New Poultry Facility Dedication |
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center dedicated its new poultry facility, on a hot summer's midmorning. Local officals, state congressmen and BARC employees braved the humidity to celebrate a buiding dedication ceremony on the Research Centers pastoral east side.
Ribbon cutting ceremony, left to right: Edward B. Knipling, Administrator, Agricultural Research Service; The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes, Senator, State of Maryland; Phyllis E. Johnson, Director Beltsville Area; The Honorable Steny H. Hoyer, Representative, 5th District, Maryland; John McMurtry, Research Leader, Growth Biology Laboratory, Animal and Natural Resources Institute.
The 28,100 square foot building will house both production and hatchery research. The facility will support research being conducted by the Growth Biology Laboratory and the Biotechnology and Germplasm Laboratory, both of the Animal and Natural Resources Institute. Research in these laboratories centers on poultry nutrition, growth regulation, poultry reproduction, and molecular biology, with an emphasis on functional genomics and proteomics.
The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes, Senator, from the State of Maryland was the featured speaker during the ceremony.