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Success Stories
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Karnal Bunt of Wheat
Saving the $6 billion U.S. Wheat Export Market
Daylily Rust
Saving one of the most valuable U.S. horticultural crops
Beneficial Fungi
Finding safe biocontrol agents to protect crops from pests and pathogens (in ARS Magazine)
Dogwood Anthracnose
Saving American dogwood trees
Coin Canker of Ash
Identifying a new disease
The Wheat Seed Gall Nematode
Saving Wheat Exports to Brazil
The Brown Citris Aphid
Preventing Infestation of the Florida Citris Crop
The Papaya Mealybug
Finding a natural enemy to protect a wide range of agriculturally important plants
Creating a diagnostic test for a world-wide food-borne disease
Stomach Worms
Rapid diagnosis of livestock pathogens responsible for losses of $2 billion annually in the US
Finding new species and new genotypes to detect sources of infection and reduce infections in humans and livestock
Understanding an organism that causes significant losses to animal production
Sarcocystis Neurona Parasite
Identifying the host of a severe neurological disease to reduce exposure of horses to equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM)