-Cor) mounted 6 m, agl facing southeast (135°). |
Surface Temperature |
IR Temperature 1 IR Temperature 2 |
Measured via infrared thermometer (SI-111, Campbell Scientific) mounted 2.5 m, agl facing southwest (225°). |
Surface Fluxes |
Sensible Heat Flux Latent Heat Flux Soil heat Flux Carbon Dioxide Flux Friction Velocity |
Derived from CSAT and EC150 data. Soil Heat Flux is the mean of the five measurements collected along a transect across the inter-row. |
Stability |
Obukhov Length Stability Parameter |
Derived from meteorological and flux measurements. |