Workplace Violence - Orono |
Workplace violence is any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in the workplace. It can include physical assaults, beatings/stabbing, shootings, rapes, or attempting to cause physical harm, such as striking, pushing, or other aggressive acts against another person.
Signs to indicate an increased risk of workplace violence:
- Disorderly conduct, such as shouting, pushing, or throwing objects, punching walls, or slamming doors
- Verbal Threats to inflict bodily harm including vague or overt threats
- Fascination with guns or other weapons, demonstrated by discussions or bringing weapons to the workplace
- Obscene phone calls
- Intimidating presence
- Harassment of any nature
If you encounter a life-threatening incident or workplace violence immediately call campus security at 911 or 1-4040 by cell phone.
Non-life threatening incidents should be reported to your supervisorFederal Consortium EAP provide assessment, counseling, referral, training, & consultation at (214) 767-3030
24-hour help is 1-800-222-0364