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By Laws
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Article I
Article II
Article III
Article IV
Article V
Article VI
Article VII
Article VIII





Section I The North Atlantic Area's (NAA) Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights (EO/CR) Advisory Committee was established to: (1) advise the Area Director on matters relating to the North Atlantic Area's EO/CR Program; (2) to serve as a communication link between employees, management, and the Area EO/CR staff on issues and concerns affecting equal employment opportunity and civil rights; (3) provide input to document goals and reporting of EEO/CR accomplishments to Agency/Department staff and, (4) when appropriate, recommend policies, procedures and courses of action for the Area.

Section II This organization shall be known as the NAA Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights Advisory Committee.

Section III The Committee shall be chaired by the Associate Area Director and have a representative from all Locations within the Area.

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Section I The primary purpose of the EO/CR Advisory Committee is to serve as a management advisor and to assist in establishing program direction in accordance with the Administrator's "Recommended Guidelines for Use of EEO Advisory Committees" issued March 19, 1985, and implementation of Public law 95-454, the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, which outlines the basic merit principles that are to govern personnel practices and actions in the Federal Government.

Section II In furtherance of the objectives, the Committee will:

a. Identify and advise Area and Location management of matters concerning the Area EO/CR program. This includes but is not limited to concerns specific to the Federal Women's Program, Hispanic Employment Program, African American Program, Asian American Program, Disability Employment Program, Native American Program and other relevant programs.

b. Support Area and Location activities in carrying out the Area EO/CR program.

c. Advise and support the Area and location in carrying out an effective community outreach program by participating in development of community communication and education programs which affect employability throughout the NAA and Agency.

d. Assist in the monitoring and implementation of Affirmative Employment Plans.

e. Serve as a medium for transmission of Area EO/CR-related information to Area employees.

f. Promote Area and Location EO/CR activities that will enhance the achievement of Area EO/CR goals and objectives.

Section III The recommendations of the EO/CR Advisory Committee shall be implemented only with the concurrence of the Area Director, NAA.

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Section I All Federal employees in NAA are eligible for membership on the EO/CR Advisory Committee.

Section II The Committee will be comprised of at least one representative from each Location. Solicitation for nominations for Committee members will be conducted at each Location when a vacancy occurs. A slate of recommended nominees will be provided to the Associate Area Director by Center Directors and Location Coordinators. The Associate Area Director will make appointments as needed to achieve race, sex, grade, and job series balance in the membership. Locations can only make recommendations - not appointments. Additional members from a Location may be appointed to balance the Committee. In the event that there is more than one member from a Location, only one member will be considered a voting member and shall be so designated.

Section III Length of service on the Committee shall be 3 years with an option of (2) one-year renewals. Membership will be rotated by replacement of members at intervals to achieve new input while maintaining continuity.

Section IV Membership will be balanced, to the extent possible, to represent different segments of the Area population to include minorities, non-minorities, males, females, and various occupational series/grade levels.

Section V The Area Civil Rights Coordinator will have a non-voting seat on the Committee.

Section VI The Eastern Services Branch of the Administrative and Financial Management's (AFM) Human Resource Division (HRD) will provide a non-voting member to the Committee to provide assistance in personnel matters.

Section VII The documented percentage of time for EO/CR Advisory Committee duties will normally not exceed ten percent of the member's official duty time.

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Section I To assist in the development, implementation and monitoring of the Area EO/CR and Affirmative Employment programs and activities.

Section II To communicate and disseminate to the employees with whom they work the actions of the Committee and other relevant Committee information.

Section III To participate in Area EO/CR subcommittees.

Section IV To communicate to the other Committee members any EO/CR issues at the Location that merits the Committee's attention.

Section V To help set priorities for and promote the development of activities which will help achieve the objectives of both the NAA and Agency EO/CR programs.

Section VI To attend (in person or by teleconference) quarterly EO/CR Advisory Committee meetings.

Section VII Attend EO/CR training courses as required.

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Section I The main goal of the Subcommittees of the EO/CR Advisory Committee is to recommend and develop programs and functions in support of the Committee activities. The secondary purpose is to achieve a better understanding and continuity of Area and Agency EO/CR programs and functions.

Section II Standing and ad hoc Subcommittees will be established by the Associate Area Director, as needed. The ad hoc Subcommittees will be dissolved when their objectives are accomplished.

Section III Membership shall be on a volunteer basis with assignments being made by the Associate Area Director in cases of insufficient volunteers.

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Section I The Committee meetings will be held quarterly as scheduled by the Associate Area Director. Committee meetings will be held via teleconference or at designated sites, as appropriate.

Section II Costs associated with travel to the meetings site shall be borne by the member's Location.

Section III Participation at meetings is mandatory. Members unable to participate must notify the Associate Area Director prior to the meeting date and identify an alternate Location representative.

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Section I Robert's Rules of Order, revised, when not in conflict with these Bylaws or the policies of the Agency, shall govern the proceedings of this Committee.

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Section I The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members with the concurrence of the Area Director.

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