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Research Plant Physiologist
BLDG 001, Room 117, BARC-West
Beltsville, MD 20705
Phone: 301-504-5324; FAX: 301-504-8370


Ph.D. Dept. of Botany, University of Chicago, 1964
M.S.  Dept. of Botany, University of Chicago, 1958
B.A.  Botany, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 1957

Professional Experience:

2000-present, GM-15, Plant Physiologist, Sustainable Agricultural Systems Lab., Animal and Natural Resources Institute, USDA, ARS, Beltsville, Maryland.

1990-2000,GM-15, Plant Physiologist, Climate Stress Lab., Natural Resources Institute, USDA, ARS, Beltsville, Maryland.

1989-90, GM-15, Supervisory Plant Physiologist, & Acting Research Leader, Climate Stress Lab., Natural Resources Institute, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland.

1988-89, GM-15, Plant Physiologist, Plant Stress Lab., Natural Resources Institute, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland.

1975-88, GS-14, Plant Physiologist, Plant Stress Lab., Plant Physiology Institute, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland.

1972-75, GS-13, Plant Physiologist, Plant Stress Lab., ARS, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland.

1971-72, GS-13, Plant Physiologist, Phyto-Engineering Lab., ARS, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland.

1966-71, GS-12, Plant Physiologist, Phyto-Engineering Lab., ARS, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland.

1964-66, Instructor, Botany and Biology, The University of Chicago.

1959-61, Instructor in Biology (Part-time), Montgomery Center, University of Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama.

1958-62, Scientist Special (Biologist), U.S. Air Force, Arctic Desert, Tropic Information Center, Research Studies Institute, Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama.

Memberships in Professional Societies


British Society for Experimental Biology, 1966-
Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage (CIE), 1988-
Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SUV), 1999-
International Society for Horticultural Science, 1968-
Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 1964-
International Working Group on Flowering, 1986-
Scandinavian Society for Plant Physiology, 1963-


American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1959-
American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1957-
American Polar Society, 1957-
American Society for Horticultural Science, 1966-
American Society for Photobiology, 1984-
American Society of Plant Physiologists, 1957-
Washington Section, 1966-
Botanical Society of Washington, 1967-
Council for Optical Radiation Measurements, 1984-
Rotary International, 1986-

Offices and Committee Assignments Held in Professional and Societies

Elected Secretary-Treasurer (1970-71), Vice-Chairman (1971-1972), and Chairman (1972- 1973), Washington Section, American Society of Plant Physiologists (ASPP), currently known as the American Society of Plant Biologists. Appointed Member of Career Brochure Committee (1980- 82).

Co-founder (1969), Member (1969-date), and Chairman (1974-1976) American Society for Horticultural Sciences (ASHS) Working Group on Controlled Environments and Plant Growth Chambers.

Chairman, ASHS Working Group on Developmental and Stress Physiology, Water-Stress Sub- Group (1979-81), and Chairman, ASHS Working Group on Developmental and Environmental Stress Physiology (1980-82).

Member, ASHS Nominations & Elections Committee (1989-1991), Member, ASHS Fellows Screening Committee (1992-1995).

Appointed Member, Plant and Animal Physiology Advisory Committee (1966-present) and Representative from ASHS to the American Society for Heating, Refrigeration, and Engineering (ASHRAE) Liaison (SE-303) Committee, 1972-present.

Appointed ARS Representative, North Central Region (NCR-101) Committee on Growth Chamber Use (1975-present), Secretary, (1979-80), Vice-Chairman (1979-80), and Chairman (1980-82).

Member, U.S. National Committee (USNC), Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE), Division 6, Photochemistry and Photobiology, and Chairman Technical Committee, 6.23 "Action Spectra for Plants," (1988-present).

