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GRAPEX Flux Tower
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Eddy Covariance & Micrometeorological Data


Surface fluxes and meteorological conditions have been collected year round at each of the vineyard sites since 2013.


GRAPEX Flux Tower - click photo to view full-size.


Flux Tower Measurements and Instrumentation:

Horizontal Winds

Wind Speed

Wind Direction

Wind Direction (std. deviation)

Measured via sonic anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell Scientific) mounted 5 m, agl facing due west (270°).

Air Temperature

Sonic Temperature

Measured via sonic anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell Scientific) mounted 5 m, agl facing due west (270°).

Air Temperature

Measured via a humidity/temperature sensor (HMP45C, Vasaila) mounted at 5 m, agl.

Water Vapor Density and Carbon dioxide Concentration

Water Vapor Density (IRGA)

Carbon Dioxide Density

Measured via IRGA (EC150, Campbell Scientific) mounted 5 m, agl facing due west (270°).

Water Vapor Density (HMP)

Measured via a humidity/temperature sensor (HMP45C, Vasaila) mounted at 5 m, agl.

Water Vapor Pressure

Actual Water Vapor Pressure

Saturation Water Vapor Pressure

Water Vapor Pressure  Deficit

Derived from HMP data.

Additional Meteorological Measurements

Atmospheric Pressure

Measured via pressure sensor (EC150, Campbell Scientific) mounted 5 m, agl facing due west (270°).


Measured via tipping bucket rain gauge (TE525, Texas Electronics) mounted at 5.5 m, agl facing due north (0°).

Air Density

Specific Heat

Latent Heat for Vaporization

Derived from HMP data.

Radiation Budget and Photosynthetically Active Radiation

Incident Solar Radiation

Reflected Solar Radiation

Incident Long-wave Radiation

Terrestrial Long-wave Radiation

Net Radiation

Measured via 4-component net radiometer (CNR-1, Kipp & Zonen) mounted 5 m, agl facing southwest (225°).

Incident PAR

Reflected PAR

Measured via quantum sensor (LI-190, Li-Cor) mounted 6 m, agl facing southeast (135°).

Surface Temperature

IR Temperature 1

IR Temperature 2

Measured via infrared thermometer (SI-111, Campbell Scientific) mounted 2.5 m, agl facing southwest (225°).

Surface Fluxes

Sensible Heat Flux

Latent Heat Flux

Soil heat Flux

Carbon Dioxide Flux

Friction Velocity

Derived from CSAT and EC150 data.

Soil Heat Flux is the mean of the five measurements collected along a transect across the inter-row.


Obukhov Length

Stability Parameter

Derived from meteorological and flux measurements.