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First Name: Last Name:
Student/Staff ID:

EMS stands for:
Emergency Medical Service
Environmental Media Service
Environmental Management System
Eastern Mountain Sports

EMS is a value-added component to existing environmental programs.

Environmental aspects and environmental impacts exist in a "Cause and Effect" relationship with eachother

Choose correct examples of an environmental aspect:
Use of hazardous chemicals
Fish production
Surfing the internet at work
Pesticide Application
Turning up the thermostat

Choose correct examples of an environmental impacts:
Generation of chemicals waste
Degradation of soil & water quality
Dealing with email spams

Aspects can be regulated or unregulated

Choosing which aspects to focus on can change year to year

Once environmental aspects are identified and ranked according to importance, objectives and targets is the what-and-how part of EMS

Choose correct examples of an environmental objectives:
Reduce energy consumption
Reduce the volumn of solid radioactive waste
Reduce the amount of time people take breaks
Reduce paper use
Reduce environmental impacts of brood stock building construction

NOTE When finished, print out a copy and return it to your Safety Officer. Or...

Pick your work location:
New York: Ithaca & Geneva
Maine: Orono, Presque Isle, & Franklin
Pennsylvania: University Park
West Virginia: Kearneysville
Submit quiz

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