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 Helping a Shocked Victim

How to Respond to Electric Shock

A small night-light with a 6-watt bulb draws .05 ampere, and even that small amount of current can be fatal. Here are some effects of current (in milli amps) passing through a 150 pound body (note that perception is only .5 to 1.5 milli amps):

Protect Yourself

Call 911 for help, IF the person:

  • is obviously injured such asloss of consciousness, significant trauma, etc.

  • has an altered mental status i.e.confusion, slow and/or slurred speech, etc.

  • has other obvious injury i.s. laceration, burns, etc.

  • or at the discretion of the shocked victime or supervisor


  • Keep others from being harmed
  • Shut off the power (fuse or circuit-breaker or pull the plug; this might be difficult because there might be secondary sources; if you are not sure, get help.
  • Move the victim to safety only when power if OFF and no neck or spine injuries are possible
  • Give necessasry first aid
  • Report accident to supervisor, even minor shocks and close calls must be reported.
  • Secure area
  • Collect data for investigation and to prevent reoccurence.

What To Do Until Aid Arrives:

Check for:

  • IF person's heart has stopped, start CPR, if you are trained
  • IF person isn't breathing, begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, if you are trained
Treat for shock
  • Keep person lying down
  • If unconscious, put them on their side to let fluids drain.
  • Don't move the person if neck or spine injuries are possible
  • Cover the person to maintain body head

Stay with patient until help arrives

Inform medical personnal about patient conditions

If not emergency:

  1. Often symptoms are delayed and the person might need medical attention
  2. All persons, who have received shocks but do not fall into the categories above, must be taken to the Gannett Health Center by a co-worker or supervisor
  3. Medical EVALUATION is a must

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