Professional Advisory and Consulting Activities

  • White House Task Force on Inadvertent Modification of the Stratosphere: USDA Representative, 1975-78
  • Chairman, Subcommittee on Biological and Climatic Effects Research 1975-78
  • EPA Interagency Task Group on Biological and Climatic Effects Research, 1975-79
  • EPA Interagency Committee on Stratospheric Ozone Protection USDA Representative, 1988- 90
  • United Nations Environmental Programme, 1975
  • Agency for International Development, 1983
  • U.S. Congress. House Committee on the Environment and Atmosphere, 1975.
  • U.S. Congress. Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences. 1976.
  • National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Impacts of Stratospheric Change and Panel on Atmospheric Chemistry, 1975.
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration/American Institute of Biological Sciences/Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS), Member,AIBS/NASA/CELSS Plant Physiol. Advisory Panel,1979-90,Chairman, AIBS/NASA/CELSS KSC Biomass Production Technical Panel, 1987-90, Member, AIBS/NASA/CELSS Discipline Working Group, 1988- 92.
  • U.S. Department of Transportation, Climatic Impact Assessment Panel, 1972-75.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1976, Chairman, EPA Terrestrial and Aquatic Effects Research, Biological and Climatic Effects Research (BACER) Program, 1976-79.

    National and International Consulting and Advisory Activities

    Dr. Krizek has served on a number of advisory panels for the Federal government including EPA, NASA, and the White House. He has organized, chaired, or been an invited speaker at numerous national and international symposia and workshops on water stress, CO2 enriched atmosphere, UV- B radiation measurements and effects, and plant growth and development under controlled environments. He has served as an advisor to a number of M.S. and Ph.D. students at the University of Maryland. He has reviewed research proposals and/or served on review panels for a number of granting agencies including the Agency for International Development, the Department of Transportation, the National Science Foundation, the USDA Office of International Cooperation and Development, the USDA Small Business Innovation Research Program and the Canadian Ministry of the Environment. He is widely recognized as an authority in photobiology and environmental stress physiology. Since 1998, he has worked extensively on the adaptation of eastern gamagrass, a warm season perennial grass to adverse soil conditions.

    International Contacts

    He has had visiting scientists from Hungary, India, Israel, Korea, Japan, Niger, and Somalia work in his laboratory. He has consulted with scientists in a number of countries including, Australia, China, England, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Philippines, and Poland. He has served as cooperating scientist on an Indo-US Project on CO2 and UV effects on crop growth.

    Honors and Awards

    J. Paul Visscher Award of the Cleveland Audubon Society, 1953.

    Cleveland Press Scholarship, Western Reserve Univ., 1953-54.

    Adelbert College Scholarships, Western Reserve Univ., 1954-57.

    Karl Lemmerman Prize for outstanding research paper, 1955.

    Ralph Allen Spengler, Jr. Award for excellence in botany, 1957.

    Wychwood Fellowship in Botany, University of Chicago, 1957-58.

    Hutchinson Fellowship in Botany, University of Chicago, 1958.

    Member, Sigma Xi, 1958.

    Leaders in American Science, 1959.

    American Men and Women of Science, 1960.

    NSF Fellowship in Botany, University of Chicago, 1962-64.

    Elected to British Society for Experimental Biology, 1966.

    Who's Who in the East, 1970.

    NSF Grants for conducting Baseline Growth Studies, for 1973-78. Co-Principal Investigator. Department of Transportation Grant for Climatic Impact Assessment Program for 1972-75. Co- Principal Investigator.

    Contingency Funds from ARS Administrator for UV-B Research for 1975-76. Principal Investigator.

    Environmental Protection Agency Grant for Biological and Climatic Effects Research (BACER) Program. Co-Principal Investigator, 1976-78.

    NSF travel grant to attend the International Workshop on Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Plants, New Delhi, India, November 1-5, 1982. Also received funds from USDA/FERRO and AID.

    Award and Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Research on Plant Adaptation to Environmental Stress, 1988.

    ARS Research Associateship Awarded by ARS Administrator for proposal entitled: "Physiological Mechanisms of Plant Adaptation to Water Stress and Root Restriction", 1988.

    Elected Fellow, American Society for Horticultural Science, 1990.

    Who's Who in Government Services, 1990.

    Award and Certificate of Merit in Recognition of Service on the BARC Task Force Concerning Plant Research on Global Climate Changes Issues, October, 1990.

    Award and Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Service to the Climate Stress Laboratory, May 1991.

