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Office of Communications
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The mission of the ARS Office of Communications is to inform the Nation of the nature and progress of ARS research through a coordinated, multi-media approach. The Staff creates and disseminates materials to both the mass media and diverse user groups representing consumers, farmers, industry, government, scientists, and educators. The Staff responds promptly and effectively to changing demands for information, so as to inform Congress and taxpayers of the benefits derived from Agency research and speed the flow of new technology to the public and private sectors.


ARS Office of Communications


ARS Office of Communications informs the Nation of the nature and progress of ARS research through a coordinated, multi-media approach. The Staff creates and disseminates materials to both the mass media and diverse user groups representing consumers, farmers, industry, government, scientists, and educators. The Staff responds promptly and effectively to changing demands for information aimed at informing its customers and stakeholders about the benefits and impact of ARS research to the public.


Office of Communications Branches

External Communications


ARS External Communications Branch is responsible for supporting ARS’s role and mission by sharing ARS’s stories with the public using a variety of communications strategies and tactics. The Branch is responsible for engaging with customers on social media platforms; planning, developing and sharing a variety of communications products aimed at external target audiences; managing Tellus—ARS’s communications platform; developing content for the ARS Web site; developing visual and digital content to create awareness about ARS scientists and their work; managing digital distribution tools; and tracking and analyzing data for all digital products.

Home Page: Tellus

Social Media 

As the leading internal research organization for USDA, the Agricultural Research Service disseminates information on its scientific research results to the public in a variety of ways. The following are resources we use to help spread the word and share information with the public.

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Media Relations


ARS Media Relations Branch is responsible for amplifying ARS’s mission, research efforts, and success stories to the media through constructive interactions with agency experts and consistent relationship building with print, broadcast and online media. ARS Public Affairs Specialists write and distribute news and information for newspapers, magazines, and other media groups; respond to requests for information from the media; and advise ARS scientists on media-related and public information activities.

Home Page: ARS News & Events, email:


Visual Information


The Visual Information Branch is responsible for amplifying ARS’s mission and supporting its scientific research efforts by creating high quality visual and digital content for various communications products. The Team manages the ARS Image Gallery.  

Home Page: ARS Image Gallery


Internal Communications


ARS Internal Communications Branch is responsible for amplifying the role, missions, and successes of ARS to its current and alumni workforce though the delivery of information via internal communication platforms.