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Hot Research Topics

A collection of articles from Agricultural Research magizine featuring research conducted at the Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center.

Agricultural Research is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's science magazine, published monthly by the Agricultural Research Service and also available electronically.

Survival of the Honey Bee

Honey BeeColony Collapse Disorder: A Complex Buzz - In the fall of 2006, a loud, new buzz began among beekeepers in a number of countries when managed honey bee colonies began to disappear in large numbers without known reason. By February 2007, the syndrome, which is characterized by the disappearance of all adult honey bees in a hive while immature bees and honey remain, had been christened "colony collapse disorder" (CCD).
Agricultural Reasearch magazine, May/June 2008 Complete Article

Opened HiveImproving Honey Bee Health: Coordinated Areawide Program Is Under Way - The world's food supply depends on pollination by bees. So anything that causes a significant loss of honey bees would severely limit the foods available to us.
Agricultural Reasearch magazine, February 2008 Complete Article

BARC Research is Key to Development of Dietary Guidelilnes

MyPyramid LogoData That Works for Your Diet - The current Dietary Guidelines for Americans was published in 2005 to help folks choose diets that meet their nutrient requirements, promote health, and reduce risks of chronic diseases.

These updated guidelines were developed by USDA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services scientists, staff, and policy officials. The group included several ARS Human Nutrition Program scientists, center directors, and national program leaders.
Agricultural Reasearch magazine, March 2008 Complete Article

computer with foodWeighing in on Fats - The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans included-for the first time-recommendations that folks in the United States limit their intake of fats and oils that are high in trans fatty acids. Landmark research conducted earlier by scientists at the Beltsville [Maryland] Human Nutrition Research Center (BHNRC) contributed to that conclusion.
Agricultural Reasearch magazine, March 2008 Complete Article

cranberry bushNew Cranberry Hybrid High in Antioxidants - ARS scientists and colleagues are suiting up a wholesome cranberry variety with a newly isolated genetic trait. Using traditional breeding methods, they have created an experimental cranberry line with a high level of absorbable antioxidants.
Agricultural Reasearch magazine, January 2008 Complete Article

Animal Genomics

Loading a flow cell into a genome analyzerCream of the Crop: Breeding Dairy Cattle - ARS scientists at Beltsville played a vital role in designing the BeadChip and are using it in genomics-based studies on dairy cattle. Beltsville geneticist Curt Van Tassell is leading development of a new genomic method to identify bulls that produce daughters with optimum milk production, calving ease, and other traits. Full text

Immunologist Hyun Lillehoj holds a chicken gene chipHealthy Chickens - ARS research is also shedding light on poultry pathogens, such as the parasite Eimeria. Eimeria causes coccidiosis, a disease that costs U.S. poultry producers more than $700 million annually. ARS immunologist Hyun Lillehoj is using genomics to decipher the molecular interactions between poultry and several strains of Eimeria that commonly infect poultry. Full text

Animal Health

Zoologist Benjamin Rosenthal excises parasites from caribou hideA Family Tree for Toxoplasm - Scientists use DNA to track ancient evolutionary lineages and genetic migrations for a range of animals-including modern humans. ARS zoologist Ben Rosenthal is tracing the family tree of one of the most widespread parasites of warm-blooded vertebrates, Toxoplasma gondii.
Agricultural Reasearch magazine, Septrmber 2008 Complete Article

Chickens, Photo by Stephen AusmusWhy Are Chickens Getting Too Fat - Obesity is a problem for many American consumers-and now, even our chickens are getting fat!
Agricultural Reasearch magazine, January 2008 Complete Article

The Search for Alternative Fuels - Bioenergy

Plant physiologist V.R. Reddy uses the GLYCIM computer model to simulate soybean growthAssessing Biofuels Sustainability: Economic and Biophysical Models Aid the Process - Over the past decade, the search for alternative fuels has absorbed increasing amounts of agricultural resources, raising questions about how biofuel production affects U.S. agriculture and consumers.
Agricultural Reasearch magazine, January 2008 Complete Article

Sunflowers, Photo by Bruce Fritz"Power PLants" Prevail at the National Arboretum - A new exhibit at the U.S. National Arboretum interweaves hundreds of plants in an adroit arrangement of foliage, blossoms, space, and light to captivate the senses-and tell a story.

"Power Plants" is an inventive display of more than 20 different kinds of plants that are now serving or might someday serve as a source of renewable energy in the United States. Some of these-like corn and soybeans-are already well known.
Agricultural Reasearch magazine, January 2008 Complete Article

, October 2008 -

Food Safety - Leafy Greens

Safe Leafy Greens - Before and After Bagging, July 2008 -
Bacteriophages as Novel Antimicrobials, July 2008 -
Measuring Microbes on Fresh Produce, July 2008 -

Organic Farming

New Vetch for Northern Climes - and Organic Growers, April 2008 -

Plant Genomics

Mapping Blueberry Genes, August 2008 -
Genotyping for Tomato Quality, August 2008 -
Mapping Berry Fruit Genes, August 2008 -
Marking Genes fo Better Beans, August 2008 -