    Travel grant from the U. S. National Committee of the Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage (CIE) to present invited keynote address at the Quadrennial Session of CIE, Melbourne, Australia, July 4, 1991.

    Travel grant from the International Rice Research Institute to attend the International Symposium on "Climate Change and Rice", March 1994.

    Environmental Protection Agency Grant (Interagency Agreement) to evaluate UV calibration and measurement procedures at International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines, 1995-96. Principal Investigator.

    Travel expenses to South Korea to present invited seminars at Chungnam National University (Taejon), Lily Experiment Station (Taeann), and at the Rural Development Station (Taejon), and to consult with scientists and growers, September 23 - October 6, 1997.

    USDA Competitive Research Grant from the Fund for Rural America entitled: Eastern gamagrass for forage, soil improvement and buffer strips, April 1, 1998 - March 31, 2001. Principal Investigator. Developed specific cooperative agreements with Dr. Raymond Weil, University of Maryland Department of Natural Resource Sciences and Landscape Architecture entitled: Tolerance of eastern gamagrass to restrictive soil profiles and with Dr. James Hanson and Lester Vough, Maryland Cooperative Extension, entitled: Eastern gamagrass for forage production and soil improvement.

    Whos Who in America. 2000.

    Received an award from the USDA Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory, March 2001.

    Travel expenses to United Kingdom to present invited talk at Joint UK CEUG-NCR-101 International Conference on Controlled Environments in the New Millennium, John Innes Centre, Norwich, U.K., Sept. 9-14, 2001.

    Whos Who in Science and Engineering. 6th edition 2002-2003.

    Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Performance Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2002.

    Special Invitations

    Dr. Krizek has received over 200 invitations to present lectures, lead discussions, organize symposia, prepare special briefings, chair scientific meetings, and publish papers from numerous state, national, and international organizations since 1966. These have included seminars at: the University of California at Los Angeles, Cornell University, University of Delaware, Dickinson College, University of Guelph, the University of Maryland, Ohio University, Jawaharwal Nehru University, New Delhi, the Bose Institute, Calcutta, India, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Martonvasar, Hungary, and Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea.

    Publications (2000- Present)

  • Gitz, D.C. III, J.C. Ritchie, D.T. Krizek, J.B. Reeves III, T.L. Springer, and V.R. Reddy. Effect of temperature and CO2 on forage quality of 'Pete" eastern gamagrass. J. Range. Manage. In review.

  • Krizek, D.T. Influence of PAR and UV-A in determining plant sensitivity and photomorphogenic responses to UV-B radiation. Photochem. Photobiol. In review.

  • Krizek, D.T., M.J. Camp, S.R. Maxon, and J.C. Ritchie. Comparative germination of different ages lots of eastern gamagrass seed in the laboratory. Seed Technology. In review.

  • Krizek, D.T. and R.M. Mirecki. 2004. Evidence for phyotoxic effects of cellulose acetate in UV exclusion studies. Environ. Exp. Bot. In press.

  • Krizek, D.T., M.J. Camp, S.R. Maxon, K.M. Davis, J.C. Ritchie, M.L. McCloud, and J.L. Cline. 2003. Comparative germination of different aged lots of eastern gamagrass seed in the greenhouse. In: J.C. Burns (ed.), Proc. 3rd Eastern Native Grass Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC, Oct. 1-3, 2002. Omni Press, Madison, WI. In press.

  • Gitz, D.C. III, J.C. Ritchie, J. Baker, D.T. Krizek, and V.R. Reddy. 2003. Temperature and carbon dioxide effects on eastern gamagrass; Photosynthetic performance. In: J.C. Burns (ed), Proc. 3rd Eastern Native Grass Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC, Oct. 1-3, 2002. Omni Press, Madison, WI. In press.
  • Ritchie, J.C., D.C. Gitz III, D.T. Krizek, and V.R. Reddy. 2003. Temperature and carbon dioxide effects on eastern gamagrass: Growth and yield. In: J.C. Burns (ed), Proc. 3rd Eastern Native Grass Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC, Oct. 1-3, 2002. Omni Press, Madison, WI. In press.

