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Chemical Waste Handling & Disposal Safety

 Open Container

Fill to the shoulder of the container

Label Properly using the green Cornell EH&S labels

Good Condition, meaning no cracks or serious dents

Keep closed except when adding material. Remove funnels immediatley after use

Label Properly

Include the full chemical name of each constituent. Abbreviation MAY NOT be used and is probibited by regulation. Cute names like "really bad stuff" are humorous to us, but not to EPA.

Indicate the percentage of all constituents for mixtures

We need to know all components so we can make sure it is handled correctly and in accordance to all applicable reguations. To save on disposal cost, we routinely mix similar chemicals together.


Example of properly completed label

Full names of the chemical components are listed

Relative amounts are listed

Correct chemical type is checked

All the contact information is complete

Date field to be completed when it is ready to be moved out of the Satellite Accumulation Area and into the storage cabinet in the shipping/receiving room

Empty Containers

Empty chemical containers are not regulated as long as they have been emptied by normal means, such as pouring or scooping, thus you do not have to pry open the cotainer to remove the last speck of material.

Containers that held acutely toxic hazardousd materials and pesticides must be triple rinsed prior to disposal.

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