State Pesticide Applicator Recordkeeping Requirements |
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North Atlantic Area State Pesticide Applicator Record Keeping Requirements
State | Requirement for All Restricted Use & General Use Pesticide Applications to be Documented | Pesticide Record Keeping Required Information | Minimum Retainment Period for Maintenance of PesticideApplication Records | Requirement For Submitting Annual Summary Reports To State? |
DE | Yes | pesticide brand name, EPA registration number for Restricted Use Pesticides, dilution rate of pesticide and amount of diluted material applied per unit, date and specific area treated, pest against which the pesticide was used, applicator's name, and when applicable, the name of the certified applicator responsible for his supervision, on-site weather conditions (wind velocity and direction, temperature, relative humidity) | 2 Years | No |
ME | Yes | location of application, crop or site treated, target pest description of the extent of the application, date and time of application, pesticide-specific information (brand name, EPA registration number, active ingredients, restricted entry interval(s), permissible air concentration (where applicable), method of application, applicator's name and certification number, application rate, describe weather conditions for outdoor applications | 2 Years | Yes, at the time of license renewal |
MD | Yes | name of applicator or consultant, date of application, recommendation, or pest identification, target pest, square footage, cubic footage, or numbers of plants treated, address of treated property, name of owner of property, common name and EPA registration number, rate and concentration of pesticides used, total amount of pesticide used, type of equipment used, time of day of application, and estimated velocity of wind for outdoor applications | 2 Years | No |
NY | Yes | the kind and quantity of each pesticide used; dosage rates; methods of application; target organisms; and the use, date and place of application for each pesticide used | 3 Years | Yes, January 15th of the following year |
PA | Yes | date of application, hour of application completion for those pesticides specifying a reentry period, name and address of the application site, pesticide brand name, EPA registration number, formulation, amount, and dosage of each pesticide used size and identification of the area treated, names and certification numbers of all persons involved with the application | 3 Years | No |
WV | Yes | date of application, place of application, pesticide brand name, EPA registration number, formulation, the dilution rate and quantity of pesticide used, pest against which the pesticide was used | 2 Years | No |