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  1. The Administrator of the Agricultural Research Service has delegated discretionary authority to each Area Director to establish an Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights (EO/CR) Advisory Committee. Accordingly, the North Atlantic Area Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights Advisory Committee was established to assist the Area Director in implementing U. S. Executive Order 11478 which states that, "It is the policy of the Government of the United States to provide equal opportunity in Federal employment for all persons, to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, and mental and physical handicap, and to promote the full realization of equal opportunity through a continuing affirmative employment program in each executive department and agency. This policy of equal opportunity applies to and must be an integral part of every aspect of personnel policy and practice in the employment, development, advancement, and treatment of civilian employees of the Federal Government."

    The Committee will be officially known as the North Atlantic Area Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights Advisory Committee, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee."
  2. The objectives of the Committee will be to:

    1. Identify and advise Area and Location management of matters concerning the Area EO/CR program. This includes but is not limited to concerns specific to the Federal Women's Program, Hispanic Employment Program, African American Program, Asian American Program, Disability Employment Program, Native American Program and other relevant programs.
    2. Support Area and Locations activities in carrying out the Area EO/CR program.;
    3. Advise and support the Area and Locations in carrying out an effective community outreach program by participating in development of community communication and education programs which affect employability throughout the NAA and Agency.
    4. Assist in the monitoring and implementation of Affirmative Employment Plans.
    5. Serve as a medium for transmission of Area EO/CR-related information to Area employees.
    6. Promote Area EO/CR activities that will enhance the achievement of Area EO/CR goals and objectives.
  3. The Committee is not empowered to:

    1. Accept for review any issue relating to a grievance or complaint of discrimination,
      formal or informal, filed by an employee or applicant.
    2. Initiate projects without prior approval of the Area Director.
    3. Conduct EO/CR Program studies or initiate reports on EO/CR matters without priorapproval of the Area Director.
    4. Issue written recommendations or proposals without the consent of the majority of the
      Committee members.
    5. Address anonymous complaints or assure confidentiality to employees bringing issues or
      concerns to the Committee.

4. The Committee shall be continuous until dissolved by the Area Director.

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