ARS Memorial Lectureship Series
Episode 1: Apple Breeding and the Rise of Honeycrisp
The Agricultural Research Service's Memorial Lectureships recognize scientists who have made outstanding contributions to agriculture.
The B.Y. Morrison Lecture was established in 1968 by ARS to honor the memory of Benjamin Y. Morrison (1891-1966) and to recognize scientists who have made outstanding contributions to ornamental horticulture and other environmental sciences, to encourage the wide application of these sciences, and to stress the urgency of preserving and enhancing natural beauty.
The 2023 B.Y. Morrison Memorial Lecturer recipient, James Luby is a Professor in the Department of Horticultural Science at the University of Minnesota where he has directed research in fruit crops breeding and genetics since 1982. The emphasis of his program is to develop new varieties that combine a satisfying eating experience for the consumer with cold hardiness and disease resistance. His research aims to determine the inheritance of important fruit and tree traits and identify important genetic loci and DNA markers for use in DNA-informed breeding.
Watch this interview to learn more about Dr. Luby's apple breeding research.