Xiaohong Wang |
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![]() | Xiaohong Wang
Year | Degree | Institution |
Research Molecular Biologist: Courtesy Assistant Professor: Visiting Assistant Professor: Research Analyst: Research Associate: Research Associate: | USDA-ARS, BioIPM Research Unit, Ithaca, 2006-present Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, 2006-present Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, 2004-2006 Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 2000-2004 Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 1996-2000 Department of Plant Pathology, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1995-1996 |
Member of the Graduate Field in Plant Pathology,
Ad hoc reviewer for European Journal of Plant Pathology and Plant Disease.
Ad hoc reviewer for NSF and BBSRC grant programs.
Research (100%): Molecular basis of plant-nematode interactions and host resistance to potato cyst nematodes.
My research program focuses on understanding the molecular basis of plant-nematode interactions with a specific emphasis on the interactions between potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida) and potato. Potato cyst nematodes are quarantined pests and G. pallida has become an emerging pest in the United States. These nematodes are sedentary endoparasitic nematodes and have developed an advanced parasitic relationship within host plants by transforming selected root cells into elaborate feeding structures (called syncytia) that support the development and reproduction of the parasite. Nematode gland secretory proteins are encoded by parasitism genes and are secreted through the nematode's stylet into host roots to directly or indirectly modulate plant parasitism. We are using molecular biology and genomics approaches to perform functional analyses of nematode parasitism gene products to discover their role in plant parasitism. The goal of the research is to understand the fundamental biology of potato cyst nematodes and potato interactions such that new control strategies would be developed. Using host resistance is the most effective and environmentally-sound means to control these pests. We are also collaborating with a variety of potato breeding programs particularly with the Cornell University Potato Breeding Program (Dr. Walter De Jong, Department of Plant breeding and Genetics) to develop new nematode resistant potato varieties. Lastly, my program provides scientific and technical expertise to support the USDA-APHIS golden nematode (G. rosotchiensis) quarantine program in the state of New York and the G. pallida eradication program in the state of Idaho.
Selected Publications
Mitchum, M.G., X. Wang, and E.L. Davis (2008) Diverse and conserved roles of CLE peptides. Current Opinion in Plant Biology (accepted).
Sukno, S.A., J. McCuiston, M.-Y. Wong, X. Wang, M.R. Thon, R. Hussey, T. Baum, and E. Davis (2007) Quantitative detection of double-Stranded RNA-mediated gene silencing of parasitism genes in Heterodera glycines. Journal of Nematology 39:145-152.
Wang, X., A. Replogle, E.L. Davis, and M.G. Mitchum (2007) The tobacco Cel7 gene promoter is auxin-responsive and locally induced in nematode feeding sites of heterologous plants. Molecular Plant Pathology 8:423-436.
Wang, X., M.G. Mitchum, B. Gao, C. Li, H. Diab, T.J. Baum, R.S. Hussey, and E.L. Davis (2005) A parasitism gene from a plant-parasitic nematode with function similar to CLAVATA3/ESR (CLE) of Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant Pathology 6:187-191.
Mitchum, M.G., S. Sukno, X. Wang, Z. Shani, G. Tsabary, O. Shoseyov, and E.L. Davis (2004) The promoter of the Arabidopsis thaliana Cel1 endo-?-1,4-glucanase gene is differentially expressed in feeding sites induced by root-knot and cyst nematodes. Molecular Plant Pathology 5:175-181.
De Boer, J.M., J.P. McDermott, X. Wang, T. Maier, F. Qui, R.S. Hussey, E.L. Davis, and T.J. Baum (2002) The use of DNA microarrays for the developmental expression analysis of cDNAs from oesophageal gland cell region of Heterodera glycines. Molecular Plant Pathology 3:261-270.
Goellner, M., X. Wang, and E.L. Davis (2001) Endo-?-1,4-glucanase expression in compatible plant-nematode interactions. The Plant Cell 13:2241-2255.
Wang, X., R. Allen, X. Ding, M. Goellner, T. Maier, J.M. de Boer, T.J. Baum, R.S. Hussey, and E.L. Davis (2001) Signal peptide-selection of cDNA cloned directly from the esophageal gland cells of the soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 14:536-544.
de Boer, J.M., Y. Yan, X. Wang, G. Smant, R.S. Hussey, E.L. Davis, and T.J. Baum (1999) Developmental expression of secretory ?-1,4-endoglucanases in the subventral esophageal glands of Heterodera glycines. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 12:663-669.
Wang, X., D. Meyers, Y. Yan, T. Baum, G. Smant, R. Hussey, E. Davis. (1999) In planta localization of a beta-1,4-endoglucanse secreted by Heterodera glycines. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 12:64-67.
Smart G., J.P., W.G. Stokkermans, Y. Yan, J.M. de Boer, T. Baum, X. Wang, R.S. Hussey, F.J. Gommers, B. Henrissat, E.L. Davis, J. Helder, A. Schots, and J. Bakker (1998) Endogenous cellulases in animals: isolation of ?-1,4-endoglucanase genes from two species of plant-parasitic cyst nematodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95:4906-4911.