1 - Information Meetings
2 - Physical Screening 3 - Study Volunteer Responsibilities 4 - Directions |

What happens at an information meeting?
Information meetings consist of a short presentation (about 30 minutes), which will outline the motivation for the study, what is required of study participants, and how you can become a participant. You will be given a copy of the presentation, on which you may take notes. At any time during the presentation, you may stop the presenter to ask for clarification if you have any questions.
After the presentation, if you determine that you are interested and think you meet the criteria to be a participant, we will give you a consent form, study application, and health history questionnaire to fill out. We will give you a copy of the consent form for your records. We will then ask you to sign up for your initial and follow-up screening visits.
Why do I have to go to the information meeting?
At the information meeting, you will receive detailed information about what is involved in being a participant in the study you are interested in.
You will have an opportunity to ask questions of our staff and investigators, so that you can be sure to understand all study requirements.
You will have the opportunity to tour our facilities, to get a better idea of what is expected of you as a participant.
You will receive all documents required for participation in our studies.
After the meeting, you will have the opportunity to sign up for screening visits if you are interested in participating.
You must attend an information meeting if you wish to participate in one of our studies.
If you are interested in participating in a study, and would like more information
Please email us at FoodStudies@usda.gov or call us at 301-504-5454.
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