  • Krizek, D.T., A.M. Solis, P.A. Touhey, J.C. Ritchie, and P.D. Millner. 2003. Rediscovery of the southern cornstalk borer: A potentially serious pest of eastern gamagrass and strategies for mitigation. In: J.C. Burns (ed), Proc. 3rd Eastern Native Grass Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC, Oct. 1-3, 2002. Omni Press, Madison, WI. In press.

  • Krizek, D.T., D.C. Gitz III, J.C. Ritchie, and V.R Reddy. 2003. Biomass accumulation and partitioning of eastern gamagrass grown under different temperature and CO2 levels. Acta Hort. (In press)

  • Krizek, D.T., J.C. Ritchie, A.M. Sadeghi, C.D. Foy, E.G. Rhoden, J.R. Davis, and M.J. Camp. 2003. A four-year study of biomass production of eastern gamagrass grown on an acid compact soil. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 34:457-480.

  • Gilker, R.E., R.R. Weil, D.T. Krizek, and B. Momen,. 2002. Eastern gamagrass root penetration in adverse subsoil conditions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:931-938.

  • Krizek, D.T., P.H. Terry, A. Upadhyaya, C.R. Caldwell, and R.M. Mirecki. 2001. Changes in abscisic acid, stomatal conductance, and antioxidants during low temperature preconditioning against SO2 injury in contrasting cultivars of coleus. Biotronics 30:1-14.

  • Norman, H.A., D.T. Krizek, and R.M. Mirecki. 2001. Changes in membrane lipid and free fatty acid composition during low temperature preconditioning against SO2 injury in coleus. Phytochemistry 58:263-268.

  • Krizek, D.T., E.M. Middleton, R.K. Sandhu, and M.S. Kim,. 2001. Evaluating UV-B effects and EDU protection in cucumber leaves using fluorescence images and fluorescence emission spectra. J. Plant Physiol. 158:41-53.

  • Gonzalez-Aguilar, G.A., C.Y. Wang, J.G. Buta, and D.T. Krizek. 2001. Use of UV-C irradiation to prevent decay and maintain postharvest quality of ripe 'Tommy Atkins' mangoes. Intl. J. Food Sci. Tech. 36:1-7.

  • Erkan, M., C.Y. Wang, and D.T. Krizek. 2001. UV-C irradiation reduces microbial populations and deterioration in Cucurbita pepo fruit tissue. Env. Expt. Bot. 45:1-9.

  • Tibbitts, T.W., J.C. Sager, and D.T Krizek. 2000. Guidelines for measuring and reporting environmental parameters in growth chambers. Biotronics 45:1-9. (Invited Review)

  • Ritchie, J.C., W.D. Kemper, J.M. Englert, and D.T. Krizek. 2000. Grass hedges for erosion control. p. 283-289. In: J.C. Ritchie, J.A. Dickerson, and C.A. Ritchie (eds.), Proc. Second Eastern Native Grass Symposium. (Symposium Proceedings)

  • Rhoden, E.G., J.B. Reeves III, D.T. Krizek, J.C. Ritchie, and C.D. Foy. 2000. Influence of root removal on shoot regrowth and forage quality of greenhouse-grown eastern gamagrass. p. 276-282. In: J.C. Ritchie, J.A. Dickerson, and C.A. Ritchie (eds.), Proc. Second Eastern Native Grass Symposium. (Symposium Proceedings)

  • Rhoden, E.G., J.C. Ritchie, D.T. Krizek, and C.D Foy. 2000. Vegetative propagation of eastern gamagrass: Effects of root pruning and growth media. p. 270-275. In: J. C. Ritchie, J.A. Dickerson, and C.A. Ritchie (eds.), Proc. Second Eastern Native Grass Symposium. (Symposium Proceedings)

  • Krizek, D.T., M.J. Camp, S.R. Maxon, G.C. Meyer, J.C. Ritchie, K.M. Davis, and M.L. McCloud. 2000. Comparative germination of 1998 and 1999 lots of Germtec II TM treated eastern gamagrass seed after 28 days in the greenhouse and laboratory. p. 182-193. In: J. C. Ritchie, J.A. Dickerson, and C.A. Ritchie (eds.), Proc. Second Eastern Native Grass Symposium. (Symposium Proceedings)