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Radiological Hazard Quiz
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Radiological Hazard Quiz

First Name: Last Name:
Student/Staff ID:

It is a good idea to survey for contamination from past procedures prior to beginning a new procedure.

ALARA means

The T, D, and S for protecting yourself from radioactivity stands for:

Beta rays from P 32exposure can travel how many distance?
5 feet
10 feet
20 feet
40 feet

Route of entry for P 32exposure includes:

Minimal thickness of the plexiglass for P 32shielding is:
2 inches
1 inch
1/2 inch
1/4 inch

The detection device used to measure the beta radiation of P 32is the
Geiger Counter
Scintillation Counter
Gammer Counter

During a routine wipe survey the open window count exceeds 200 cpm above background, you should...
Tell the other users in the room immediately
Fetch the Radiation Safety Officer
Recount the wipe vial. If it is still above 200 cpm then decontaminate the area and perform another wipe test.
Get a new scintillation counter

NOTE When finished, print out a copy and return it to your Safety Officer. Or...

Pick your work location:
New York: Ithaca & Geneva
Maine: Orono, Presque Isle, & Franklin
Pennsylvania: University Park
West Virginia: Beaver
West Virginia: Kearneysville, Leetown

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