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William Kustas
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 /ARSUserFiles/3166/images/kustas.png William P. Kustas, Ph.D.
Research Hydrologist
USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Bldg. 007, Rm. 104, BARC-West
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA
Voice: (301) 504-8498
Fax: (301) 504-8931


Research Interests: (click here to see a list of current research projects)


Professional Experience:

Honors and Awards:

Committee Memberships and Offices held in AMS and other Scientific Organizations:

Editorial Appointments:

Contributions, Impact and Stature:

Dr. Kustas has over 400 scientific publications of which 290 appear in peer-reviewed journals. The ISI Web of Science and Google Scholar citation reports compute an h-index of 80 and 100 with ~23,650and 37,860 citations, respectively, placing him in the top 1% of his peers in remote sensing and hydrology. The quality and significance of Dr. Kustas’ contributions to remote sensing research are cited in Scientometrics (96:203-209, 2013) where a bibliometric analysis ranked him 5th most productive out of the top 20 remote sensing authors world-wide. In 2022, a comprehensive citation report by Stanford University scientists ranks Dr. Kustas 48th out of 57,328 scientists in the same field. He has mentored 30 postdoctoral and visiting scientists and 10 M.S. and 14 PhD students. He currently serves on 2 PhD and 1 MS committees and supervises and mentors 2 postdocs.  He has been awarded research grants from NASA and USDA totaling nearly $5 million in support for his research, particularly leading large-scale multidisciplinary experiments selected through peer-review. A key component of these projects was the leadership of large interdisciplinary teams. As principal investigator (PI)/Co-PI, Dr. Kustas designed and coordinated large scale interdisciplinary remote sensing field experiments supported by NASA/USDA in Arizona (Monsoon 90), Oklahoma (Washita 92, Washita 94, SGP 97, SGP 99, CLASIC07), Iowa (SMACEX/SMEX02), Texas (BEAREX08), and California (GRAPEX). The resulting research has made break-through contributions to basin and regional hydrologic and atmospheric modeling using remote sensing. Dr. Kustas’ international eminence in satellite remote sensing is evident by the fact his remote sensing model is now being implemented as a plugin via the SEN-ET toolbox in the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP). SNAP is the primary platform for producing ESA’s remote sensing data products generating global ET, soil moisture and other important environmental products. His model has been selected and used in the toolbox developed by ESA principal investigators for projects sponsored by nearly every nation with an Earth satellite program.

Publication Databases:
