Respiratory Protection Policy |
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( Name ) Laboratory
( Full Address inserted here)
Respiratory Protection Policy
(Month and Year inserted)
This respirator program lays out standard operating procedures to ensure the protection of all employees from respiratory hazards, through proper selection and use of respirators. Respirators are to be used only where engineering control of respirator hazards is not feasible, while engineering controls are being installed, or in emergencies. This program is in accordance with the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134. This location program is to be used in conjunction with the NAA Respiratory Protection Policy Manual.
The person/position responsible for this respirator program located at the location is ( insert CDSO or other safety professional at location level). Regional contacts are: Bonnie DiSalvo, Area Safety and Occupational Health Officer, and Glenn Davis, Cluster Environmental Protection Specialist. These people have the authority to make the necessary decisions to ensure success of this program. This authority includes assisting in the hiring of personnel and purchasing equipment necessary to implement and operate the program, and developing written detailed instructions covering each of the basic elements in this program.
Respirator Selection
Respirators are selected on the basis of hazards to which the worker is exposed. All selections are made by the authorized group, supervisor and user. Outside consultation, manufacturer's assistance, and other recognized authorities will be consulted also.
Detailed procedures will be included as appendices to this respirator program. See Appendix 1 for detailed selection and use criteria. See the NAA Respiratory Protection Program manual.
The following types of respirators are in use in this facility for the following uses:
(Insert a list brands here such as 3M , Racal, North brand respirators.) Alternate brand use is acceptable.
The uses are for ( insert type of operations such as grinding operations and pesticide/herbicide spraying).
Only MSHA/NIOSH certified respirators will be selected and used. This is assured through the following procedure:
The assigned respirators are evaluated by a safety professional and the responsible research leader of unit in cooperation with the user of unit.
Respirators will be assigned to individual workers for their exclusive use.
Training and Use
The user will be instructed and trained in the proper use of respirators and their limitations. Every respirator wearer will receive fitting instructions, including demonstrations and practice in how the respirator should be worn, how to adjust it, and how to determine if it fits properly. Training includes an explanation of at least the following: A pre and post test quiz is provided to all locations under the NAA RP Policy manual.
* Nature of the respiratory hazard and what may happen if the respirator is not used properly, including fit, usage and maintenance issues that can compromise protection
* Engineering and administrative controls being used and the need for the respirator as added protection,
* Reason(s) for selection of a particular type of respirator,
* Limitations and capabilities of the selected respirator,
* Methods to don and doff respirator and checking its fit and operation,
* Recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent effective use of respirator
* Proper Respirator maintenance and storage
* Proper methods to ensure safe use of respirators in emergency situations.
Training and fit testing is provided annually to all users and initially at time of assignment of respirator. Retraining will also take place when 1)Change in workplace, procedure or in respirator type to be used and 2) Inadequacies in employee knowledge/use of respirator that indicate retraining is necessary.
Refer to the full standard which can be accessed on the OSHA webpage.. If you cannot access the internet, this standard will be provided to you by regular US mail. Contact ASHM at 215-233-6592.
This is a brief summary of topics discussed in the reference.
1. Supervisor and worker are trained in proper selection, use, maintenance of units.
2. Written Procedures are detailed for IDLH conditions. NO employee enters IDLH conditions and does not provide such emergency rescue.
3. A competent person will provide training. This is determined to be a CDSO, CEPS, ASHM or IH or contractor meeting training requirements.
4.All users will have the opportunity to handle, wear, practice and adjust units before actually entering atmosphere. Test atmosphere before using.
5. Training includes- nature of the respiratory hazard in your specific job, a description of
existing sprayer systems ( insert those administrative and engineering controls at your location), grinding hoods and administrative procedures that reduce risk. This includes mandatory pesticide licenses, training courses and all SOPs related to field spraying.
6. Maintenance and sanitary storage of your unit. Inspection of parts and care of canisters.
7. Justification for the type of respirator selected.
8. Qualitative ( negative and positive) fit testing is conducted and practiced before daily use.
9. Demonstrations of fit testing will be provided at each training.
10. Special considerations ( medical and other) will be discussed and addressed. These include facial hair and deformities, eye glasses, temperature considerations, changes in weight etc... affecting respirator fit and performance.
Respirators should not be worn when conditions prevent a good face seal. Such conditions may be a growth of beard, sideburns, a skull cap that projects under the face piece, or temple pieces on glasses. No employees who are required to wear respirators may wear beards.( Exceptions can be made but require special respirators). Also the absence of one or both dentures can seriously affect the fit of a face piece. The worker's diligence in observing these factors will be evaluated by periodic checks. To assure proper protection, the face piece fit will be according to the manufacturer's face piece fitting instructions.
See Appendix 1 ( at end of document) for detailed selection and use criteria and see Appendix 2 ( at end of document) for detailed use and care criteria for air purifying respirators. We have such detailed instructions and specifications for all types of respirators. (The NIOSH Decision Logic Guide is Appendix 1 and is available as a decision tree diagram in the NAA RP Manual also.)
Inspection, Cleaning, Maintenance, and Storage
ARS policy is to assign individuals respirators, therefore, responsibility for these procedures falls on the individual wearer. The Location Research Leader, in cooperation with the LAO, will ensure that funds are available for maintenance equipment and supplies. Respirators will be regularly cleaned and disinfected. The location has established respirator cleaning and maintenance procedures and a place to store respirators in a clean and sanitary location. Respirators used routinely will be inspected during cleaning. Worn or deteriorated parts will be replaced. Respirators for emergency use are not to be used.
Specific procedures for inspection, cleaning, maintenance, and storage are attached and are also located in the NAA RP Policy manual. Refer to Appendix B-2 of the standard and the NAA RP Policy manual for details.
A summary of these procedures is provided here.
1. All respirators are inspected before and after each use for wear, deterioration. Special attention is given is given for rubber parts, face seal, headbands, valves, fittings and canister.
2. A tightness test must be conducted each time a user dons a respirator..
3. Canisters and cartridges are replaced to ensure maximum protection. The manufacturer guidelines are critical in this area. Always follow guidelines of use and replacement as set by manufacturer.
4. Avoid damage to canisters. Replace your cartridges and canisters whenever there is suspect concern or condition, or integrity of unit is compromised. Never wait until break through occurs, and/or breathing resistance is noticeable.
5. Maintain a log and date the cartridge/canister unit to better track replacement time
Additional technical contacts ( insert your local source Phone numbers but these listed below are operational for east coast as of 4/98).
Contact for North respirators is your local distributor safety line or Lab Safety.
Contact for Wilson Respirators is 1.800.977.9177
Contact for 3M Respirators is 1.800.243.4630
See Appendix 2 for detailed use and care criteria for air purifying respirators.
See Appendix 3 for inspection criteria for self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
Work Area Surveillance
Appropriate surveillance of work area conditions and degree of employee exposure or stress will be maintained. During safety audits and at other opportunities the persons in charge of the respirator program as named above will make inspections of areas where respirators are used to ensure compliance with the respiratory protection programs.
The surveillance of the work area will be of the following nature:
( note to editor- this section is location specific, insert those applicable to you) The CDSO and ASHM staff must conduct an assessment of the operations involving RP use to ensure that all engineering controls and methods to protect under 29 CFR 1910.1450 CHP standard exists.
Field Operations ( example # 1)
The time, temperature and available water resources are monitored and maintained for field sprayers. In addition, the strict adherence to guidelines of WPS program will protect field sprayers. Examples include; Workers spray in coolest part of day and/or take frequent breaks to drink water. Ice vests will be made available as needed. Postings and REIs's will be observed. Decontamination facilities are available for emergency.
Grinding operations, Nuisance dust ( example #2)
The grinding hood units are maintained and tested. Standard Operating Procedures, availability of PPE and the ability to take frequent breaks or stagger work will limit exposure.
Spray Booth Operations ( example #3)
Note that no individuals enter IDLH conditions nor are trained to provide such resources.
Industrial hygiene services are available and can be arranged with the assistance of the NAA ASHM Office.
Program Evaluation
There will be a regular inspection and evaluation to determine the continued effectiveness of the program. The persons in charge of the respirator program as named above will make regular inspections of all areas where respirators are used to ensure compliance with the respiratory protection programs on a periodic basis. The opportunity to evaluate the program is continuous. Evaluation is provided through the process of the safety committee forum and weekly field crew meetings ( insert any local preference here). Annual inspections are conducted to insure that respirators are maintained in sanitary and safe manner.
Items included in an evaluation:
1.Medical surveillance and respirator clearance forms are completed for each users at the location. The forms must be completed by the OHMP provider.
2. Training records are maintained, record includes signature of trainee.
3. Fit testing records must be maintained for each Respiratory protection user.
The Fit test record shall include these items.
1. Name of employee tested
2. Type of test performed ( IE QNFT or QLFT)
3. Make, model and size of unit tested)
4. Date of test
5. Results of test. This can be P/F or other recording from QNFT.
6. The Fit test records need to be maintained for the current year. For audit purposes, it is recommended that results be maintained for longer to demonstrate compliance.
4. Medical Surveillance (annually) is provided before respirator assignment to ensure fitness.
At a minimum, the tests performed include: pulmonary function test, baseline chest x-ray, EKG and the physical exams under the ARS OHMP. Additional tests and exams will be provided at the recommendation of the providing OHMP doctor.
Physical Fitness Determination for Users
Persons will not be assigned to tasks requiring use of respirators unless it has been determined that they are physically able to perform the work and use the equipment. The location uses a local provider that is an Occupational Health Specialists. This provider is subject to change depending on annual contract award. Currently the organization uses the ARS medical forms to ascertain information required to screen users. Subjects areas include work, medical and exposure history. Note that no one will wear a respirator until they have received medical clearance from a qualified physician under the OHMP program.
The physician performs pre-employment physical examinations to eliminate those physically or psychologically unfit to wear respirators.
The contracted medical provider will provide additional blood screens and tests. The provider performs periodic physical examinations to review the overall effectiveness of the respirator
program on the basis of physiological factors. This physician review is conducted on an annual basis and at time of an emergency exposure ( unplanned event).
The safety department will provide additional industrial hygiene surveys to rule out unacceptable work site conditions.
Appendix 1
A. Criteria for Selecting Respirators
To use this decision logic, the user must first assemble the necessary toxicologic, safety, and other relevant information for each contaminant, including the following:
- General use conditions, including determination of contaminant(s);
- Physical, chemical, and toxicologic properties of the contaminant(s);
- Odor threshold data; if applicable.
- NIOSH recommended exposure limit (REL), ACGIH threshold limit values (TLVs), OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) or other applicable exposure limit. (Exposure limits are usually Time Weighted Averages (TWA) unless a ceiling limit exists for the compound.)
- Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) concentration;
- Eye irritation potential; and
- Any service life information available (for cartridges and canisters).
When conflicting or inadequate data are found, experts should be consulted before decisions are made that could affect the proper use of the selection procedure. In addition, the adequacy of the respirator selected is dependent on the validity of the exposure limit used.
The information obtained on general use conditions for respirators should include a description of the actual job task, including the duration and frequency, location and physical demands. Some general use conditions may preclude the use of specific types of respirators in certain circumstances because the individual must be medically and psychologically suitable to wear a given respirator for a given task, particularly if the respirator is a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
Information obtained on the service life of the cartridge/canister under conditions of intended use should be evaluated regardless of the odor warning properties of the chemicals. These evaluations should be based on all gas(es) and vapor(s) present at the temperature and relative humidity extremes (high and low) in the workplace. Cartridge replacement schedules will be based on the type of operation and will generally be at the end of each shift of work or more often as indicated by odor break through, or high breathing resistance.
Cartridge replacement may be at more frequent intervals.
B. Restrictions and Requirements for All Respirator Usage
The following requirements and restrictions must be considered to ensure that the respirator selected will provide adequate protection under the conditions of intended use:
- Respirator users must receive annual training in basic maintenance, inspection, cleaning, and evaluation of the respirator; use of the respirator in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions; fit testing; and environmental monitoring. Minimum respiratory protection requirements can be found in the OSHA Safety and Health Standards, 29 CFR 1910.134, and in the expanded standards sections for specific contaminants. Respiratory protection information is also found in the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards and in other publications.
- Qualitative or quantitative fit tests should be provided as appropriate to ensure that the respirator fits the individual. Periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of each respirator during use in the workplace should be conducted to ensure that each wearer is being provided with adequate respiratory protection. When quantitative fit testing (QNFT) is used, the fit factor screening level should be chosen with caution and with the recognition of the uncertainty of its effectiveness since no studies have demonstrated what fit factor values provide adequate accept/reject criteria for quantitative fit screening.
- Negative pressure respirators should not be used when facial scars or deformities interfere withthe face seal.
- No respirator (including positive pressure respirators) should be used when facial hair interferes with the facial seal.
- The respirators should be properly maintained, correctly used, and conscientiously worn.
- The usage limitations of air-purifying elements, particularly gas and vapor cartridges, should not be exceeded.
- In order to select air purifying respirators the following criteria must be met in almost all situations:
- Compound must be identified and quantified.
- Compound must have adequate warning properties.
- There must be at least 19.5% oxygen present.
- The respirators must be approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (MSHA/NIOSH).
- Full face respirators are the only respirators approved for Office of Superfund personnel.
- Workers must leave the contaminated area immediately upon suspicion of respirator failure.
- In order to select air purifying respirators the following criteria must be met in almost all situations:
- Compound must be identified and quantified.
- Compound must have adequate warning properties.
- There must be at least 19.5% oxygen present.
- The respirators must be approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (MSHA/NIOSH).
- Full face respirators are the only respirators approved for Office of Superfund personnel.
- Workers must leave the contaminated area immediately upon suspicion of respirator failure.
- Workers are not exposed to single unvarying concentrations of hazardous substances. Individual exposures may vary throughout a site or facility, a work shift, and between days. The highest anticipated concentration should be used to compute the required protection factor for each respirator wearer. Respirator selection will be made based on the compound with the most toxic and/or carcinogenic property or potential.
- Respirator wearers should be aware of the variability in human response to the warning properties of hazardous substances.
- Published assigned protection factors (APFs) of various respirators are based for the most part on laboratory studies. However, a few APFs have been validated by data obtained from studies of workplace protection factors (WPFs). For the present, the APFs should be regarded as approximate as they are not based on WPFs.
C. Respirator Decision Logic Sequence
After all criteria have been identified and evaluated and after the requirements and restrictions of the respiratory protection program have been met, the following sequence of questions can be used to identify the class of respirators that should provide adequate respiratory protection:
1. Is the respirator intended for use during firefighting?
a. If yes, only a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode is recommended.
b. If no, proceed to Step 2.
2. Is the respirator intended for use in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere, i.e., less than 19.5% oxygen at sea level?
a. If yes, a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a full face piece operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode, or a supplied air respirator (SAR) with full face piece operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary SCBA in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. The auxiliary SCBA must be of sufficient duration to permit escape to safety if the air supply is interrupted.
b. If no, proceed to Step 3.
3. Is the respirator intended for use during emergency situations?
a. If yes, two types of respirators are recommended: an SCBA with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode or an SAR with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary SCBA operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Auxiliary SCBA must be of sufficient duration to permit escape to safety if the air supply is interrupted.
b. If no, proceed to Step 4.
4. Is the contaminant regulated by the Department of Labor as an occupational carcinogen or identified by NIOSH or ACGIH as a carcinogen or as a potential human carcinogen in the workplace, and is the contaminant detectable in the atmosphere?
a. If yes, the respirator selected, either supplied air, or air purifying, will depend on the properties of the contaminant: confirmed, or suspected human carcinogen, assigned numeric exposure limit, no exposure limit assignment, and the concentration of the contaminant at the work location.
(Respirator selections for carcinogenic contaminants should be referred to the Superfund Safety Officer.)
b. If no, proceed to Step 5.
5. Is the exposure concentration of the contaminant, as determined by acceptable industrial hygiene methods, less than the NIOSH REL or other applicable exposure limit?
(Whenever a worker is given a respirator to use on a voluntary basis when ambient levels are below applicable limits, OSHA requires the implementation of a complete respiratory protection program, which includes medical evaluation, training, fit testing, periodic environmental monitoring, and all other requirements in 29 CFR 1910.134.)
a. If yes, a respirator would not be required except for an escape situation. Proceed to Step 7.
(Because of the mix of compounds (in most cases, not quantified) found at hazardous waste sites, Respiratory Protection is generally required at any concentration above background.)
b. If no, proceed to Step 6.
6. Are conditions such that a worker who is required to wear a respirator can escape from the work area and not suffer loss of life or immediate or delayed irreversible health effects if the respirator fails, i.e., are the conditions not immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH)?
a. If yes, conditions are not considered to be IDLH. Proceed to Step 7.
b. If no, conditions are considered to be IDLH. Two types of respirators are recommended: an SCBA with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode or an SAR with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary SCBA operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. The auxiliary SCBA must be of sufficient duration to permit escape to safety if the air supply is interrupted.
7. Is the contaminant an eye irritant, or can the contaminant cause eye damage at the exposure concentration?
a. If yes, a respirator equipped with a full face piece, is required. Full face respirators are the only respirators approved for Office of Superfund personnel. (See restrictions and requirements above.) Proceed to Step 8.
8. If the physical state of the contaminant is a particulate (solid or liquid) during periods of respirator use, proceed to Step 9; if it is a gas or vapor, proceed to Step 10, if it is a combination of gas or vapor and particulate, proceed to Step 11.
9. A filter medium that will provide protection against exposure to the particulate in question is required. Office of Superfund personnel must wear High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters as protection against all toxic particulate matter, regardless of the REL/TLV/PEL. In some instances other filters may be approved for nuisance dusts only.
Maximum use concentration of the respirators used as protection against toxic particulate matter is based on the REL/TLV/PEL of the substance multiplied by the assigned protection factor (APF).
Some toxic substances have specific OSHA respirator selection requirements based on their concentrations.
10. Gas/Vapor Respirators
Are the warning properties for the gas/vapor contaminant adequate at or below the NIOSH REL/TLV/PEL or their applicable exposure limit?
a. If yes, proceed to Step 11.
b. If no, an air-purifying respirator equipped with an effective end-of-service-life indicator (ESLI), a supplied-air respirator, or a self-contained breathing apparatus is recommended.
11. A combination air-purifying chemical cartridge/canister and HEPA filter respirator is required that has a sorbent suitable for the chemical properties of the anticipated gas/vapor contaminant(s) and for the anticipated exposure levels.
N.B. Because of the mix of unquantified compounds generally found at hazardous waste sites, respirator selection is frequently made on gross concentration readings made with organic vapor direct reading monitoring instruments. Because the standard criteria for selecting air-purifying respirators (identifying, quantifying, and adequate warning properties) is not satisfied with the portable monitoring instruments used, very conservative (highly protective) respiratory protection is selected under these conditions. (See level of protection based on dial reading response in EPA's Standard Operating Safety Guides.)
Appendix 2
1. This device does NOT supply oxygen.
2. Use only in adequately ventilated areas containing at least 19.5 percent oxygen.
3. Do not use when concentrations of contaminants are unknown or immediately dangerous to life or health.
4. Leave area immediately if:
A. Breathing becomes difficult.
B. Dizziness or other distress occurs.
C. You taste or smell contaminant.
5. Use strictly in accordance with instructions, labels and limitations pertaining to this device.
6. This device may not provide a satisfactory face seal with certain physical characteristics (such as beards or gross sideburns) as outlined in ANSI Z88.2 1980, resulting in leakage in connection with the face piece.
7. Never alter or modify this device.
There are five inspection points, listed below, that should be checked before donning the respirator. Under no circumstances should a respirator that fails inspection be used. The respirator should be repaired or replaced.
1. Headbands:
Check to see that the headbands still have their elasticity. Inspect for cracks or tears and make sure all buckles are in place and working properly.
2. Face piece:
Check face piece for dirt, cracks, tears or holes. Inspect the shape of the face piece for possible distortion that may occur from improper storage and make sure the rubber is flexible, not stiff.
3. Inhalation and exhalation valves:
Check for cracks, tears, distortion, dirt or build-up of material between valve and valve seat.
4. Cartridge holders:
Check to make sure gaskets are in place and check for cracks and damage to threads.
5. Cartridges and/or filters:
Make sure cartridges and filters are clean. Never try to clean filter or cartridge by washing it or using compressed air. Inspect cartridges for dents, scratches or other damage particularly the metal sealing bead around the bottom.
Thread cartridges into receptacles carefully. Hand tighten to prevent damage to threads and to insure a good seal against the gaskets.
Pull out headband straps, especially the "FRONT" or forehead strap, so that their ends are at the buckles, then grip face piece between thumb and fingers. Insert chin well into the lower part of face piece and pull headbands back over head. To obtain a firm and comfortable fit against the face at all points, adjust headbands as follows:
A. See that straps lie flat against head.
B. Tighten lower or "Neck" straps.
C. Tighten the "Side" straps. (Do not touch forehead or "Front" strap.)
D. Place both hands on headband pad and push it towards the neck.
E. Repeat operations (B) and (C).
F. Tighten forehead or "FRONT" strap a few notches if necessary.
Test respirator for leakage using a positive pressure method. Lightly place palm over exhalation valve cover. Gently exhale. A slight positive pressure should build up inside the respirator. If any leakage is detected around the facial seal, readjust head harness straps and repeat test until there is no leakage. If other facial seal leakage is detected, the condition must be investigated and corrected before another test is made. A negative pressure test may also be performed on certain types of respirators. Lightly place palms over cartridges of filter holders. Gently inhale and face piece should collapse against the face.
The respirator must pass the tightness tests before the respirator is used. The respirator will not furnish protection unless all inhaled air is drawn through suitable cartridges or filters.
The following conditions are indications that the cartridges or filters have served their useful life and should be replaced.
CARTRIDGES: Odor or taste of gases or vapors; eye, nose, or throat irritation.
FILTERS: Excessive breathing resistance upon inhalation.
To replace cartridges proceed as follows:
A. Remove the expended cartridges and discard.
B. Remove the replacement cartridges from storage bags and insert into the threaded receptacles making sure gaskets are in place in cartridge holders.
C. Carefully hand tighten the cartridges to prevent damage to threads and to insure a good seal against the gaskets.
The face piece (with the cartridges removed) should be cleaned and sanitized after, every use with MSA Cleaner-Sanitizer, Part No. 34337 or other suitable cleaner/sanitizer.
1. Make a solution with the contents of one package added to water, following the instructions on the cleaner-sanitizer carton.
2. Immerse soiled equipment in the solution and scrub gently with soft brush until clean. Take care to clean the exhalation valve in the face piece and other parts that exhaled air contacts.
3. Rinse in plain warm water (about 120?F) and then air dry.
CAUTION: Cleaning and Sanitizing at the recommended 120?F, temperature will avoid possible overheating and distortion of parts of the respirator assembly, which would necessitate replacement.
This respirator must be kept in good condition to function properly. When any part shows evidence of excessive wear or failure, it should be replaced immediately with the proper part. Extra parts should be readily available. This respirator, when not in use, should be stored in a clean dry location. Do not distort rubber face piece during storage.
Follow the preceding instructions carefully. They were prepared for your protection. Do not enter into any atmosphere with this respirator unless you KNOW that:
A. Cartridges are the proper type for the contaminant or contaminants present.
B. Amount of oxygen is sufficient to support life (that is, at least 19.5 percent oxygen by volume at sea level). If oxygen concentrations sufficient to support life is questionable, use Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus only.
C. Respirator does not leak (see test for tightness).
D. Cartridges do not need replacing. Discard used or exhausted cartridges.
Following is a partial list of gaseous materials for which chemical cartridge respirators should not be used for respiratory protection regardless of concentration or time of exposure; this far-from-complete list is offered only as a guide to proper evaluations of the many contaminants found in industry. Contact MSA for further information on other specific materials.
Hydrogen sulfide
Methyl bromide
Methyl chloride
Phosphorous trichloride
Carbon monoxide
Methylene chloride
Nickel carbonyl
Sulfur chloride
Dimethyl sulfate
Nitro compounds
Toluene diisocyanate
Hydrogen cyanide
Vinyl chloride
Hydrogen fluoride
Nitrogen oxides
Hydrogen selenide
This apparatus will be used only by trained and qualified personnel. Inspections will take place monthly.
PRIOR TO BEGINNING INSPECTION: Regulator must be connected to air cylinder via high pressure hose. Check for the presence and condition of small "O" ring in high pressure hose connector.
1. Check to assure that high pressure hose connector is tight on cylinder fitting.
2. Bypass valve closed.
3. Mainline valve closed.
4. No cover or obstruction on regulator outlet.
1. Visually inspect for complete set.
2. Visually inspect for frayed or damaged straps that may break during use.
1. Visually inspect for mating ends.
2. Check locking function.
1. Visually inspect backplate for cracks and for missing rivets or screws.
2. Visually inspect cylinder hold down strap and physically check strap tightener and lock to assure
that it is fully engaged.
1. Physically check cylinder to assure that it is tightly fastened to backplate.
(M) 2. Check Hydrostatic Test Date to assure it is current. (Hydrostatic test dates are located on neck of air cylinders near cyl. valve. Composite fiber-glass wrapped cylinders must be tested every three years.)
(M) 3. Visually inspect cylinder for large dents or gouges.
(M) 1. Visually inspect cylinder valve. (NIOSH no longer requires locks on cylinder valves: Some old cylinder valves may still have latches.)
(M) 2. Visually inspect cylinder gauge for condition of face, needle, and lens.
3. Open cylinder valve and listen or feel for leakage around packing. (If leakage is noted, do not use until repaired.)
1. Listen or feel for leakage in hose or at hose to cylinder connector. (Bubble in outer hose covering may be caused by seepage of air through hose when stored under pressure. This does not necessarily mean a faulty hose.)
1. Cover outlet of regulator with palm of hand. Open mainline valve and read regulator gauge. (Must read at least 1800 PSI and not more than rated cylinder pressure.)
2. Close cylinder valve and slowly move hand from regulator outlet to allow slow flow of air. Gauge should begin to show immediate loss of pressure as air flows. Low pressure alarm should sound between 650 and 550 PSI. Remove hand completely from outlet and close mainline valve.
3. Place mouth onto or over regulator outlet and blow. A positive pressure should be created and maintained for 5-10 seconds without any loss of air. Next suck a slight negative on regulator and hold for 5-10 seconds. Vacuum should remain constant. This tests the integrity of the diaphragm.
Any loss of pressure or vacuum during this test indicates a leak in the apparatus.
4. Open cylinder valve.
5. Place hand over regulator outlet and open mainline valve. Remove hand from outlet and replace in rapid movement. Repeat twice. Air should escape when hand is removed each time, indicating a positive pressure in chamber. Close mainline valve and remove hand from outlet.
6. Ascertain that no obstruction is in or over the regulator outlet. Open and close bypass valve momentarily to assure flow of air through bypass system.
1. Visually inspect head harness for damaged serrations and deteriorated rubber. Visually inspect rubber face piece body for signs of deterioration or extreme distortion.
2. Visually inspect lens for proper seal in rubber face piece, retaining clamp properly in place, and cracks or large scratches.
3. Visually inspect exhalation valve for visible deterioration or (build-up of) foreign materials.
1. Stretch breathing tube and visually inspect for deterioration and holes.
2. Visually inspect connector to assure good condition of threads and for presence and proper condition of "O" ring rubber gasket seal.
Note: Final test of face piece would involve a negative pressure test for overall seal and check of exhalation valve. If doing monthly inspection, mask may now be placed against face and following tests performed. If preparing for use, don backpack, then don face piece and use following procedure.
1. With face piece held tightly to face or face piece properly donned, stretch breathing tube to open corrugations and place thumb or hand over end of connector. Inhale. Negative pressure should be created inside mask, causing it to pull tightly to face. If negative pressure leaks down, the face piece assembly is not adequate and should not be worn.
1. Cylinder refilled as necessary and unit cleaned and inspected.
2. Cylinder valve closed.
3. High pressure hose connector tight on cylinder.
4. Pressure bled off of high pressure hose and regulator.
5. Bypass valve closed.
6. Mainline valve closed.
7. All straps completely loosened and laid straight.
8. Face piece properly stored to protect against dust, sunlight, heat, extreme cold, excessive moisture, and damaging chemicals.
ITEMS MARKED (M) would be done only on monthly inspection.
NOTE: Any discrepancy found should be cause to set unit aside until repair can be done by certified repairperson.