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Anthony Buda
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Photo of Anthony R. Buda

Anthony R. Buda

Research Hydrologist
USDA-ARS-Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit
532 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814)865-6623
Fax: (814)863-0935


Research Interests:

Dr. Buda is a Hydrologist for the Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit. He serves as a team member on the project " Management and Conservation Practices to Improve Water Quality in Agroecosystems of the Northeastern Us ". His research focuses on hydrological and water quality studies at plot, field, and watershed scales to determine the effects of agricultural management, landscape factors, and soil characteristics on the fate and transport of nutrients, sediments, and emerging contaminants in runoff. Current research activities include:

••         Determining the role of variable source area hydrology in controlling nutrient losses in overland and subsurface flow

••         Developing short-term decision support tools for nutrient management using hydrologic simulation models and weather forecasting data

••         Using tracers (stable isotopes, rare earth elements, inorganic chemicals) to track nutrients and sediments in runoff waters

••         Testing the ability of phosphorus sorbing materials (PSMs) to remove phosphorus from agricultural drainage waters

••         Assessing long-term trends in water quantity and quality in response to changes in agricultural management

Professional Experience:

2009-present: Research Hydrologist, USDA-ARS-Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit, University Park, PA

2007-2009: Postdoctoral Fellow, USDA-ARS / Canaan Valley Institute, University Park, PA

2003-2007: Graduate Research Assistant, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

2001-2003: Environmental Scientist, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, Rockville, MD

1998-2001: Graduate Research Assistant, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA


Penn State University: Ph.D. in Forest Hydrology - 2007

Penn State University: M.S. in Forest Resources with an Option in Watershed Stewardship - 2000

Susquehanna University: B.S. in Environmental Science - 1998