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Stuart Krasnoff |
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Stuart B. Krasnoff Entomologist
Ph.D. , Entomology Cornell University
Research Objectives
We study the chemistry and biology of secondary metabolites of fungi, bacteria, and plants with special emphasis on the biological role of toxins of entomopathogenic fungi.
Selected Publications
Krasnoff, S. B.; Keresztes, I.; Donzelli, B. G.; Gibson, D. M., Metachelins, Mannosylated and N-Oxidized Coprogen-Type Siderophores from Metarhizium robertsii. Journal of Natural Products 2014.
Englich, U.; Krasnoff, S. B., Metacridamide B methanol-d4 monosolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E 2013, 2013.
Krasnoff, S. B.; Englich, U.; Miller, P. G.; Shuler, M. L.; Glahn, R. P.; Donzelli, B. G. G.; Gibson, D. M., Metacridamides A and B, Macrocycles from Conidia of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium acridum. Journal of Natural Products 2012, 75, 175-180.
Donzelli, B. G. G.; Krasnoff, S. B.; Sun-Moon, Y.; Churchill, A. C. L.; Gibson, D. M., Genetic basis of destruxin production in the entomopathogen Metarhizium robertsii. Current Genetics 2012, 58, (2), 105-116.
Molnr, I.; Gibson, D.; Krasnoff, S., Secondary metabolites from entomopathogenic Hypocrealean fungi. Natural Product Reports 2010, 27, (9), 1241.
Donzelli, B. G. G.; Krasnoff, S. B.; Churchill, A. C. L.; Vandenberg, J. D.; Gibson, D. M., Identification of a hybrid PKS-NRPS required for the biosynthesis of NG-391 in Metarhizium robertsii. Current Genetics 2010, 56, 156-162.
Moon, Y.; Donzelli, B.; Krasnoff, S.; McLane, H.; Griggs, M.; Cooke, P.; Vandenberg, J.; Gibson, D.; Churchill, A., Agrobacterium-mediated disruption of a nonribosomal peptide synthetase gene in the invertebrate pathogen Metarhizium anisopliae reveals a peptide spore factor. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2008, 74, (14), 4366.
Krasnoff, S. B.; Keresztes, I.; Gillilan, R. E.; Szebenyi, D. M. E.; Donzelli, B. G. G.; Churchill, A. C. L.; Gibson, D. M., Serinocyclins A and B, cyclic heptapeptides from Metarhizium anisopliae. Journal of Natural Products 2007, 70, (12), 1919-1924.
Krasnoff, S. B.; Sommers, C. H.; Moon, Y.-S.; Donzelli, B. G. G.; Vandenberg, J. D.; Churchill, A. C. L.; Gibson, D. M., Production of mutagenic metabolites by Metarhizium anisopliae. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2006, 54, (19), 7083-7088.
Krasnoff, S. B.; Gibson, D. M.; Retegui, R. F.; Wagenaar, M. M.; Gloer, J. B., Cicadapeptins I and II: New Aib-containing peptides from the entomopathogenic fungus Cordyceps heteropoda. Journal of Natural Products 2005, 68, (1), 50-55.