Preparing Emergency Action Plans |
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January 25, 2002
SUBJECT: Worksheet and Template for Preparing Emergency Operation Plans
TO: Research Leader
FROM: Bonnie DiSalvo, Area Safety and Health Manager
As a result of the events of September 11, 2001 and the increased awareness concerning our facilities and research programs, it is incumbent on us to have appropriate plans in place to respond to a variety of emergency situations.
As such, each location needs to develop plans according to the enclosed guidance that addresses:
Immediate closure of all ARS controlled facilities, securing the integrity of the ARS controlled facility, and securing critical research assets such as biologicals, equipment and inventories.
The intent of the plans is to have predetermined actions and responsible parties identified so that in the event of a required closure the integrity of ARS research and personnel is ensured; critical assets such as sensitive equipment and containment facilities are maintained; evacuation of all personnel is timely and enforced limited access into ARS controlled facilities is accomplished. These plans will address 1, 3 and 7 day closures.
The NAA Safety and Health staff will take the lead in the plan development. A template and work sheet are attached (Attachment 1 & 2). Note that coaching examples are provided in the worksheet and in the template.
Each Emergency Operations Plan must include the following minimum components: Items 1- 6, listed on Attachment 1. When developing this information, keep in mind that the level of detail should be sufficient enough so that the reader understands what functions are essential, who will carry out the functions, and what minium communications, records, and equipment are necessary for executing the functions. There should be sufficient emergency information such as rosters, cascades, and outside contact lists in the plan. It is imperative that mission and administrative personnel complete these plans as a team, particularly when identifying mission, administrative and facility essential functions.
Please refer to existing location documents such as Emergency Closing Procedures, Facility Self- Protection Plans/Facility Response Plans, Y2K Plans, Occupant Emergency Plans, ARMPS, and updated Safety manuals because most of this information is already identified in these documents.
The implementation will begin with the Geneva Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory as a pilot. For the other identified locations, this process can be initiated, however, some adjustments to the format may be forthcoming based on the pilot results.